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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
tadi jenguk blog mama..adeh kene tag..ahaks...basically..erm..6 weird things about me?adeh..me tak weird..ok maybe sumting ppl dun know about me.. 1.syu takleh tido kalo satu hari tak dgr sore ibu...teehehe..call me anak mak..call me anak manje..i dun care..i just can't close my eyes kalo tak dgr sore mak satu hari..walaupun kol 3am skalipon...mesti nak dgr sore die dulu.hehehe... 2.syu sangat tak suke nescafe/kopi kacip fatimah dan yang sewaktu dengannya..boleh minum..tp..akan muntah lepas tu..kecik2 minum..da besa jadi anti gile.ntah ape kehe tatau lak.. 3.syu benci ladder and takut tinggi.heh..!menakutkan..!kalo tergolek kebelakang..abes la pecah berderai otak.eheheeh..seumur hidup rasanya kalo tangga yang lebih 2 meter tu..skali je syu panjat..tu pun TERPAKSA.huhuhu..laiepun bile kat tmpt tinggi ade tendency nak terjun bawah..hahaha.. 4.syu tak ske rokok tp ske perokok...sbb ayah syu merokok kot..huhuhu.. (pe laie ek?cuba mendalami diri.teehehe) 5.syu ske tido..sangat2 suke tido..kalau kat rumah tu..mak kasi la tido lame2..mesti boleh je layan..tadek prob langsung ah..tp tak bes utk otak le.tp bes le tido..adeh adeh contradiction tol..huhu 6.i can easily have a crush on sumone..by one look,dah leh ske..dan akan kekal agak lame..!huhuhu..tp kalau da ade sumone else ske kat orang tu,syu akan jadi tak ske..coz i'm not competitive in a sense of heart and soul..lalala..~ :P heh..selesai dah.. so..nak tag sape ek?adeh.. 1.kak sha 2.kak nina (sebagai paksaan update blog) 3.abg amad ( juga sebagai paksaan update blog :p) 4.fiq (lame sgt tak hapdate..!:p) 5.faris kira 6.kak syaff..!! (syu tau kak syaff rajin wat bende ni...hehe) ok done..!skang ni rules and regulations and next,update on Peers' Carnival 07 yang baru je berlangsung khamis jumaat and sabtu.heh..event yang meletihkan but fun..! Rules & Regulations: Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog! posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:23 AM