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# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006


it didn't really feel like we're in porto actually..hahahaha...anyway..we went to the portuguese settlement at around 2pm and arrive there at 2.30pm..so when we went there,we went straight to the museum..normal la tu kan...so in the museum,we started taking pictures and all..then makcik tu marah..die kate"hey,have u asked the authorities wether u can take pics or not??!"bapak la rude..then we saw sum recipes..makh asked her wether it's free or she's selling it..she was like,"it's rm10 okay..it not free..i sell those!"very rude.kalo agak2 aku sepak2 muke die pun tak berdosa ah~

then we went to the barbershop.it actually looks a little like a guardpost..we met uncle lawrence there n chit chat with him,his brother n his nephew..he's a nice guy..at least he doesn't give us a very bad impression the people there..

next we were going around the settlement with justin marsh..a very cute kid..frenly and helpful..so he was like only 12,and he already selling bingka around kampung...sgt baik.. :)

then we went to see the regador..or the ketua kampung of the settlement..chit chat with him..what suppose to be just a brief meeting since he had to go out,became i quite a long chat.hahah~he's one helluva nice guy..u can talk to him about the settlement n his people for dayssss..hahah..

anyway..then we met sumone crazy..ahaha...kesian soffi..kene kejar with that guy..i mean..bukan la kejar..just..lelaki tu asyik cari die je..gile ah..mabuk lagi..n he's a malay summore..heh~ape jenis punya manusia lahhhh..

okok..sangat penat..skang ni nak lepak dulu..then wat keje..then tido balik..tadi da tido banyak tapi masih ngantuk.muahahah

posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:43 PM
