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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
3.26 am..ngaaaaa...i just finished the fourth disk of cardcaptor sakura..17 more to go..huu..banyak tu..nevermind..take time to get into the anime..weee..i love shaoran..someone think it crazy to fall in love with an anime character..but i can't help it..shaoran,touya n yukito are too cute n cool..huhu..if only there are people like them in this world..hurm..dunia akan menjadi lebih indah..hihi..but 17 more..that's a lot..aiyark..gonna be tired laaa watching anime..huhu..i should be sleeping right now though..but..ehhehe..takpela jelly..i'll keep u company for a lil while longer kay..kawan baik kene back each other up..heheh..besides..it's really nice to have sumone to talk to..about my past..my previous crushes..my best fren during primary school whom i'm missing more n more lately..hurm..wonder why..anyway..past is past..past what makes who i am today..but i can never change what i did last time..i will never regret anything that i had done before..like rejecting sumone who liked me dearly..hahahah...it's a way of life..it teach us to be more carefull or our decision the next time we encounter the same situation..huhu..anyway..talking about those good ol days with jelly surely makes me feel all fresh..no more sleepy eyes..i can't even hear my bed calling anymore..hahaha..thanks dude..u saved me..ahaks..i said that coz..i've been sleeping a lot lately..hahaha..nasi lemak's curse..gosh..i wonder why lately..i've been eating a lot of nasi lemak..free ones pulak tu..some sort of like..hurm..nasi lemak curse..hahahah..okeyh2..what did i do today..hurm..first it was the ytm meeting thing..mr rahimi really does gave me some sort of semangat for me to carry on with y studies..not just him..mr zam n dr fazley too..n my mom as well..i met up with her..plus my dad..we went for dinner at kedai arrr..dunnow what's the name..hahaha..but they have niceeee kerang bakar..it's so nice to eat kerang bakar when i'm only with my parents without my other sibling..coz ayah bukakkan kerang..mom to..then put them into my plate..ask me to eat and all..huu..cam anak manja..so syiok..hehe..akak yang tgk pun nyampah kot..but hell..they are my parents..they have every right in this world to treat me like that.eheh..n when i told my dad where we are going to go for binding group..he said ok..i was expecting a NO from him..but he offered to bring some extra stuffs for me later..thanks dad..u r simply superb n da best among da best..luv ya more than anything.. =)as for my mom..she's always on my side..banyak sekali nasihat yang diberi..all r in my mind right now..safely kept for me..n keep rewinding it so i can always remind myself not to make my mom sad about me..i can't live without her..my love for her is above every single person in this world..no one can take my love for her away from me..not even my bestest fren,or even bf..hehe..hurm..remembering my mom..n wut she had gone thru..i really respect her n her courage..I can never be as courages as she is..i may had break down when certain things happened..but she's a tough woman..i luv her for that..thanks mom..u'r certainly my idol =)waiting for tomorrow nite where i can see both my heros again..till then..chow~~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:29 AM