About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

today is sumone's bday..hehe..fahmi..ko da tua!!!!hahaha..sangat seronok..ade org da same2 tua ngan ako..ekekeke..besh2..sangat best..anyway..semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki eks..moga ko same2 ngan ako muda slalu =P..n same2 berjaya dunia akhirat..all the best on ur dj-ing kay..luv ya dude =)

hmm..tomorrow i will have another event.undet stad but co organise by scc..hmmm..cam best je..Palestin:The real Situation.huhu..sangat teruja utk handle..anyway..first time handling food..hopefully everything will be ok..takut neyh..huhu..so..the ones who will be helping me would be yee chian n kelvin..cam best je..ehehe..

nothing much happen today..just that..woke up 2 sumting PM..hahahaha..ramai gak cari..sayang laie korang kat ako yek..eheheh..hmm..tatau na tulis ape dah...tapi na gak tulis..hehe..

aiyark..penat..na titon~~papai sumeee..

p/s:sakit pewottttt..uwaaaa...oyenn..tolongg...huuuu

posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:31 AM
