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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
waaaa..sgt letih sebenarnye..baru lepas bace CHOBITS from epi 1 till 76.ohoho..gile nye marathon..OMG it's just soooo sweet..huhu..server stoptazmo is currently shutdown..so i can't dload 77 and 78 while i already dloaded 79 and 80 and 88.hehehe..i'll have to pass now..gotta continue it tomorrow.hehehe... ah yesterday was..heaven..almost heaven i think..hehe..it was the wrap up of all the event organize by SCC..my frens looked marvelous yesterday..and i really like kak icun's dress..menarik.hehe..and soffie look marvelous..u'r gonna get that srikandi ayu again on the 5th of may i bet!hehehe:D i loveeeeeee the token of appreciation..hohoho..oh..not many came actually..but really..we HAD FUN.for sure :) firstly of course it was because there were a lot of foods for us to eat..definitely heaven for our food shredder..teehehehe..and i dunno..maybe it was the sense of..togetherness..huhuh..dun ask..i just knew that i had fun on that day..after the VIPs left..and abg juen + his gang left sbb tanak jawap kuiz tu..lalalala:P we sang like around..i dunno..many many MANY songs!huhu..but the one that really touch my heart is Salam Akhir..it's just..ntah lah..unexplainable..touch me right here in the middle of my heart..pejal pun ade!!!seronok buli pejal..teehehehe..so we went back at like..erm..i dunno..12 maybe..lost in time i was.ahaha..~dalam bas masih lagi having fun..upon arrival at mmu,lepak OR..fuhhhh..!lame betul tak masuk OR rasenye..ehehe..so lepak2 OR than salin baju than gi menum2..sampai laaaa 3am..balik je gi OR agi skali..amik laptop..then tros balik tido..tak on langsung lappy ni..nak on mata pun dah tak larat dah time tu sebenarnye..eheheh.. so kol 8.33am..soul-kun sms-ed me..haihhh..gome-neh..10.34am baru prasan..hahaha..and itupun sbb nak balik rumah..so dalam 10.45 camtu kot went back home..balik je mandi2 tgk movie sket..oh de movie baru Fit bagi my sis and my sis gave to me..Swing Girls..kekeke movie cute gile!lepas nengok movie..gi Mantin anta my sis balik ITP..huhu..siyes letih gelak je dalam kete tu..since we were using my uncle's car..so dalam tu CD yang de Legenda Rock la..Rock Leleh laa..layankan aje..keke..sambil nyanyi sambil gelakkan Syamil yang brangan nak jadi Amer UKAY'S.hahaha..tak boleh blah betul budak tuh..sampai je Mantin lepak umah angah..dalam kol 6 lebey camtu balik la..around 8 baru sampai rumah nenek..so lepas tu balik la ostel..lepas makan la..perghhh..naik motor..rempitos ngan ayah..dengan t-shirt je..(of course la suar de kan.huhuhu) tadek sweater!kesejukan dan kebekuannnnn...uhuhuh..nasib baik ngan ayah..leh la peluk kalo sejuk tu..huhuhuhu... so sampai2 jek..terfikir..banyak betul nak buat..nak bace chobits..nak re-run taiyou no uta..nak abiskan setengah lagi swing girls..nak..nak..nak macam2..huhu..tp once dah terchobits..chobits la sampai 3.40..muahahahah..and btw...the pics for SCC dinner would be uploaded later when i have the time and mood to do so..hehehe... just wanna express sum thought of mine..hmm..if u have to choose..between a sister (or maybe sumone u thought as a sister) and a boyfriend..which would u choose?sumone u consider as a family..or a bestfren and a boyfren..whom would u chooose?i'd seen many chosen their boyfren instead of the other person..and i've been thinking..how lucky am i not to have to choose between those two..would i choose sumone i consider my sis?or would i lump up with the others and choose their boyfren instead?it's a scary thought..i just hope..i wouldnt have to choose..coz i dun wanna lose any of them..tamak sangat perhaps..but that's how i feel..i dun wanna be in a place where i have to choose..hmm.. there's sumting else i wanna talk about here but i just dun quite have the right word to express it..wouldnt want it to be misintrepreted..u know ppl...when they misunderstood things..they'd be upset and start to fuck up ur life..or at least try to do it...heh..and i dun want anyone to fucking bother my life.wooo..banyak f..mamai la ni.hahaha~ till then..ja matta neh!!~ (i love these words.."ja" instead of "oyasumi"..so not chi..huhu) posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:22 AM