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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
yesterday at 12.30am sumting...i got a msg from sumone whom i thought was kak kama...the number was sumting like +6014blablabla..i didn't realize there was this 0 before 1...what i saw was +614blablabla..i seriously thought it was kak kama..i was so sleepy at that time..oh..i realize bout it at 2.00am++...coz i was bz with sumting else earlier..hehe..so i asked that person... "ni kak kama yeh?sorry lah lambat balas.." and the person replied.. "a ah syu..mggu ke?" so we exchange sms-es like we chatted...cam normal lah kan..n the person wanted to follow me to bed!i was like..jom2 kak kama..mai2 le..kak kama meh..i've gotten used to manja2 ngan kak kama..so tak kisah la kan nak manja2 konon2 tido same n all..anyway a few hours later the person replied..that person wanted to hug me..i was like..ahakS kak kama..syu dah bangun la..and it was around 9am..kat umah kak kama dah 12pm kot..agak pelik lah...later that stupid idiotic person said nak soh syu baring katanya ade bende nak buat..i was like..wtf???this is sooooo not kak kama..seriously i was really blur at that time that i didn't realize the stupid 0 before 1..(still??!!~sigh....)i was really getting angry with this imposter so i text: "kak kama..adeh..ape kehe jem semacam..merepek lah..kang syu marah kangg" n the person replied to me; "ala syu..boleh la.." then i suddenly thought of checking the number again..THEN i realize there's an 0 before 1..damned...so i knew it was a malaysian's number..not kak kama's..so i was thinking... 1.where does that person got my number? 2.how does that person knows my name is syu? 3.why the fuck does that person wants to pretend as kak kama.. and i finally got the answer..that person is a long distance kinda stupid fren of mine.his name is suhaimi..they call him pokmi..stupid luk!shilalalalalalalongkong tol...hish...so i never reply his sms-es anymore..erghhh...bak kata sai..n i quote..org yang ckp bukan2 kat sms2 ni lebih bahaya dari yang ckp depan2 public(room)..bil air tertunggak banyak..sampai melimpah2.kahkahkah sai..siak luk bro..but i guess ur rite..i mean the bahaya2 part..hehe..aih aih aih..kesian kak kama..ade imposter lak nyamar as kak kama..hish.. kesimpulannya..jangan kawan ngan owang2 tu dah..kawan ngan pompuan jek dah..lelaki lak..kawan ngan sai,noxy,yedyed,soul n few more..tu jek dah..ni pokmi2 si sume da masuk blacklist..huhu... till then..ja neh!~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:42 AM