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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
yea..malacca tour da abiesh..huhu..really happy coz the event went smoothly as i wanted it to be.the participant had fun! =)when i saw they laugh all the way during the tour n BBQ,i was really2 happy..together with them..huhu..
neway..this is what had happened that day..first..i woke up at 7.30am..mane taknye..i slept at 6.30am..1 hour sleep..tak agak2..na jalan2 jauh2 but slept for 1 hour je..ahaha..ape lagi..on the bus tido la..wakaka..oyen la neyh!huhu first we went to perigi hang tuah..perigi tu ade ikan!huhu..then we went to the rumah melaka..apek siap wat aksi iklan tak dpt balik kampung time raya..wakakak..i was so gayat..so tak naik tangga ke loteng..ish ish syuhada.bile laa na berubah...takut tinggi..huhu..then we went to perigi hang li po..sangt kotor..no wonder they said those who drinks from the well would die..even if nobody had poisened it,n sumone drink it,he would die too!huhu..they pi kampung portugis..sume yg lalu tu kami anggap ala2 spesimen org porto..hoho..then lepak tepi laut japs..lalala~~rai n fay sempat laie buat drama..director die?apek a.k.a sudin tsan (terima kasih kerana add saya =) )hehe..sungguh kreatif + comey la mereka semua..huhuhu..then off we go to tanjung bidara..sangat best..mamam eskrim..dukung mei sim (ringan sangat)huhu,n tgk kak sha layan perasaan sambil wat video klip..ekekekeke..lepas tu balik to mmu..mula2 agak sedikit kecewa la dgn seseorg..tapi bile fikir balik..takpelah..tak elok marah die..he's gonna feel even worse if sumone's angry with him kan..bende na jadi..bukan leh elak...huhu..then balik mmu... around 5.16 we arrived at mmu's roundabout..i went straight back to my room..sangat letih..1 hour of sleep plus naps in the bus surely not enuf for me...huhuhu..sampai je kat bilik,i climb my bed,n sleep like i never sleep..wakakaka..alia woke me up,tapi tak sedar laks..sorry mate..tak sengaja..ehehe..what woke me up was zie calling me through ym..she was using the audible like hell..ahaha..but anyway..thanks dear..otherwise i wouldn't have woken up on time..i was supposed to wake up at 5.45 but i woke up at 7!huhu..so lepas mandi2 laju2..(n kaco oyen jap =D)pi la bawah blakang OR tu..ehehe.. lepas tu start la BBQ..ehehe..sangat seronok + teruja bile kene bakar kentang..partner in crime = nasrul ikhwan..ehehe..nasib baik die ade..kalo tak.jenuh gak na kipas laju2..ahahaha..sume org pun main2 mase tu..then bual2 ngan org sabah tu (teruja teruja)hohohohoho..dgr apek + aiman + pit wat lawak bukan2..so because of that,we had a real fun time..sangat sayang kamu semua kerana wat saya happy..=)tapi a few didn't come..cam kak farhana.tatau nape eks..huhu.. around 12 kot sume setel..huhu..best gela..so balik bilik..n sambung kaco oyen..we needed to talk anyway that nite..sangat penting..so everything is cleared right now..hopefully what happened between them won't happen between me n oyen..can't think of living my life without him..see..syuhada loving her besfren too much again..ish ish.. i'm currently using jelly's script for mirc..hmm..sumone said i'm like a replacement of sumone..it actually made me feel so sad..am i just able to substitute sumone?is that all i can do??maybe,i am noone to anyone..just a substitute..hmm..i dun have much of a feeling to use that script anymore..though i love it so much..the slaps..the flowers..the "hehe","wakaka" n all..i love it all..always had love it even before i got it..but it's just to cruel to me i guess to be JUST a substitute..i know oyen dun think i am just a subs..but the others..i can't help to think that the think of me as subs..haih..sangat tak bersemangat sejak dikatakan subs begitu..sangat2 sedih..thanks oyen for comforting me masa tu.. wah..rupenye sangat lama dah tak membebel kat sini..ahahaha..sangat pemalas hendak menaip sekarang ini..takpela..nanti2 akan rajin semula..ehehe..neway..i got a name for the bear2 faris gave me..YENYEN..hehe..i know,for ika n zaza,it would definitely sounds like our classmate's name..ahaha..but yenyen is not the same yenyen of PE15 alrite..nama tu adelah sempena name oyen..eheheh..n besides..the bear2's color does look a lil bit orengish..ekekkeek..so i think the name does suit..=) so..i think that's what happened this few days..tak ingat dah ape laie jadi..huhu..till next time..adios~~ p/s:tenet sangat bengongss lately..cam na bom CITS je rase..huuu =( posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:07 PM