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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
it's 2 am..hurm..my life should start as the day had start..but i guess..since belum tido..so..kejap lagi today's activity will be over..na tido..heheh..lewat lagi tido..sumone sure marah skang ni if that sumone knows that i'm not sleeping yet..hehe..but he can watch football at 3 am..why can't i study until 2?betul tak?huhu.neway..just wanna apologize to that sumone..hehe..rase bersalah menerpa diri secara tiba2..erk..tahap sastera meningkat..ahahah..hurm..today..what have i gone through..class 3 hours..straight..at the coldest class ever in MMU..ngaaa..luckily..yesterday(22 jun)went home..amik sweater mak..hihi..otherwise..i would have been homosapiens beku..hahah..today's class is very cool..i mean..not the class..but the errr learning..our dean..Dr.Lim(i think..haha)he teach us..my goodness..damn fast..cam fast n furious je..he talk n talk n talk n talk..he seems like he doesn't care if we really understand wuteva he's talking about..luckily mende kecik..so i guess everyone should understand..i GUESS..huhu..neway..the way he talk..hurm..it's like..not giving us any chance to raise up our hand and ask sumting..maybe he's expecting us to see him during consultation hours..sayangnye ako bukanlah budak sebaik tu..huhu..then..Dr Chien..he..aiya..sooo cute la..he seriously reminds me of my good ol teacher..Mr Huan..goofy n funny n seem to be soo..disorganise..n yet..he's good at teaching..at least for me though..coz i can understand what he's talking bout..n have fun..it's a very rare occasion to have fun during computer class..especially during the introduction of computer..oh the history..ada lovelace..wuteva their names..i n had fun learning history..me?ajaib sungguh..hahahah..hurm..the rest of the day went just fine..
nite; AGM SCC..hurm..it went smoothly..hehe..tak penah ade AGM as smooth as this one..compare to what i had gone thru during skool years ar..pengawas nye AGM sangat lama..hahaha..neway..shafiq got appointed as the new pres..CONGRATS!!~~syia pun ade post..ahahaha..sgt best.always thought that the post really suit her..hehehe..dila pun dpt..waaahhh..sangat best lah..kak sha kene jaga OR..hahahah..neway..lepas tu balik hostel.then waited for zaza n ika to fetch me..then pi ixora..wahaha..it's so nice when sumone fetch u to go sumwhere..hehehe..like some sort of king's err princess...princess reminds me of pink..*scream!!!*huhu..ngaa..da merepek banyak dah neyh..stop2.. ok2..already have plan for tomorrow..i mean..today..11 am..hehe..c ya eks dila n syia =)..then can resume with my tutorial..aiyark..how come i feel soooo hardworking eks?huhu..tibe2 je..sumber inspirasi = alia..thanks my sweet rumet.everytime i see u filing ur notes..i got this semangat to study n do my tutorial..thanks again..huhu..aiyark..sleepy sgt2 sekarang..chow~~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:58 AM