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# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali
# BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications
# Cancerian

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Saturday, March 31, 2007


hari ni angah tibe2 ym..a very rare case..hahaha..rupanya nak bitau die dpt 4.00..walaweh...huhu..congratulations sis!sebab tu la syu sayang die ni..pandai..pandai blaja..pandai amik ati orang..heheh..well done bebeh!keep up ur great work :)

syu?erk..tadi test lagi..ntah ntah..no comment..and baru dload pspice..thanks to soul-kun who uploaded the file kat ftp die..hehehe..sayang soul-kun..sayangg sangat sangat sangat..where can i find a better fren than u?heheh:)

erm..assignment has to be done by next week..and i have like erm...
1.TWO test coming up
2.ONE big event coming
3.ONE assignment for electronics III
4.NOT SURE HOW MANY assignments for other subject since the lecturer will only be uploading them by next monday,tuesday or wednesday..

gonna be a very busy schedule for me later on..hope i can survive.wish me luck!

till then,oyasuminasai..

p/s:soul-kun..all the best for the presentation..i know u can do it..u'r a great man;)

posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:02 AM
