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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
fraser hill part II
ngaa..ape ke sengal haku neyh leh ter publish blog yang lom abeh update..hahaha... ok2..sambung2...hm..ape laie xtiviti ek..ade aktiviti baling telur..ngaaa..telur group kami dibaling 2 kali..uwaaaaaaa!!!~~tak aci..hahaha...bt anyway..mengikut keretakan yang tak banyak pada telur tu menunjukkan telur tu takde la teruk sangat kecederaan die kalo dibaling sekali..ekekeke..defend diri sendri..ahaks..neway..idea protect telur tu idea abg adam,t-y n adi..mereka sangat kreatif la..in fact..bekas tu..sangat cantik la kalo ditgk balik..cam sarang burung cip cip cip..muaakakakak.. ok then...ade sukaneka..sangat suka yang ni laa..hahaha..first ade main pijak2 belon.sume coup dua org..as for me...3 people..melampau seyh~~na lari bukan main susah when both my leg kene ikat dgn tali with another peeps' legs..huhu..but i dun think we were the first yang kalah..leh tahan gak ako neyh ek?...muakakakakaka..prasan! then ade bola baring..bola jaling bunyi sangat tak best la vida..haha..it's actually bola jaring + bola baling..waaah..feremfoan main dgn sangat ganas!i felt like playing rugby with a bunch of quaterbacks..good ones..huhu..when i got the ball,suddenly around me..pergh..kene pijak habis kaki..n kene serang from segenap arah..hoho..seriously..malik noor pun won't be able to fight the girls..girls rock!~~yeah~~ahaks..but sadly nik saufi kecederaan..huhu..kesian die..n oh yeah..i still remember that he's one of the hostel resident yang paling kelakar when i called him for confirmation about him staying in hostel..haha..i heard that his leg punya ligamen koyak..hmm..takut lah..it's gonna be long for sure before his leg can recover..kesian lah..hmm.. ok2..jangan sensitif sangat syuhada!huhu then we had baling2 belon..hhuhu..that one was fun..mula2 i thought it's gonna a really short game for me..coz cam takut2 je..ahaha..siap training tu with t-y for our turn..ahahaha..sungguh semangat kami ini..muehehehe..n walaupun belon tu pecah when t-y yang baling..me tak basah kuyup!!weeee~~kalo tak..mesti demam..da la sejuk sangat2 time tu..ahaks..but anyway..good job t-y!our training does worth it..ehehe.. then at nite..we had this sort of like discussion..given a situation,we were suppose to think secara kritis..ahaks..it was really fun when it comes to group 4(group abg syed yang rock on~~-sila sebut secara sopan yek-ehehe)coz abg syed was really semangat in defending his group..he was fighting words(not swords)with abg fizan..ahaks..kamu berdua sangat comey ketika tu..hehehe...when yg berhormat becomes yg dipertua n all..haih.u see..that's what happened when debator meet debator..ahaks..but we really had our fun seeing them debating with all the facts..huhu..sangat seronok melihat gaduh2 tu..syuuhada mmg jahat..ahahaha next was the game which i love n hate at the same time..sebab tu id ym ilovewhatihate..ahaks..what i love bout this game is,it reduces our sort of like sifat pemalu between frens..macam2 gaya ade..eh lupe..it's pandora box..sort of like poison box..haaa..sambung balik..haha..my favourite denda was abg ordosh's one..hehhe..kene jerit 3 times "i love scc..yeeehhaaaa"kat tingkat 3 of the hotel..ahaks..abg ordosh!!kamu sangat comey la mase tu..especially the yeehaa part..ahahah..really luv that part..hehe..then..it was my turn plak..aiseh..ade ke kene wat aksi burung sekeliling dewan tu..ngan bunyi skali..siap lepas tu kene lak ejek2 cip cip cip..huuu..tul la tu bunyi burung kenek2..huhu..n anyway..from today onwards..in my world..DUCKS ARE SOOO NOT BIRDS OKAY...hahaha..but it was fun anyway..n o yeah..i heard sumone said i look like baby mase kene denda tu..not so sure who..but then..hehe..cute like baby eks..aiseh..