About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
i've been asked about the female here in this country who doesn't wear scarf..often,i'm lost of words when asked..ahaks..all i can say is,the country here,the Prime Minister here doesn't impliment the rule of compulsory to wear scarf..that's all i can say..it's alll in the hands of the PM.ahakss.. n now..i've not been asked,sumone else were asked,but it made me think..sumone from foreign country..asked about the bf-gf-relationship here in malaysia..wether it's a common thing or rather not..n they were shocked when it is common..summore when they were told that..err..sum have limit,sum doesn't.ahaks!~sum parents dun mind,sum does.it like..our image of an islamic country that they respect so far had been..err..gone..gone in like 30seconds..what will they tell their parents?what will people outside our country around the globe would think bout us?i mean..not just people from arabic countries..but those from the west..they have their imagination,their own image about us..what would they think when the see girl here w/o scarf..n bf-gf hugging-mugging lovey-dovey w/o realising people around them?ahaks..tak boleh nak kata aku ni baik pon..i know i ain't THAT good..but at least i'm not so bad either.or so i think!ahaks!! okay..maybe a lil experience i wanna share.i had a bf before..n after like...hmm..8 months++ i've started thinking..that i'm not doing the right thing.ahaks..i loved him..but i just didn't think it was the right thing to do..n alhamdulillah..he ended it..*tak payah aku susah2..muahahahaha*i do feel better now that i re-think about it..it's not so bad that it all ended..it's actually good..at least i know that i'm not doing anything wrong in that case.i mean..i dunno wether it's right or wrong..tapi kalau was2 lebih baik ditinggalkan..nggak gitu? :) oh yeah..i was talking to sumone yesterday..n i felt very irritated..hahahah..becoz he thought i'm bad person..wakakakaka..*berimage budak jahat*so i decided to be the bad person..i mean whenever i'm talking to him..only..i mean..what's the use of being good when sumone's impression on u is bad..ahaks!the hell with him..using me to get my fren..i wanna say f**k off but didn't have the heart..ahaks..if he's reading this..i hope he get the point.muahahahah..okok2..terlalu jahat pulak..ades....... i'm still thinking about tarmizi..my mum told me..there's a guy at school who said to my mum..it goes sumting like this.. mom:tarmizi..(another tarmizi..hehehe)jalan elok2 yer..angin kuat ni..takut terjatuh nanti..*saying with good intention* mizi:alah cikgu..cikgu la jalan baik2..cikgu dah tua..cepat mati..saya ni muda lagi..banyak tahun lagi.. when i heard what he said..i was like..WTF??the nice mizi died when he's like..just 20..that bad mizi is 17..just 3 years of different..what was that bad fella thinking??heh~n summore cakap mak aku cepat mati..bapak la melampau..who the heck does he think he is?? ah one more thing.. 017 6120603ok..sape nak kaco number ni sila2 yer?this person sms-ed me at 1.54am (aku dah tido okay!!) n asked about hutang..wtf?bile aku hutang orang pulak ni..siak je..da la ckp cam along..lu gua lu gua.otak lu..ades..i hate buletin board of mmu when it comes to events..i mean...letak id kat situ..letak number kat situ..n here am i..KENA KACAU.damn! okok...namau bad mood..hehe.chalos everyone!~ :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:11 AM