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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
yey!happy happy happy 20th birthday my dearest Yui..!!erm..yesterday was heaven..i downloaded a full album of Yui and all her single..teehehehe~i love rolling stones acoustic version..my craziness towards her just can't stop!walaweh..huhu..and i'm forgetting my kiroro..ait ait ait..ape nak jadi..pearl jam?incubus?erm..doesnt sound appealing anymore..gome-neh..~can't stop liking cute Yui.huhuhu..plenty of pics of her in yui-lover..and they re-sing all her songs,recorded it and uploaded it..if i'm not mistaken they're planning on giving it to Yui as a birthday present.wish i could join.HA-HA-HA.. oh..and happy birthday to cik Lyana too!~Yui turning 20 this 26th March..and yana turning 21st on the same date.wala..*jeles*jeles*but nevermind...oh..i read in the forum that Yui's eyesight is getting worse so she needed to wear spectacles..she cant just use contact lenses anymore..wow..those guys in the forum..u guys are not humans..007 pun kalah.hahaha~and i still wonder what brand of sneakers does she use..huhu~oh..they also decided to make a t-shirt..and it cost $3.80...that's around rm13.30..i want it!!!tp termasuk shipping cost from indonesia to malaysia..erm..guess i have to wait first..kewangan tak brape stabil..huhu~ and i heard a good news from sumone on myspace...yey!~i'm glad u made that decision...i love u..love u soo much!no matter what i'll stick with u girl!!.. song of the day: feel my soul and rolling star acoustic version.listen to them and fall in love with Yui.. ah..still wondering what's her real name..they said it's Yoshiko Yui..huhu~..i found this website of japanese name generator which actually doesnt change your name when u re-enter the same input..kekeke..bes seh..anyway..my japanenese name is Ishikawa Kumiko.soul called me kumiko.hahaha~melawak tol..and his name is Fujiwara Kenta..sounds a lil like Fujiwara Takumi or Fujiwara Bunta and the guy start to perasan.hahaha~ampoon soul-kun..oh..arigato soul-kun!aishiteru!u'r the bes human being living in this world..i can't believe he burned taiyou no uta for me..u'r just too kind..huhu~~ oh..yesterday was qistina's bday..happy birthday qist padang pasir!!hahaha~the plan was like this,ika zaza and me would hide in makh's room and surprise her with the cake..guess what?kitorang kene kejar dengan pak guard ep tu..ah memoyos nye pak guard!zaza ika and my face dah kene blacklist..habis la lepas ni takleh masuk dah ep..ait ait ait..~slept with zaza yesterday..remembrance of the good ol days just make my heart felt so warm and fuzzy inside..hehehe..so the cake was icecream cake..a bit too sweet i think..but nice..and it was melting..hahaha~kalau beku and sejuk sure sedap... i ate cheesecake today!finally..kakty jahat kasi syu crave for cheesecake for like erm 1 day.huhuh...arigato oka-san...aishiteru!~dah dpt ni...cam erm..makan2 da tak larat dah..but u know anak2 ghazali and cheese..hahaha~lambat nak muak..aiyark..gomok2..aiseh..~eh eh..dah lah..hehehe...time to sleep..tido awal menjamin kesihatan.esok breakfast cheesecake.yey!!!~ *kiss the cake* hahaha~ i love yui i love cheesecake i love soul-kun (u'r just too kind bebeh~) i love my oka-san i love my oto-san i love my luvly rumet i love my life!~ arigato yui-chan for making my life brighter with ur wonderful and beautiful songs..u'r a baby for sure..my baby.. (^_^) posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:56 PM