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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
today was very tiring for me..huhu..8 hours of class...only 1 hour break in between..sangat letih..mau study tapi tak jadi..sebab otak sangat letih..jadi mau berehat skit..lame2 jadi banyak lak..hahahah..
so i watched tokyo drift..waahhh..heronye sangat hensem..sangat teruja melihat mereka drifting dgn semangat..hahaha..cool cars..saw a few cool motorcycles..n a lot of hot babes..muahahaha..sexy bangat seyh..nasib baik ako ni manusia normal..jika tak..hidung pasti berdarah anime style..hahah..neway the story was cool..like it..akan simpan movie utk satu jangka masa yang agak lame..but takleh menandingi final fantasy the advent children..sangat best anime tu..hahah.. ok..wut else..today we had another quiz for computer n program design..this time the tutor checked everyone's quiz in a very fast pace..otherwise i would have to stay at the lab until almost 8pm like last time..huhu.. balik2 saja tgk ade msg from faris...sorry dude..i wasn't in front of my lappy at the time..neway..da lupe da pasal kecik ati ke ape ke kay..hopefully faris slamat pi slamat balik sini yek..=)n neway..saya mau majuk sama org lain kay..nakmo majuk ngan faris..takde faedah..hahahahah then wut else eks..mak belikan nasi asam hari ni..tatau la..cane pun akan suke yang mak masak gak..takpun my mak ngah..org lain masak tak besh..=P then ade rambutan skit..makan sorang2 je rambutan tu..sebab sikit n tgh sangat na makan buah buahan..tapi lepas makan nasi tak elok buah buahan..so perut syuhada jadi berangin lepas tu..sangat tak best..huhu.. then jenguk2 room..sai marah2..marah dgn cara yang sangat comey..hehe..stupid frenly ghost sangat comey gak!!hahaha..bengongss la kamu berdua neyh..kesian kingpin kene layan..hahahaha.. then amik a few files from oyen =) lagu midi format ngan video clip kiss n satu laie vid yang bengongss..hahaha..cepat2 format pc tu yek...then online lepas kol 8 malam sabtu neyh..coz sebelum tu saya ade exam..muehehehe.. o..laie satu..change the theme for my mozilla firefox..blueshift..the color is like babyblue n black..just that..sangat best..fikir2 balik..my browser is dark colour..my wallpaper is dark..my taskbar is dark..n my blog too is dark..huhu.. oh ye..tak bagi laie abg ordosh tips tu..huhu..takpe2..esok saja bagi pada die..hmm..banyak jugak bende mau buat..aiyark..penat lah..mau tido sudey =) nite2 everyone..oyasuminasai.. p/s:still editing this skin..huhu posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:10 AM