About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

suddenly i feel like updating this blog again..dunno why also..hahaha..ok..today my day was like..hmm..fine i guess..huhu...

start it at 8am..engineering maths class with madam sheela..learned about series n sum other stuffs..hmm..seriously speaking..madam sheela is so like dr lim..she won't stop teaching until the clock strikes 10am..huhuhu..then it was field theory time..tutor sangat hmmm poyos..hohoho..but i loooovvveeee his british accent..hehe..

then at 11am went to shopping with my parents n mak ngah.hmm..mak ngah hampir kene ragut smlm..sangat kesian..jalan tu gelap sangat..sebab tu la..aih..takut la..kesian mak ngah..now sangat fobia with motorcycle...huuu...anyway..didn't shop for me actually..shopped for my uncle's wedding this 6th august 2006..sapo2 mau dtg bitau ek..i'll give u da address..hehe..neway..i have a task during his wedding..at first he asked me to be his pengapit..but no way!!he's too tall to be payung'ed by me kay...actually i wanted to be photographer for his wedding..masa nikah pun saya yang ambil pics n all..i'm gonna take a video during his nikah..na ambil pic org eksyen tu akad nikah..bior kan die..muahahaha..siap da setting tu na pakai ape during nikah tu..i mean me la..not him..saved the dress for sum event..in the end kai during his nikah la sudey..ekeke..sangat happy when i got to know that HE wants me to be his pengapit..sayang sungguh pak cik ku padaku..sayang pak cik jugak!!=) but nanti takde sape akan buli along la bile acik kawen..noone to angkat me then campak atas lantai lagi..mmg acik ku sangat kejam..but i love him like i love my very own bro..he's only 26 or 27 though..muda gela kan?huhu..

ok2..enuf about him..nanti rindu lak..haha..neway..balik2 je ke hostel..tros tido..letih seyh..tak agak2 lah letih..haha..so tido tak ingat ah..hahaha..kol 5 baru bgn..bgn2 je pok pek ngan my bes buddy..hehe..windu kamuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..huhu...

then hajat hati na bersihkan sick bay hostel feremfoan..tapi kunci sick bay ilang lak..so tak dpt la..lepak2 ngan kak sha..then pi mamam waffle hot dog ngan sweetcorn ngan kak nina..pastu lepak2 balik ngan my bes buddy..=)

malam plak study ngan abg ordosh yang comey..ekekek..abg ordosh..maceh eks ajar saya tutorial 1..=)nanti ajar laie eks...heheh..abg ordosh neyh prangai sangat laa comey..heheh..agak2 la kan..kalo sakit jantung,na makan ape kalo mau naik kapal terbang?hahahaha..maaf abg ordosh..hehe..

then tgk warith,pit,aiman ngan apek main saidina..hehe..me jadi banker..ahaks..da la tak pandai saidina..laie mau join budak2 main...ekekeke..cara mereka main sangat comey..leh lak main hutang2..hahaha..ade ke..bile mau abis daaa kalo utang2..apek juara la..kaya gela..second aiman..tu pun i think becoz of utang si pit..hahahah..then warith..waahh..seorang yang sangat bersopan santun warith neyh..bile mintak "gaji" then dapat die akan ckp "terima kasih kak.."..sangat suke junior2 yang sopan begitu..rase sangat hmm..suke lah..hahahaha...

n now..tatau na tido kol bape..na tido kol 1.30..but sumone tu ckp..tido la kol 2am..heheh..takpela..miss u so much buddy..so tido la lewat skit ek..sayang ko la budak..hehe=)

till next time..ja nehhh

posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:07 AM