*blushing*blushing*maceh la..susah2 je puji..ekekekek.. then during our special session..hmm..it will remain secret..but the things i learned,the love i gain during that session will never be forgotten n i am so much in pride to say that i love each n everyone who was there for that session..including sumone who can't attend due to her exam..starting to love all of u peeps so much..abg fizan,abg syed,abg t-rex,n abg wak lan..thank u so much for everything..for abg ordosh,abg adam,alia(my luvly rumet..hehe..bz nye awak ngadap pc time saya menaip ni ek..heheh)kak nina,kak nora,kak sha,kak pijah,abg amad,syafiq,acad..i love u guys so much.. then mase kol 3 pagi tu baru dpt tido..but tak tido sangat pun..kaco oyen...ahahah..sms him to mengadu pasal kepenatan yang amat..huhu..anyway oyen..though ur reply is slow due to certain circumstances(cewah..kau la ni ajar ako ayat2 skem..ceyt!hahaha)i really appreciate ur companion..sayang bangat sama kamu oyen..muehehehe.. at 6.20 i woke up..buat sandwich sardine..hohoho..all of us gelak2 je mase wat roti tu..kak nina..sungguh semangat kamu melenyekkan ikan tu ya..hehehe..i sumone terkejut when i used the can opener zaman gajah punya dgn senang..ahaks..leh bukak klas neyh..muakakaka...it was really fun doing that together..lepas ni kite kacau dodol same plaks kalo ade rezeki yek..hehe.. n then hiking time!hahah..to be honest..my condition was not really fit enuf for hiking..my leg was in pain..in serious pain..coz my shoes dah tak bape elok lak plak..so sakit kaki semakin menjadi2..hohoho..but i survive..hahaha..during hiking tu lah banyak ckp betul...mei sim was so comey during that time..huhuhu...sume umah die punya..salah2..sume umah yang cantik2 die punyan sume pun da kene sewa..ceh mei sim..hahaha...n we were supposed to do out cheer during that time..our cheer sangat pelik..ahah..cip cip eagle..hmm..wonder what kind of eagle sounds cip cip cip..waaaa..sangat memerli ako namenye tu!kejamnye kamu sume..hahahaha..but takpelah..comey gak la our cheer..ecece..hehe.. then it was time to go home..after post mortem yang bisa membuatku hampir saja mengalirkan air mata ni..kami pun balik...meninggalkan keadaan hotel yang indah..dan membawa pulang seribu satu kenangan manis yang tak mungkin dapat aku cari dimana sekalipun..n bas yang kene reverse utk dalam a few hundreds meters utk turun pun turut jadi kenangan indah=).. last but not least.. special thanks to: abg t-rex,abg fizan,abg syed,n abg wak lan..thank u so much for everything.the whole camp had teach me to be a better person.to be able to say i am sorry n really mean it when i need to say it.saying thanks when sumone do sumting good to me.n saying i love u when i love n care for sumone..n abg2 sume..i love u guys so much..abg syed n abg t-rex yang akan jarang dpt jumpe..i'm gonna miss u guys..already missing actually..rock on kay..=) all scc..abg adam,syafiq,abg amad,abg ordosh,acad,kak nina,kak pija,kak sha,kak nora,alia..thanks for being my family here in hostel.luv u allz~~bersama kite berjaya in both our academic n scc kay..=) n sha,nik,adi,ty,apeks,fishy,rai,ina n lain2 level leader yang tak disebut name kat sini.thanks yek adik2..for cheering me up slalu..hehehe..thanks sangat2..sayang kamu semua..=) n thanks to kak nita,kak nora n sume2 lah yang terlibat with scc n this binding group.without u guys,me in scc is nothing.thank u so much=) k la..finally finished my entry for fraser hill special edition..ahaks..c ya later.. ja neh~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:44 PM