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# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

Express Yourself LIVE

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

kerepekan part II...lalalalala~~

1) Your nickname
~banyak je..last,syu..huhu..

2) Place u've been today
~OR scc mamam rambutan..mueheheh..

3) Your favourite colour
~blue,black,white,oyen =)

4) Song that u're listening now
~michael learns to rock - someday

5) What are you doing now
~chatting n doing this kerepekan blog thing...haha..

6) Thing that u like most on monday
~my class is at 5 pm!!!ahahaha...

7) Thing that u hate most on friday
~nothing.. =)

8) Thing that u suppose to do now

9) What you can see on your left
~the fan

10) Last thing you bought
~my ring..

11) Last word you said

12) When was the last you went out and had fun
with your friends?
~just now.ahaks

13) What did you do?
~makan2 n tgk owang men game ps2..

14) Are you perfectionist?

15) Your hobby?
~reading,drawing,writing poems..

16) Thing that you really want to have?
~harry potter series..

17) Your weakness?
~cepat marah..ahahaha..

18) Are you vain?

19) What you really can't stand?

20) Precious thing u have
~my ring. =)

21) Place that you really want to go
~umah oyen..hahahahah..lol

22) Handsome or humourous?

23) Intelligent or smart?

24) Do you prefer manual or auto car?

25) Thing that guys do that you hate?
~smoke!menci smoke..haha..

26) Regret on something?
~a lot of things when i think about it over again..
regreting sumting is normal..but u have to move on no matter what..

27) Have you lost someone?
~yup..my sis..missing her right now..

28) What you'll be doing next weekend
~scc stuffs..muehehehe..

29) Postpaid or prepaid?
~prepaid leh bajet woo..hahaha..

30) Your prepaid balance
~rm 7.90..meh2 tolong top up barang seratus..hohoho..

posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:53 PM
