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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
sms-ing with oyen right now..ekeke...oyen..bile la kamu na online sayang..haih..wut are u doing so long kat sane?saya rindu kamu okay..yala..maybe i'm the only one missing my besfren kan?u'r not missing me pun agaknye..huhu..okay2..why did i sound so hurt just now?hohoho..xpatut..anyway..i felt guilty towards sumone..it't not entirely my fault..but sumhow..i do feel guilty..especially when he expressed his dissatifaction..sorry oyen..really sorry..it's not my fault that i have meetings when u'r around n not when u'r away..huuuu..never wanted that to happened..but i guess it's destined..hohoho..
o yeah..kira bengong..sgt bengong..melayan kamu satu hari ni membuat saya jadi bengong gaks..ahaha..n i still recall what u said about besfrens..pompuan n lelaki takleh jadi besfren..yeke?i had two male besfrens who sumhow eventually become my bf..the first one didn't work out..coz tak sempat coup da berpisah..wakakakaka..the second one is the one right now..ehehe..but then again kira a.k.a faris sengal..ehehe..i dun think it's impossible at all..oyen n me is totally besfren..nothing more,nothing less..kan oyen kan?kan?i know u would agree with me..kalo tak kene seypark kay..ahahaha..the thing is..u just have to know how to control ur feelings..u can be anyone's besfren,n then coup..even the same sex IF AND ONLY IF u do not control ur feelings..that's how lesbos n gays n bisex(cam kira..akakakaka) happened..see faris?guys n girls can be besfren..just control urself n ur feelings..lalalala..melawan ckp faris best..ahaks..n btw..my cayang tu still alive kay faris..ahaha n anyhow..i can't control my addiction to 'ku juga mencintaimu by saiful MI' n 'berat by KRU'..ahaks..been listening to the song..for ku juga mencintaimu,i listened over n over again for both versions..malay n taiwanese..ahahaha..bengong tol..tak sangka leh addict with those songs..dunno why also..last time i think it was 'black by pearl jam' during sem 1 alpha year..then sem 3 alpha,addicted to dygta songs..ahaks..pengaruh kawan baik terhadap lagu2 yang saya addict sangat kuat eks..luckily those songs are quite good..imagine getting addicted to jamrud's songs like 'telat tiga bulan' n 'kau dan ibumu'..akan sungguh rosak otakku..ahahahaha.. n o yeah..received my surat tawaran for ytm scholarship..ekekeke..received it today n sbmitted it after around 15 minutes..fast ek?thank zaza..if it wasn't for her..i would have taken 1 hour to do so..akakakakaka..but when will i get the money..hmm..i dunno myself...huhu..hoping it will be asap..i need it..a lot of things to be done woo..banyak sgt..belanjawan ku sudah siap..tapi belanja nye takde..ahahahaha.. okeyh lah..enuf for now..i guess it's time to say goodnite..ehehe.. before that..oyennnnnnnnnnnnn...balik cepat!!!!i miss u la dear..=( tiada siapa di kampung melayan saya di ym ini..huhuhu..=P sai bace tak pasal mati aku..ahaks.. alrite then..oyasuminasai... posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:41 PM