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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
well..sumone must be angry when he got to know i'm updating my blog at this time..oyen..saya kene gak update skang..kamu jgn marah ye..while the internet is still ok..syukur sgt ni..internet lately cam ntah papo jo..tak speciol langsung..hohoho..apo2 jolah..haha..
okay2..enuf crapping around...okay..well..the other day was one of the hardest day ever for me..too much things happened that day that i become more adult in just one nite.. to sumone whom it may concern..u should thank kak nita..if it wasn't because of her,i wouldn't have forgiven u..right now i have forgive..but sorry to say..i dun forget.in other cases,i might just forget about it,be ur fren,move on,n be happy..this time around..it may just take a really long time..i'll try to forget bout it kay..just not now..i'm sorry.. to sumone of whom it may concern's fren,i mean close fren who seems to be the only one who cares about that person,i have lost my respect on u.sorry to say that,but that's how i feel.it's gonna take sum time for me to really respect u again.but i need that time..sorry..but i'll try.. to one of my junior..i thought u were different..i thought u'r kind n good n all..but then again.u'r sucks..just like the others who wears bikini at ixora..but then again..after re-thinking..they're so so much better..at least they dun stab me right on the back after i tried becoming close to them kay..they know how to appreciate others n dun talk behind my back n sebarkan wuteva propaganda yang stupid kay.i will forgive u..but only if u come forward n admit that u did what u did coz i know what u did kay..hah amik ko..da cam i know what u did last raya je..ahaks... to others who got involved that nite..i just wanna say..we will be strong kay..no..we are strong..no matter what,we will survive this whole chaos n be even better..hopefully together we will make our family succeed in the eyes of the world..ok2..maybe mmu..world kinda too big huh..hahah..n please..beware of others who just wanna destroy our family..we love us dun we?so be careful kay..it's gonna be tough for sure i know..but we're stronger..kecuali that person is malik noor la..hahahaha... ok..crapping again..lalala~~ahaks.. time to sleep...before that..pengajaran i got from these few days.. 1.never trust sumone u just met.. 2.never help sumone that in order to help him/her u have to hurt urself n those around u. 3.never lose to sumone who just love to make ur life miserable. 4.always know that Allah is always on the right ones' side. 5.turn to Him when u need guidance. hmm..tu je la kot..ade laie sebenarnye pengajaran..but hell..i'll state it later..ahaks.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 4:01 AM