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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
just a lil of note before i'm off to exam hall..ahah~ Happy Teacher's Day to all teacher's + academician in the world! especially to my mum,Happy Teacher's Day!sorry i didnt call u but u called me instead..i even forget that it's teacher's day even when u mentioned about reading the perutusan..i feel kinda bad..uhuhu..Maaf mak..along xsengaja..ait ait ait.. to sera:Happy Cool Teacher's Day.ahaha..u'r one of a hell cool teacher ladyy~semoga anak2 murid kau tak buat ape yang dlm lawak2 jenaka kat forum tu buat ogey..ekekek.. to bakal2 cekgu Zully,Sha and Apih:contohilah guru2 hebat cam sera tu..and jadikan anak2 murid korang esok2 manusia yang berjaya dunia akhirat insyaAllah..*special utk zull,muah2 lebius bebeh..muakakaka~* and to the rest of the teachers and lecturers who have thought me ABC,123,physics chemistry,bio,science,maths and everything else,thank you very much for not only teaching me numbers and letters but thought me how to live my life too..Thank You Thank You Thank You!! till then.. adieu~ (follow Yui..teehehe:D) ok this is the part AFTER the exam.ahaha.so how was the exam?erm..let me ask..does MMU ever make any question for engineering students easy?no right.so end of story.let's just hope for the best insyaAllah.. :) the reason why i wanna write this after the exam is just to remember the good ol' days during hi-school.eheh..everyone shoul have their own fav their..during primary school there's this one teacher whom i particularly hate.ahaha..yes i hate her.since she always scolded me and my bff.of course,it was due to the fact that we were two very lazy students when it come to BM homeworks.ahahah..but one day,i was waiting for my dad.after an extra class..it was raining and i was totally alone.who came to the rescue?she did :) well,she did asked me to just let her send me back,but since i refused (dad was on his way) what she did was,she waited for me.she waited in the car and keep on watching.making sure that i'm perfectly safe.once my dad were there,i said thanks to her from afar (alah..tunduk ala2 jepon tu..die paham le ckp mekaseh..ahahah) and went back with my dad..sweet isnt she?did i say i hate her?it was suppose to be i used to hate her.but really she's a nice teacher.a very caring one perhaps. :) during secondary school,who else could have been my fav BM teacher other than my very own coolest mom.ohoho~(oh yesterday she asked me when will i get myself a bf.i just LMAO.ekekek)other than her,my fav english teacher would be the ever so glamorous Miss Shik.she never wears a dress/cloth twice a year.i wonder how her wardrobe would look like..uhuh..she's caring but firm.funny but serious when it comes to teaching students who wont do her homeworks..(i did her homeworks!!insaf weh.ahaha)and then my fav maths teacher would be Mr.Lim..i dunno why i like him..my maths during form 1 was terrible.but when i got him as my teacher for form 2 ngan form 3,i never got anything but A.ahaha..menarik ke tak cekgu tu..it's like he has magic..haha..later when i entered form 4,i hate Additional Maths.i failed through the year..but with marks like 30+..i never went outside that bother of 30 to 40.ahaha..it was so fucked up.so i went to this one lecturer of MMU who teacher tuition..well..he's nice..but he gave too much homework.ahaha..but anyway..my grades improved after going to him and when i entered form 5 the add maths teacher seems nicer..so i repeated a whole story of the maths again..never gotten anything lower than A2..maths teacher have magics!!huhu..and as for physics..sigh..i had a teacher who was suppose to teach geografi but ended up as a physics teacher..ngee..so i had to go for tuition at the end of form 4.form5,they changed the teacher to a superb one.weyh!lepas aku pi tusen baru nak tukaq..saba je la..ait ait ait..other subjects?haha..i already hate the subject..how could i love the teacher?ahahaha.. so this is the end of the Happy Teacher's Day post.ahaks..love ur teacher,love ur lecturers so the education u've gotten from them would be blessed by Allah.. adieu :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:54 AM