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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
hari ni..asyik lapa je..tp tak makan2..haha..makan dinner tadi 7pm..sebelum maghrib tadi..sebelum 2 tak makan..tadi dalam meeting pon makan nips(rindu nips gile2) je..food shredder dpt pandang je laaa..kami2 abiskan sebelum kasi die..dapat la 2 ke 3 kan?ke 1 je?eeekekek..ya ampon food shredder..:D so..that was the end..i mean..almost end.haha..the end would be the AGM..it's been a year..a really long year.. (rumet pasang lagu fauziah latip..kene betul ngan mood.ekekeke)gain lots of love and experience..not forgetting hatred.hahaha..takpelah..i dun care ke ape dah..as long as everyone's happy with their life,that is all that matters :) me myself?i'm happy now.hmm..what had we gone thru this year?camps *gosh..pengkalan balak buat aku jadi hitam legam*, trips *still remember hassan saleh.hehehe*,festivals *those mooncakes were nice* *still can remember the tiredness of handling a "mini" concert*,talks *really was touch by the palestinians..huhu*,foods!!!*dinner at d'village and bayview were both niceeee*,and ade laie lah tak ingat.ahaha..sorry..my memory has limited capacity..i can't remember every single damn (oopss) things in the world maaa...human are human :) but that's like..yerp..the end..but a start..for a new beginning..alhamdulillah i was given the chance of a lifetime to have these experiences..handling ppl..handling my thoughts..handling most importantly,my emotions. :) ah..sumone asked me to mention his name in my blog..his name is hafizul marwan..but i call him zully!~hehehe..yer aku da mention dah name kau ni..nate hare bewok jenuk..sokmo kecek klate tp dop pahe..ntah papo..congek cakdong nye oghe.ekeke..kelam kabut grammar klate aku..tp dulik hape.muahahaha~ till then..gudluck on ur finals!~ ja matta neh:) posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:44 AM