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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
today i had been acting very cold towards sumone..erm..didnt mean too..gomenasai puad-kun..didnt mean to be so cold towards u..it's just that..erm..when things get tough..syu gets tough on ppl..huhuhuu...bianne..(pronounce as bi-yan-ne) wah hari ni makan banyak..tadi makan beger ngan dyan..astaghfirullahalazim..gomok2!!!ape nak jadi ni syuhada???isk isk...dah la minum air gas..isk isk..tak elok utk kesihatan sungguh..!~ ujung minggu neh maybe leh jumpe soul-kun yang cam dah 8 abad tak jumpe..ngeee..moga2 tadek le aral melintang pukang menghalang re-union kitorang 4 orang..ahaks bunyi reunion takleh go..hehe.. erm..ari neh klas agak packed..with lab on the spot assignment time algo..and i suck at it..huh..tau tak programming tu susah??huwaaaaaaa...eh..esok test..da check number tadi..kat tingkat 4 blok fosee lame..4001..pastu exam number 168..pastu kan..abg censored tu nye number..186..eh eh..cam de connection lah..(mama sila lah jeles..muahahahah)..merepek betul..kalau die bace..habis la die fikir bukan2..ahaks..ampon guro2 di pagi hari..hehe.. then..ade incident dalam lab computer..erm..sangat tertekan about it actually..never expected it to end up that way..love just make ur heart become too vulnerable and fragile..aint it?heheh..maybe i should just forget about it..but what if it happens again?will i able to forgive another time?only God knows..and i hope i will.. klas machine tadi kene dok sowang2 mula2..tekanan gak la bile tempat syu tu de rang slamberk badak jek duduk..tp nak wat cane..i was destined for it..kot..ahaks.. and i realize i've been writing blog dalam keadaan tertekan these few days..and making my blog..arrr kelam?huhu..didnt do it on purpose..huhu.. ah..sumone asked me if i'm normal or abnormal..(again?)this question had been taken quite jokingly this time...i just say i'm not les..i'm just flexible.hahaha...hope it didnt make her to think badly about me..(my english starting to be kelam kabut lak rase..adeh)i just answer according to what she expect..not normal..so i gave her that.hehehe..but...i still am normal..just being less interested with human and more interested with kamben2 sekalian..sampai bila?ntah..hanya Allah yang tahu... erm..farah..i asked u for 2 days..maybe i need more..2 years?20 years maybe?i dunno..special ppl need more time to be forgotten especially when u've put so much hope on them and they shattered it just like that..erm..erm..erm..i need strength..i need another hope..a real one..not false like i had earlier..maybe then i can forget..i'll pretend..that would be easy..but on the way of it..i'll hurt like hell and u'll be annoyed by my rants..hehehehe..arigato farahcun:D ah esok klas kol 8am..ja~neh.. p/s:ari neh = 13 mac, esok = 14 mac posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:22 AM