About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
assalamualaikum... ehehe..skang neh gune lappy adik buat sementara waktu..erm..maybe laie seminggu kene pulang balik...lappy syu?ntah.erm....tak brani ckp..cuma mampu berdoa semoga pakweku selamat bersama-sama isinya skali.huhu~ and now i have a new love..teehehe..her name is Yui.she's do damn cute..!i like her voice..i like the way she talk sing laughs strums her guitar..i like all her songs..my fav is rolling stars and feel my soul.hoho~sgt menarik hati..and i listened to her radio..bukan la live..i'm not so sure about it but they call it Yui-radio.and she talks A LOT about her mum..guess she's anak mak..very2 sweettt!!!~(still listening to the radio..ekeke) and anyway thanks to ayie..he's the one who introduce me to yui since he got to know that i like riefu..and i'm glad i got to know Yui.oh..sumone said i'm budak tak matang!!i mean..we budak tak matang since Yui is turning 20 too this year..helloooo~..i'm turning 20 yek?no budak2 anymore..dewasa!got it??hahaha~oh and that sumone said Yui sounded like budak lelaki belum matang when she talks... (T_T) sum people..ait ait..~but anyhow i still love her.. (^_^) preity preity Yui~ oh..Yui's bday is on the 26th March..i read it at http://www.bluewind.wordpress.com erm..26th march de instrument nye test..wala~tak dpt nak celebrate..aiseh~..i checked out her tour's website..erm..ticket suma soldout...walaaa..not bad for a 19 year old teenager eh?hehe~and she wants to work hard for the next 10 years.gud gud gud!!~she's so talented i love her so much.hehehe~ :D posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:38 PM