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# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

it's 12 pm...ika na tido...she just finished her exam ay 11 am just now..haha..kesian die..kol 2.30 am baru balik from studying with zami..hehehe...neway..i myself feel like sleeping right now..padahal tido awal tu...1 sumting dah tido..but hey..i woke up early for class..*huarghhhh*tapi kesian ika..zaza tgh buli..tanak kasi die tido..haha..kanak2..me tanak campur...heheh..anyway..bout class today..hurm...engineering maths 1..*yawn*yawn*agak mosan laa..i yawned a few times during class..our lecturer is the Dean himself..Dr Lim Tuck Meng..first thing he said to us was..."This is not secondary school anymore..so don't call me sir..address ur lecturer accordingly.."in my own words.."call me Dr Lim..thank u very much.."huhu..if we're late more than 30 minutes..we have to go for a replacement class..ngaaaa..it's like..late 30 minutes for exam then u have to go for supplementary..huhu..pening tol..thank god e.maths has no lab..kalo tak...pengsan ako...huhu...but anyway..he's good though..i mean..he's the dean..he HAS to be good..i can understand wuteva he was talking about just now..n i hope i can understand wuteva he will teach later..coz e.maths is like calculus..n we have to go through 4 e.maths..mechanical students only have e.maths 1 & 2..bio-instrumentation only have to take e.maths 1,2 n 3..I have to take 4..huhu..doa banyak2..wat latihan banyak2...insyaallah buleh..tol tak?kan?hehe..neway..that's the only class we have today..8 to 10..by right sepatutnye ade 11 am tutorial..tapi first week..no class lor..hehehe..next week on of the class will be canceled..we finished the topic so...no third hour..cool hah?mr alan the best..haha..

posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:11 PM
