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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
another year of my life has gone by..huhu..sungguh tak sangka..ku ini sudah tua..hahahaaha...actually i'm quite hating this old feel..ya know..when u'r getting older..sebenarnye bukan umur bertambah..but semakin kurang usia yang dah kite janji dengan Allah..semakin dekat aku ni dengan kematian..dah sediakah aku?tentu2 tak je la jawapan..terlalu banyak dosa aku neyh..hmmm..aiyark..nakmo sedeyh during bday..hohoho...
ok..still remember last time..14th July 2005..the first time i didn't celebrate my bday with my family..sambut belated je la same2..huhu..but i sort of like celebrated it with a new family..with syahmi,amir,badruz,fariza,n afiqah..amir had since then become officially my abg..coz name ayah yang sama..muakakaka..n fariza n afiqah had since become my very best fren..syahmi cam bese..my adik forever n ever..ehehe..n badruz..budak yang sgt suke aku buli..pun forever n ever..ahaha... n now..guess what..i'm all alone in this room..ahahahahaha..yesterday my mak ngah a.k.a lalink called..she used the loud speaker..n i heard yusaizi,hairie,my uncle amrie,n faizal sang for me..the allah selamatkan kamu..as always..the song seems to never going to end..ahahah..allah selamatkan kamu je..ntah bile na sebut allah selamatkan syuhada,i myself dun know..ahahaha..ntah papo jo laaa honey bunny ako kat umah tu sume.. then it was time for oyen!ahhaha..oyen da balik menemaniku yang kesunyian dan kebosanan ini..ahahahaha..talked about a few things with him kol 7 lebey tadi..hahaha..still remember what i said..hopefully it won't change the trust n frenship we have between us..lalalalala~~~ ok2..what had i done through this one whole year..nothing quite actually..ahahaha..ok fine..i become the head of traditional game for college festive..it was fun actually working under fahmi (the head xtvt)..n it was the time when aku panjat main hall nye tempat tu..utk gantung polisterine kat atas tu as penghias stage..SANGAT2 gayat..ahahaha...nasib baik tak sorang2..up there..u feel the tendency to just jump off the place..n die of course..ahahahaha..but college festive had given me so much of fun..=) then i had officially become sumone's gf for the first time..hahaha..cerita yang sangat sengal..so tanak story kat sini..i dunno what's gonna happen now..so..end of story. =D then..wut else..i lost a few frens..not totally lost in a sense they died or sumting..ahaha..just..we're not frens anymore..i miss the one i had consider my besfren since alpha year..hmmm..i do miss u..ur laughter..u "blur2" face n all..i know sumone's is having that joy looking at u..not me..but as long as u'r happy..i know i'll be happy too =)..n also sum whom i lost due to a broken trust..lalala~~not gonna talk bout this one either..ekekekeke..sgt tak seronok..when i'm another 4 eyars older maybe i'll remember n just laugh bout this thing..not now..lalala~~ n i gain more frens than expected..cewah..casper,sai,zie,mantoya n beberapa budak2 sengal..hahahaha..them i knew through immir.net n kgchat..sangat sayang mereka..first time kawan2 aku,aku trase mereka nengong..ahahahaha.. n i gained new family =) my belove scc..sayang scc sangat2..hopefully dah tua ni,i can contribute more laa towards scc..sangat2 berharap...huhuhuhu... i had ran,walk,stand tall,falled n rise again this year..with the help of frens,n family..hopefully it will continue for the rest of my life..=) haaa..na sambung tido..calling2 gtalk with oyen sgt meletihkan..but i still love u so much..ehehehe..haaa budak..copyrighted nengong alrite..this oyen eh..menci tol..every word i said to him,he'll use it in front of others,then it become HIS WORDS pulak..uwaaaa..tak aci tau tak?huh oyen..nasib baik kau antara org kesayangan aku..kalo tak..da kene blasah..ahahahaha..but neway..luv ya alrite =)..satu2 nya manusia yang ade bersama aku mase umur 18 sampai 19...transition period bersama-sama oyen..akakakakakaka..nengong..huhu.. till then..take care n ja neh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:37 AM