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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
lapa.one word explain all.when i'm hungry,i get mad easily.got that from my dad..heheh.. ade dua part blog ni..sebab da lame tak hapdate.ahaks!~ PART I Iconoclast Camp :) one word.BLASTING..yeah..it was blasting good.GREAT job acad!congrats banyak2..thanks to all for making my weekend superb..heheh.. anyway...on friday bertolak.only syafiq,kak nora n rai yang tak bertolak skali malam tu due to sume circumstances..so we arrived at around 9pm++.it was dark..n we had to walk in the dark for like 100 or more meters..i think more.hehe.. when we arrived at the chalet,first thing i heard was the sounds of the lovely waves..heheh..n i remembered what my mom said..JANGAN MANDI LAUT..yes moms..hehe.. so the next thing was sesi menolong encik amad setelkan our second ldk.the one after sesi pecah-ice.it was fun..mereka jalan dalam gelap n tutup mata..then they have to find for the sound of either kompang or cans or bottles or spoons..abg bulu telah mengconfusekan walid.hahaha..at first he thought the sound of bottle was the sound of kompang..abg bulu telah dengan semangatnya membuat bunyi botol tu kuat..hahah..magus2..aimang salah group kot.ahaks..die ingat bunyi sudu tu tin..haha..cian aimang..ekeke.. so tu je la malam tu..tadek dinner provided..so abg afuan gi belikan kami makanan yang sodap..ehehe..maceh yek abg afuan..jasamu dikenang :D esoknya mula la ldk..segala ldk..banyak sgt..ahaha..yang penting we had fun.super fun..heheh.. oh ye..behind the chalet,there were two swings..yang otai gile nye style..made from woods..gantung kat pokok..naik ramai2..perghhh..bes la gile..ahaks..reminds me of my childhood time..zaman2 pakai seluar je jalan2 kat rumah..main2 buaian..ekekek.. malam tu ade la ldk gak..sebelum tido main power-up game.ahaks..tatau mane la abg adam dapat idea game tu..comel sangat..jujujujujuju..ekeke..abg afuan ngan abg adam pun main gak..abg afuan was one of the winner..mula2 kate target nak kalah awal.nak tido awal kononya..last2 die yang last keluar..hahahaha..amponnn abg afuan.. the last day lak..mandi laut.haha..yes..i did mention my mom didn't let me swim..ekeke..so mandi kat tepi2 tu je..i just can't resist the calling of the waves n the sea..hahaha..sangat seronok..n luckily tadek ampai2..maybe serangan ari tu dah kurang kot..alhamdulillah la..kalo tak..habis lah sakit badan..tapi ade minyak..masa mandi tu tadek la nampak..malam tu baru nampak..ampeh jek..busuk baju2ku dibuatnye..main dodge ball..cis abg bulu..tak mengagak..hahaha... :p ade la mainan2 lain..yang penting,BEST.hehehe... around 1pm camtu kot balik..balik jek tido..hahaha..malam gi wat esemen..n i miss pengkalan balak n the experience there.. :) PART II lecturerku.. oh lecturer ku..sungguh ku akan grade kan kamu 2 je untuk sume..ampeh gile..the more he explain,the more confuse i became..so in the end..dgr first explanation je...sebab yang 1st je syu faham.hahaha..n he keeps on repeating,"i do this for ur benefit my fren..so pls appreciate".hidden words,give me all 5 for evaluation peeps.hahaha..n then balik bilik..ade keje baru dapat..confuse2 mula..but da faham la lepas tu..wuteva lah..n tadi bukak mail..dapat laie keje..wakakaka..gile la wehhh..break satu jam kene jaga booth..kira2...dari 8 camtu dah start keje..mmg aku tak rest la minggu ni.ahaks..next pon..sebab da exam week..wakakakak..aku gile sat gi..kalo syu gila ke sewel ke..maafkan mereka2 itu yek?mekasih.. :) kesimpulan untuk PART I.i love my scc..u guys make my life wonderful.thank u so much kesimpulan PART II.i ain't sooo gonna participate in any society other than scc..tired of all this already..my "abah angkat" pon dah marah.wakakak..but can i say no when fren ask for a hand of mine?i hope i can..AMIN.. till then..ja neh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:21 PM