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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
phewww...lame betul tak update..hehe..miss blogging so much.lalala~but i've been a nomad user for more than a month..and finally..i've gotten my lappy back...alhamdulillah..yey!~but i lost the link to yui's dload port..haha.. menyampah lak keyboard baru ni..cam tak bes...teehehe..da terbese ketuk2 keyboard kat library and lab..haha..tak kisah lah..at least it's new and tak berlobang-lobang..muahahah... erm..things happen..and i'm not in the mood to talk about it coz for me,i'm not that erm..so much in place to talk about it..yeah it's about me but still..i'm not the "leading actor" in this..and hopefully those who know who they are would be strong..sabar jek la...i always said,shit happens in life..but those shit reminds u of who u are and who u ought to be or not to be..let what had been,lie in the past..lalala starting to babble..deemmmm...huhu ah..fahmi-kun...gomenasai neh..wuuu siyes terharu gile bile kawan lama call just nak soh gi mmu awards...but mak tak kasi..teehehe..kalo mak tak kasi tu elok la jangan gi..tadek keberkatan nanti..yela...mak la segala-galanya..kalo die tak kasi tu..elok la jangan..cam mak kate..jangan bercouple2 neh..so..takyah la couple2...wat tambah dosa jek kalo tersilap langkah..eh..see...i'm babbling again..aihhh.. T_T but anyway..i'm going for the dinner!hehehe..can't wait to melawa on that day..mak soh kai baju **** tu..haha no way i'm gonna wear it..cam segan siotttt..huhu esok rabu..and fariza's going back hometown..i dunno..i just feel like..i'm gonna miss that girl this week..kehkeh..and makh's going back to perlis..nurul gi kl kot..ekin and fie je tinggal..let us ganbate2 soffie-chan for the lab report!! +_+ aaaaaaa..bosannye la idop ni kadang2..tak paham banyak bende..blur gile..but wat tatau jek leh ke?ntah ler..biar jek la..maleh nak layan..letey ar kalo kene layan sume bende..isn't it?so laie baik watdek jek... sekian trimas...wassalam~ p/s:mamaaaaa..happy belated (gile belated abis ah) bday!semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki..syu lambat balas sbb lappy ni..bukan sbb tak sayang..teehehe..sayang mama..muahx! posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:36 PM