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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
yesterday i was really happy to see 2 people in my class..i mean..i dun see just them..argh..ape aku merapu merepek pagi2 neyh..neway..both of them are my ex classmates..waaa..sgt best bila terunion in the class..ekeke..
class pulak sangat merepek petang semalam..i was like running all the way to class coz takut lambat..skali..tau2 je..the lecturer didn't come AT ALL..i was like..was the heck laaaa..i shouldn't have come..or i should have come to another class n go back early..ampes tol laa..huhu.. electronics class lak..adeyh deyh..i was like halfway mabuk..ahaha..only those in my class would understand why this kejadian mabuk happened..huhuhu..but anyway..i do understand what i need to understand..i guess..ekekek.. balik je bilik tgk bilik ku..waaaahhh..alia..sayang kamu bangat..ok2..i promised next time around,i'll be doing it kay..hehe.. then on mirc..wah wah wah..teruja dgn sc NG..it was fun..especially when u'r talking to sumone who's also using mirc instead of java..ehehe..then tgh menggatai with mas n jelly...suddenly jelly off..kesian adek jelly..abg last da ckp..beli jek modem baru nakmo..huhu... then..for the first time..oyen call using his hp...before this it was always gtalk..ekekek..he won't go online that nite..melepak je la ko yek?ehehe...as for me.. i was supposed to go for a meeting..the annual general meeting..but i guess i was lazy..ahaha..tak pi pun..dok bilik study n tido pun laie best..akakaka.. i slept early yesterday..huhu..oyen anta sms pun tak pasan..but i woke up around 1.30..tatau nape,i switch on again my lappy n then run my mirc again..then after melayan sai n piah n tok for 30 minutes i went to sleep again..but i didn't shut my mirc nor my lappy..prangai pelik syuhada malam tadi..ahaha..n o yeah..i met this guy..tok_jampi kot his nick..can't really recall..he was sooo not nice to his girlfriend..i mean..how can u not call ur gf,no sms-es,NOTHING..n expect to be OKAY WITH THAT??that's ridiculous..totally ridiculous!i hate guys with that kind of attitude okay..i know how it feels when ur bf,sumone u love so dearly,just dissappear..i mean..u have no idea if he's living his life,or dead already okay..but at least my bf say's sorry when he calls me after one week tu..tak kesah la sgt..i would understand why..ni si tok ni..adeyh..leh kate da jemu..nengong..once the got married then how?pergi kursus seminggu,takde bagi brite,then balik2 je kate da jemu..trus cerai kawin lain???nengong..sungguh tak menghargai wanita..huh! sai pulak berceramah about why women should go to sleep early..ekeke..sangat bersemangat..he told me n piah,(ehehe)that if women goes to bed too late,we are prone to get breast cancer..ahaha..sound funny isn't it?but it's true..ehehe..benar pun masih si piah tido lambat..ahahaha.. then this morning..suddenly i checked my mirc again..sumbody online rupenye mlm tadi..but his IE,ym,msn sume takleh bukak except mirc..n he left me with offline msg kat mirc..cewah..skang pandai kasi offline msg kat mirc da budak neyh..ekekek..takpe la sayang..ako paham..nanti da leh on kite scandalous balik..m0wakakakakakak..takde keje..ahah.. ok la..it's 7am..na pi basuh baju..na jemur skit..class kol 8..sempat ke?adeyh.. till then,ja neh~~ p/s:sentiasa mendoakan pc org tu cpt elok..ehehe.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:50 AM