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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
first day.1 july 2006. bertolak ke fraser hill at 12 am..around that time la..lupe la spesifik..papo jo lah..muehehe..at first everyone was like excited..cewah..bese la...na pi tempat syiok..hehe..but deep down in our mind..run this one thought.."abg fasci muke cam garang je..huuu.."n for me.."wak lan..muke garangnye..takut la plak..."huhu..well..that was just first thought..ala..tak kenal maka tak cinta meh ;)later i realise..how wrong i was =) well..lepas je stop kat seremban (if i'm not mistaken..)n bas jalan smule..most of us had already fallen asleep..alia slept with a very cute face..hehehe..i myself couldn't sleep..i got this..sum sort of like fobia to sleep in a bus..muhaha..n anyway..apek sangat bising la lagipun..he was very cheerful n cheer us all up..rai complaint apek kaco die tido..ahaks..kesian rai's toys..haha..arsyad siap tido2 atas lantai lagi..muahaha..apo2 jo lah acad..hehe..well...the worst part of the journey n yet the most memorable one is time naik fraser hill..dah la jalan kecik..banyak corner cam ala2 initial d n tokyo drift wuteva..huhu..n then..at one point..the bus driver potong lori besar!N HE WAS JUST USING ONE HAND..perghhhhh....kalah ako punye hero initial d..cewah..ngaku tu..ahaks..then at another point pulak..hampir2 terlanggar signboard becoz he was busy with his sms..mak...adeyh deyh..huhu...but syukur alhamdulillah..we got up there kat seri peninjau dgn selamat..syukur sangat2..ako tak grad laie woo..huhu... we arrived there at 6 am..then sume dpt bilik masing..lepas subuh tido..hoho..sangat letih..even those who slept on the bus was tired..pinggang cam na tercabut skru ah..ahaha..n it was not really cold though..i thought..pagi2 subuh camni..tomorrow morning it's gonna be warmer..ceh.penat2 bawak sweater...huhuhu... lepas bangun tido at 7.30...we took our bath with ice cold water..the water heater doesn't help at all..my fingers were all blue the moment the water reach me..hoho..sangat2 sejuk..but it was refreshing though..hilang mengantuk..even though i only slept for around +- 1 hour..tak kesah lah.. 8 am everyone gather at our meeting point..that's the moment i saw how kind the fasci-s are..sangat comey lak tu..hehe..abg t-rex..abg syed..abg fizan..wak lan..u guys rock!!~~n a few people was late during the first meet up..hoho..kene hukum with star jump..sume pun kene buat gak..adeyh adeyh.. lepas sarapan n main2 with kucing yang sangat gemox (hey..he need all those lemax to stand the cold up there kay..)we resumed with our activity..anyway..lepas bangun tido baru sejuk sangat2..it was kinda weird..subuh tak sejuk..after 7..pergh...macam dok dalam peti ais..but abg fizan was really cool lah..tak pakai sweater..just shirt biasa je..huuu..tabik2..ehehe..orang dab biase katekan~~*wink*wink* anyway..banyak la pulak activity that day..mane satu ek na citer..i can't remember the sequence of the activity..huhu..takpe..i'll just tell skit2 for everything..ice breaking takyah citer ah..just kenal2 but in a very fun way..kene buli laa setengah2 owang tu..ekeke ok..the one i remember the most is menara pisa..ahaks..we were supposed to build up a tower..as high as we can..using anything we can find around the hotel..n group syafiq amik sume tong2 sampah..ceytttt..tak sempat na amik..pok kang..hahahhaa..anyway..our idea was putting our baldi + ntah ape jaring ntah on top of the water tank..ya know..the red one..hohoho...so basically..ours should be the highest..tol tak abg t-rex?*wink*wink*ehehe..tapi ade lah kesalahan die n all..tak kukuh the top tu..hoho..n the funniest was abg ahmad's team..buat sampai 2 menara..then kene marah..muwakakakaka..padan muka!ahaks~~~all in all..banyak pengajaran yang all of us dapat kat sini..sangat seronok.. then ape lagi eks..alaaa..cane neyh..lupe la plak..hohoho.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:56 PM