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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
ngaaa..have to re-write everything laks..adeyh adeyh..
well..first thing first..from today onwards..i'm gonna me a very lazy person to change the skin of my blog..buzz off to skins..hahaha..amik ko..sangat marah sudey..ok...let me talk about..hmm..the history of mo blog's skins..hehe.. well..first..i used a very simple one..can't really remember.but i remember it was green in colour..drogue eden if i'm not mistaken..wuteva..anyway..nothing wrong with it though..coding was nicely done my the designer..the page was not "semak"..it was green..which i kinda love n hate at the same time...more towards love i think..n there were flowers all over the skin..ok..it wasn't flowers actually..kinda like..hutan ke ape ntah..sumting like that la..i was set to start of my blog with that skin..then guess what?sumone told me not to use it coz her fren had used it once..she was like..dun use it coz *** used it before..but if u really want to then it's fine...bla bla bla..i was like..hmm..fine..nevermind..i'll find another one.. so i used the other i found..quite nice..like it..not in love with it though..so i decided to use it..then another person told me..hey..why not use sumting that has navigator on it..or maybe use sumting that the BG would frenster kinda style..i was like..hmmm..okay..change again..lalalala~~ okay...the next one..hmm..it has navigator..n i was sure noone around my frens had used it before..fine..then ade lak suara2 mengatakan.."woit..how come u'r a vodoo supporter nowaday??"i was..hmm..wtf??me??vodoo??HA-HA-HA..so fine..since i was like trying to satisfy everyone..with people saying the navigator button is too har to fine..bla bla bla..wuteva.. i found another one..similar to the vodoo kinda style..it was red..has flowers..navigator button is obvious..so i falled in love..but guess what..the coding was really stupid..ngaa..gewam le haku..tried editing it after that..but i was in the end in despair..takleh tolong even with the help of sumone who's job is to settle up this kinda thing..huuu..takpolah..tak kesah~~ then i found this one..it was totally love at first sight..huhu..it was orange in colour..a really sweet orange..with a lil bit of flowers..four butterflies..small ones as the navigator..really i love it sooo much..even my bes buddy oyen loves it too..not becoz it was orange though..but becoz it was sweet..n for the first time in syuhada's life..she is loving sumting so sweet..i was ready to change to be a sweeter person kononnye..ahaks..but then..i lost the battle..sum just hate it when i'm loving it..i dunno..maybe it was my fault not to defend my love at my hardest..but i guess i'm weak at things that people hate..i would try to change everything to satisfy others..that my big main problem..hmm..=( i love it but i guess i can't have it..u can't always have things that u love right?hmmm..i guess I can't even when I really LOVE it.. nevermind..it's all over..maybe..huhu..so i found this one skin..it has no vodoo,noone used it before,easy for others to read,n it has navigator button..fine..though i actually dun really like it..but i guess it was fine..then again..luck was not on my side..stupid coding again..hahahaha.. so there i was..hunting for skins..lalalala~then i found this one..it looks very dark..it's maybe suitable with sumone who has mental or emotional problems..i guess..huhu..i decided to use it..it sumhow suit my mood best right now..huhu..hopefully noone has any problem with it right now..ok2..let me check.. 1)navigator button : checked! 2)no vodoo : checked! 3)easy to read :checked! 4)noone around me used it before : checked! guess what..the only person who may have problem with this whole skin would be..i'm not loving it!!my love is totally for hyuuga hinata(the name of the blogskin)..isk..i like it..but i dun love it as much as i loved hyuuga..but now..hyuuga is gone..i can't do anything about it..has to used this one..i like it..i like it..i like it..had to keep that in mind..uwaaaaaa...menci2.. this is my blog..my right to do it the way i want..but i guess..the world is to strong for me to handle alone..huuu..i can't go against the world right??had to follow wuteva the world has for me right??i dun have any freedom anymore right??****!!!ngaaa..sangat benci..hmmm..now guess what..i lost my blog..lost it to sum people who have problem with my freedom to do things the way I want..it's really sumting for me to actually tell people who wants to know how i feel..but in the end..i had to do it to satisfy others..sedeyh tau..sangat sedeyh neyh..i love hyuuga!!!!i missed hyuuga!!!uwaaaaaa posted by MatSyuMiya at 5:36 PM