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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
went to the NasyidFest yesterday..it was erm..fine.when there is no Faizal how can it be damnnn good.isn't it?hehe..sumone said she kept faizal under her bed at ixora (+_+) they started off quite late..i arrived pun quite late.hahaha..thanks rumet for fixing my tudung..arigatou gozaimasu!bila sampai tu jumpa la semua orang yang ayu2 belaka memakai baju kurung dan sebagainya manakala syuhada dengan selamberrrnye pakai seluar..muahaha..heck who cares..sumone told my rumet that we're suppose to wear kurung..we didnt care.heh.. i tried searching for fahmi for a while though..called him and he said he canceled the trip!erm..kinda sad though..missed the goodfren of mine so much meh...takde rezeki la kot...it's ok i guess..but still... (T_T) first performance was Fareast..they were ok...weren't really listening..listened to them..but my mind was sumwhere else..i didnt even remember what or who i was thinking about..hehe.. next were Nowseeheart.mereka sangat kelakar comel.hehe..can't believe they kept on teasing their fellow groupmate with his errr body structure..but they were good..and they sang Damai Yang Hilang!i loveeeee!!!it was an extra song for us..originally it wasnt it the list of song that they were suppose to sing..i love u guys! then there were Firdaus..group yang cam gatai2 sket..ekekek..one of the member(dunno his name) he looked like mong + fishy.hohoho...one of the member said he only want good girls to come up to him and get to know him or sumting..i was like..ceh..moyo nye..the girls were like.."haaaaa????" *dalam hati..yek eleh bajet* and the one who look like fishy pulak counterback "gadis2 yang tak berapa nak baik datang kat saya..saya akan baikkan anda" and the girls said? " u rawks." kehkehkeh... last but not least,it was waheeda's turn..die boleh flirt seh..flirt ngan Dj Erwan lak tu..and kushairi..damn...u'r one lucky dude to be up there..huhu..she was cute..really2 really2 cute..and she's good in singing live..yup.. oh i forgot...there were 2 performances from mmu..Afuan from Malacca campus and Demascus from Cj campus..one guy from demascus...he...was...kawaiiiiii..kekekeke..tp dah lupe dah muka die camna..sora die ingat la..coz die sangat bersuara sedap.hehe...and Nabil sang too..wah nabil kena buat performance during CF ni..takleh jadi niii..ngehehe... i guess that's all about the performances..it was fine.hehehe..*still can't believe faizal was not there.. (+_+) * list of ppl i manage to meet: abg t-rex! raja sole nik isya oh miss those ppl..dpt jumpa kejap pun jadilah..asalkan dpt jumpa hilang la rindu ni..hehe..sole makin comel la.hahah!~semakin kurus unfortunately (+_+) and nik masih digosip dengan raja.kehkehkehkeh...raja?ttp dengan killer smile die..he never change..and i'm glad he hasnt.ahaks..isya?cam biasa je lor..tadek pe yang berubah..hehe...abg t-rex plak..sekejap sangat dia stay lepas konsert..scc gang pun tak nampak time tu...it was kinda too crowded..lepas abg t-rex balik je i saw syafiq..hahaha~ penat gak la semalam..erm..balik je buat keje sket...and sumone keep on saying that Yui is a jellyfish.i just said i wanna be away for a while and later bagi salam and out tros.so what if she's not ur type???i never talked to u about her dude!what is ur problem???can't u let me be happy for a while??dameyo! ok..bad mood building up..gotta stop now.. ja matta neh! posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:36 PM