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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
hurm..sumone told me..if u'r having a crush sumone..just tell them that u do..but then..is it true really?if u have so much of courage to say it..won't it be like..u know..it's not really a crush..just admiration..this is like base on my experience..i can't just tell sumone i have a crush on that i like him..it takes a great deal of courage to tell..though i did it twice...lol..i still think that..that feeling i had..that made me have those courage to do so was becoz it wasn't a crush..it was just admiration..hurm..wuteva..doesn't really bother me though..coz i have no crushes wutsoeva right now..just my love lor..muaahahaha..
aiyar..missing sumone so much right now..takde kredit dah =(..no ym's from him either..nothing..have u forgotten about me?hopefully not..hurm.. no mood to do anything already..just wanna climb to my bed..close my eyes..n try to get sum sleep..this stupido headache still bothering me..haih..dun wanna be sick for the next few years..i really need all my health n energy for my studies n other stuffs.. sleep..my destination right now.. anyway..i get wut u'r trying to say bout the song..time ngantuk2 ni gak leh paham..ahaks..neway..i just wanna say thanks..=) i dunno if wut i understand right now is wut u meant to say..but no matter what..thanks..a lot..especially for being a really great fren to me..whenever i needed sumone to be close to me..especially at 4 am in the morning..hahahha..u'r always there for me..thanks a lot..n oh yeah..remember ur promised to never leave me kay?kalo tak...u'r gonna get some good bashing from me..hehe..frens are forever alrite =) hurm..sleep..i wanna dream of shaoran =) n sumone who seems to be distancing from me..but always close to my heart..=)come into my dream n make me happy eks..missing u too much already..=( sleep..aiya..how many time already says wanna sleep..hoho..alrite people.. oyasuminasai..itterashai!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:06 AM