About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
felt bored..i need sumting to read maybe?i watched the OC yang tentu2 bukan jenis citer yang aku tgk..oh..i concentrated!adeh..hari ni mmg bosan sangat2..first in class i felt a lil left out..and after class i felt even more left out..heh..i thought i dun care..but actually i do..i still cant use my printer..(was about to curse..sabo2..huuu)i dunno when i'll get to use it..nanti nanti nanti..when???when???how long do i have to wait?dem betul lah..da la bad mood..pastu bosan..heh..and i chatted with a fren..as always..he signed out all of sudden..tau2 je aku ditinggalkan gitu jek..heh wuteva lah..wireless le tu nye pasal..heh..aaa..i'm having this stupid sarcastic look all over my face..demmit! esok klas..tutorial.i'm not ready..and i'm having lab.when am i gonna replace the stupid lab i missed becoz of the event??sumhow i feel that the sacrifices i made so far for the event was...useless..heh..aaaa..tak skenye aku bile tak mengikhlaskan hati utk keje2 yang da dibuat...but that's how i felt..it is all useless..haaa...benci benci benci..!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:43 PM