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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
phewwww...it's actually quite tiring to have to change ur blog skin for TWO times in just one day to actually satisfy a few people..to baru just a few..if it's everyone..i think i would have died..hahaha..okay..suddenly feels like talking about the history of my blog's skin..haha..first one i used was all in one page..no navigator involved..then sumone said,use la sumting with navigator..or make the BG to be fix as a BG..ya know..frenster kinda style..hahaha..then i changed to a new one..sumone said,oit..ur skins have vodoo dolls up there dude..i was like..wtf??vodoo??ade ke?adeyh..so i found this one..similar to the "vodoo" one..but the coding was hmm...bengongsss..huhu..so i decided not to use it..navigator button pun sume tak nampak..nengongss..again i was in search of sumting new..i found this one..with butterflies..orange in colour..first look at it..i falled in love..it was love at first sight..used it..then i realize..so many people actually hate it..but I LOVE IT...i was actually torn to hear that too many people hating it due to the colour striking,hard to read,bla bla bla..wuteva..i dun want to care anymore..the skin is gone anyway..so i tried finding a new one..found one..it was hot pink with black..kinda nice..not really loving it..but it was okay i guess..the colour is like..hmm..it's easy to read..that's it i guess..it has navigator..n it doesn't have those vodoo dolls anywhere in it..so i decided to use it..it was harder actually to edit those part where i needed to edit..coz it was like..hmmm...different lines,different colours..switches between white n pink(a lil lite pink..)..so bersusah payah laaaa ako neyh edit..can't copy n paste my about me anyway..ceyt..had to re-write..then what's with the instupido connection..haih..banyak halangan tu...after finishing it,i checked the preview..wallla...luvly..well..not really actually..it was fine..nice..but not loving it..hahaha..so was prepared to alter my blog...the guess what..after republishing my blog..hmm..then it strikes..ceyt..stupid coding..lari plak die..preview ok laks..mengongss..tulisan leh lari dari kotak..bengongss..takpe..syuhada sabar je..luckily i set my stealth setting to invi to everyone..so noone to bother me using ym..yeahhh...kalo tak..budak tu for sure da sakit mata kene marah..i was in serious bad mood..huhu...then looked for another skins..the priority was given to:
1)easy to read fonts n colours 2)has navigator button 3)no vodoos..hahaha i was trying my best to satisfy everyone..i dunno if i did..if i dun..i guess..i dun wanna give a shit anymore bout the whole skin thing..i decide what i want in my blog right?or it should be sumone else?is that the way life should be?my blog is part of my life..so does it mean my life should be controlled by others the way my blog are?hmm..if that's the case..i dun think there's much reason for me to be in this world..just to be ruled?no freedom AT ALL??hmmm..life is life i guess..can't go against it aite?hehe.. so..i decided to use this skin..made my littlegreenman..he rawks..man..i hate littleredman..green shouldn't have quited because of red..red's just plain stupid..trying to control green..biarlah na wat skin aner pun..i like his skins the way others does..only red feels different..eleh..jeles la tu..he doesn't even do any skin..hahahah... well..i just hope noone(I MEAN NOONE)would have anything against this skin..serious shit..i can't change skins anymore..it's too tiring to change TWO skins in one day..huh..anyway..maybe..the only person against the skin would be me myself..i'm not in love with it..so not in love with it..i dunno..it's just too..hmm..not me..it's a combination of sumone else..it's like..it's like it's not my blog anymore..but others..hmmm..i may have the control over this blog..but yet..actually i dun..i can write anything i want here..but then again..it's like it's not mine anymore..i'm losing my blog..not coz i wanna close it or the admin of blogspot wanna close it or sumting...but losing it without losing it..deep in my heart..i'm actually hurt.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 5:06 PM