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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
ever had a day which makes u feel like giving up ur life?i had..n it's today..today is the day where my limitations of kesabaran hampir2 terlebih..seriously speaking..it's just so hard for me today..
first i was well..i was 3 minutes late for computer n program design class..i saw zaza n ika right down at the lecture hall..but when i was heading for them,sumone else dah ade kat depan rupenye..n it was like packed already..i saw another place,right at the end of the row..very x 1000 far away from them though..i had no choice..i went there n sat..suddenly i heard familiar voices saying,"oit..masuk dalam skit..aku na duduk ni..cepat"..it was them..so sweet la u two..came all the way just to keep me company..haih..sungguh terharu..=) then it all went cam bese je..the soccer guy not really cute la bile tgk 2 kali..ahaks..so we had to cancel our plan to join soccer club..usrah sude..hehehe..n ice breaking for usrah pun i'm not going..upg pun skali..sori kat clubs in mmu..da cair da ako ni bak kate zaza..takyah na break2 laie..ahaks.. time paling best adalah tutorial for computer n program design..wee~~ =)well..today it was all about float n character n few others like string n all..i love programming i guess..agak stress jap la bile tatau na wat for the quiz..but credits to ng tian yih who helped me through the tutorial..thanks man..hmm..bout ur program..who the most handsome man in the world n the answer is u..hmmm..kene fikir smule..ahaks tian yih..hopefully if u'r reading this u won't be angry eks =) then around 7.45 baru habis tutorial..hohoho...45 minutes late tu..sebab na tunggu our tutor check our programme if we want that 2 marks for quiz..mestilah nak..sape tanak..ahaks..so dalam 5 minutes lepas tu sampai bilik.. around 8 kene pi or lak..i thought for what la..rupenye tazkirah..thanks ustaz..banyak pengajaran leh diambil..hopefully cam ustaz ckp..every week leh wat baca yasin cam tadi..moga2 Allah SWT memberkati perjalan SCC sepanjang zaman..Amin.. around 9 sumting lepas solat isya' n hajat,ade meeting lantik new committe pulak..hmm..skali me kene jadi head sd da...ahaks..tatahan tol ako..capiq!!klas tambahan programming kay..ajar kami wat website..html pun jadilah..ahahaha..kak mira jadi bendahari lak..wah wah..sgt ber'otak' duit..magus2..moga2 scc kaya kay..eheks.. then skang ni baru dpt update blog..pada org yg sudi bagi sokongan to me for all my works..thank u so much..i really need ur support n everything i'm doing or will be doing..thanks banyak2 sgt2.. ngaaa..sangat mengantuk..study a lil bit for tomorrow then off i'll go to bed..guess that's it..c ya later..oyasuminasai..n oh yeah..poem of the day..written by me kay..mmg tak best la pun..ahaks... trust broken, friendship demolished, love gone... where do i go, what should i say, do i forgive, can i forget? hatred,rage,grudge, come to me once, away from me forever, so i can learn, and i can love, just once more again. -cewah 12:40- posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:10 PM