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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
i read this forwarded message i got from mr syapiq..hmm..well..it's sad isn't it to think that pluto is no longer considered a planet?it's been considered as just another dwarf planet like an asteroid..i've been living my life all this 19 years thinking of moving to another planet..the 9th planet..right now..i can't say anymore i wanna move to another planet but move to another dwarf planet which may seems like moving to planet full of dwarf..hmm..no thank you..but nevermind..the decision is not in my hand..totally in the scientist hand..no matter what,pluto will still remains as a planet i really like in my heart..heheh..for more info about pluto,visit wikipedia..eheheh anyway..to days in a row muharam called me..how cool..he always said that he like to call me to listen to my craps..miahahaha..me crap a lot i guess.heheh..actually he just wanna ask me a small favor n yesterday he thought there was no class since nobody was there..haram..duhhh..u came 1 hour early..no human in mmu would come to class 1 hour early..ahahah..so he also told me that he went to the earlier class for engine maths n the had quiz..hehehe..so one of the question the quiz is to named all the lecturers we have..miaaaa..who ek?..hmm.. 1.Mr Chris Oh (the person who give the quiz of course..hehe) 2.Dr. Lim 3.Mdm Shela 4.Dr You Ah Heng 5.Dr Md Fayzur 6.Mr Lim Way Soong 7.Mr K (miaahahaha) 8.aiyark..can't remember anymore..how leh? will i survive?only time will tell..hehehe... so i woke up today very2 late..sumbody told me,tu bukan tido..tu pengsang..ces..jeles la tu...hahahah...it was very magical yesterday when i was going to sleep..i just lay on the bed..n i'm out..hahhaa..tros tutup suis..takde dolak dalih dah..hahahaha..guess i was too tired kot..eheheh.. n anyway..my fren had totally avoid me..takpelah..bak kate sumone..saya ada ramai kawan..ade akak2 scc..abg2 scc..ade junior2..ade luvly rumet...ade zaza n ika n mama n ekin..ade haram..hilang satu takkan hilang semua..kan?kan?my scc family won't leave me kan?hehehe..mau lepak2 ngan kamu sume bile da tak busy lah..hehehe:D kay lah..na gi siap2 kat klas..sambil2 dgr2 khutbah jumaat neyh..hehehe..till then..take care! =) posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:34 PM