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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
yeshhh!!suke2..feeling really happy right now..mane tak nye..bile kire2 balik..i've met a few people whom i've been missing for quite sum times..huhu..the other day during the palestinian talk,i've met sunanco totti a.k.a my belove uncle =P,izzu,aisyah,izzah n few others..i think la..haha..before that i've catch a glimpse of sole..he was here for the DT thing..didn't get the chance to talk to him though..n then..guess what..jeng jeng jeng..today i've met badruz nasrin bin basri a.k.a pembuli no1 ku..hahahah..sangat sronok..lepas mamam nasi n share2 yong tau fu with my lab partner anis n fiqah,trus na balik hostel..anis gi stad to make a call to indonesia if i'm not mistaken..fiqah lak balik ixora..so tgh jalan2..nampak bayangan seorang manusia yang seperti ku kenal dihadapan main hall..cewah..cam novel la plak..ahaks..neway..when i saw him,i was like..almost petrified..ahaha..skali tu nampak kak nita lak..bual2 jap..kire2 ade iklan la kat tgh2 sebagai penambah seri..cewahh..haha..so lepas bual2 with kak nita,i went to meet up with him..still ade perasaan membuli tu..huhuhu..tak banyak sangat bual..coz both of us sangat penat..and die pun cam na busy je..huhu..so ngumpat2 jap pasal member2 lain..muehehe..pastu off i go back to my hostel..bye bye bad =( c ya again buddy..huhu..neway..skang ni tgh tunggu another person i really2 miss so much to come here to malacca..natasha n kuyu!!bile la kamu berdua mau dtg ar?missing u both so much kay..mau call pun tada duit laie..hohoho..
neway..klas pagi tadi sangat besh..mukan ape..it was just lab..about dielectric constant..we have to put paper between two parallel plate,then tekan skit,take the capacitance measurement..bla bla bla..what's making it funny was the tekan2..hahah..da la kene constant,kene kuat lak tu..in the end..anis berdiri atas the two plates..but then..hahaha..berat anis tak constant gak!cane tu?adeyh..tak ubah langsung the capacitance when it should be increasing..anis jadi makin ringan..hahah..but at last we got the trick n manage to get it.wee~~=)selepas itu jadilah taktik kami..taktik berdiri atas plates..hahah..the lecturer was almost laughing at us when he saw us doing that..hahaha..org lain tekan dgn tangan,we're the only group yang pijak..hahaha.. so skang ni akan banyak keje..full lab report..aiyark..sudah lame ku tinggalkan lab2 report ni sume..last time it was in sem 3..mr hazimin kene ajar balik cane na wat neyh..huhuhu..but i guess i'll just ask zaza or ika..segan je na jumpe mr hazimin..ehehe..takpe2..we have two weeks to do it..lepas cuti baru hantar..so..hehe...lepas paper mid term next thursday baru buat..muehehehe..alaa..jumaat sudey bley anta..ahah.. aiyark..letih la plak mata ni rasenye..huhu..ja neyh..till next time.. p/s:ade org tu tgh format pc kot..windu anda..cepat2 setel pc..jgn demam2..jaga tmnet nye cd tu..install lek lok..n be with me again =) i'll be right here waiting for u =P posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:17 PM