Tuesday, February 27, 2007
assalamualaikum.. anda pernah dgr jururawat terlampau? anda pernah lihat pramugara terlampau? jika anda pernah..maka anda perlu rasakan bagaimana rasanya menjadi letih yang terlampau.. ngeee..penat nye Allah je tahu..huhuhu..semalam tido kol 3 camtu..sbb layankan adik2 cyber tu main uno la pe la..and then..mak kejut awal pagi 6 lebey..huuuu..mane cukup tido..lepas tu kol 9 de klas..time break gi wat keje..last2..wat keje + klas non-stop till 9pm..cam keje kilang pun de..huhuhu..so skang neh..rasa nak terbalik kepala + pinggang + segala-galanya..huhuh tadi kat klas machine..syu sangat2..SANGAT2 ngantuk..madam moley tu cam lullaby je rasa...tp cam tak elok je nak tido...nanti die marah..klas kecik..takleh nyorok.. :( so...kaco la kero-chan..lalala..~nasib baik kero-chan wat lawak tak agak..tak ngantuk dah..aishiteru kero-chan!!~*terbayang keroberos kat dalam anime tuh*ekekek and esok ade 2 meeting clash..lalala..~dulik ah..nak gi SCC nye dulu..pastu baru layan PC'07..tu pon kalo sempat..dulik ah..ade wakil byk..tanye je diorang..ahaha kejam..tp maybe sempat kot..lala wuteva will be,will be..lalala..~ skang nak tido..oyasuminasai..!!~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:56 PM
fuh..rindu betul nak menulis kat sini..been really bzbzbz..~and besides..nothing much that can make me happy happen lately..only yesterday i took a break and had a little fun with a few frens..well yesterday i went to cedric's house for chinese new year..raya!!hehehe..righto after class..we had to walk there..and it was quite far..since i the farthest i walk around campus is like 100 or 200 metres,when i walked to ced's house..it feels like walking to yemen.huhuh..anyway it wasnt that far..we were exagerating about the distance that Grace felt like it was so far away too..even though the distance is like from her house to the campus..hehehe..talk about psycho huh.. :p makan sampai takleh makan..:p gaduh2..lalala...~ gaduh laieee...ait ait ait..~ when we arrived ced was already prepared with fried beehoon..aiyark ced..malu lah..he's really good at cooking..kalah syu..miahaha..~and anyway..he had another fren with him.ntah siapa..but since that guy is a muslim..so cam tak takut lah nak makan pun.. :) (besides it look as if the malay guy is living with ced..ait?ait?) so makan2 gelak2..until 7..and soffi had to pick us up since it was raining heavily..thanks fie!!~ anyway..after that at 9pm ade meeting...for peers' carnival..nothing much to say..gonna be bzbzbz lagi for this week..ait ait..test is just around the corner..i hope the director can help me with engine maths later..ait ait? meeting meeting meeting..i'm glad this is going to be over this week
oh..i realize i've been missing sumone lately..for no apparent reason..aih..like they say..it takes forever to forget sumone who had touch ur heart so dearly..ait ait..~ah..and i miss soul-kun..lalala..soul-kun...~when are u gonna be online and actually not away from the pc?ahaks..ah..nak tido..sangat mengantuk jika anda perlu bangun pada pukul 7 pagi dan tido pada 2.30 pagi..lalala..~till then..ja neh...!!~ p/s:farah..sarang heyo!!i never met u face to face yet i love u so much..ahahah...
posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:26 AM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
jika dulu.. kepercayaan ku kau ragut.. hancur lebur ditanganmu.. kini..segala kasih sayangku pada mereka.. dan tempat itu.. turut kau leburkan..  heh... assalamualaikum... ni nak tekanan neh..adeh tension sket..dulu..die seolah mempermainkan kepercayaanku..aku tak kisah dah..segalanya sudah kumaafkan..mungkin sudah tiada rezeki..tp sekarang?heh..!baru gurau sket dah kene kick and ban..ape kes...?bile aku diejek la ape la..di buli..atas alasan BERGURAU.tak pernah aku marah camtu..tak pernah aku kick ke ban ke kill ke kline ke shun ke..aku gelak bersama je..bila orang buat aku camni..hati aku jadi tawar..dulu orang lain buat aku rasa nanak masuk sane dah..skang ni..die lak buat aku rasa tawar hati..maybe..this is the end of it..aku tak daya nak biarkan hati aku ni dipijak2 camtu je..cam tak berharga..cam takde nilai di mata sesape.ah..aku tak kisah dah..kawan2 kat sane?erm..i'm gonna miss them..maybe akan contact balik nanti2..biarlah hati ini terubat dahulu.. farah sayang..i lev u..so much..i hope u would be strong to strive for ur life..it is not about me or us but it is all about u..i can be by ur side whenever u need me...but i can't really make u believe what i said..it is all depends on u..when the time is right..Allah will show u the way..i just hope for the time being u would be strong..lev ya darl! :) menenangkan orang itu lebih mudah dari menenangkan diri ini kan?and when they say i had forgive but i cant forget is just another polite way of saying i cant forgive..kan?sorry dude..i never forget..means i never forgive..aduh...ya Allah..kuatkanlah hati ini untuk memaafkan..supaya mudah hati yang lain untuk memaafkan diri ini jika aku mengasari hati itu...
posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:33 PM
assalamualaikum.. i guess it's finally over..my work..my supposedly stressfull work..it's done and..it's a disaster..i feel sorry for him..but there's nothing i can do bout it..i'm not that powerful to actually turn back time or make things different from the way they are right now...i just cant...i'm just...powerless..
posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:40 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
assalamualaikum... Gong Xi Fatt Chai!!~it's a red2 time..hehe... talking bout red..ari tu ngusha hp motorola slvr red edition..huh..cam bes..tp tak larat nak beli..so beli yang bese2 nye jek..ekekek...ok la kot harga dia..bukan ap set dpt 600 including 256Mb memory card.kalo mahal ckp ek?syu leh saman kedai tu..ekekek...  anyway..my tears are dried up..malas nak nangeh2 dah..buang karan je..nasib baik mak memahami and byk pujuk syu..muahx2 mak!!~ oh..and i'm back to hostel earlier..working time i guess..esok tgk lah camne..if a lot of company open..leh la setelkan..coz syu nengok komiti2 pc tu beberapa kerat je yang online(tanda da balik kampus) yang lain2 tatau le..heh..~and ika...erm..kesian ika kene teman syu..huuuu..cayunk ika..muahx2!!~ aaa...it's already too late to post anything more regarding the bola during p.d trip.malas nak upload dah..heh..~oh..and byk lagi bende kene buat neh..nak mintak mak belikan external hdd..pastu nak beli usb cabel utk phone neh..pastu handsfree die..wawawa..~byk betul nak beli..mintak mak payung ah hdd tu..huhuh...hopefully leh le kot...moga2 abg idir kasi murah..i lev PcWorld!~ memoyos.. :p
posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:15 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
 i hate feeling this way...all alone...and depressed..with noone to share my tears with..sheesh! there are things u can say in a blog..and things u cant say in here...and today..2 things happened that i cant mention here..it just rip my heart off me..and too many things happened lately that made me feel like quiting..seriously..i do feel like doing so now..quiting everything..sheesh!
posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:03 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
assalamualaikum.. sabtu and ahad hari tu ytm telah anjurkan Jalan-jalan Hujung Minggu di Port Dickson.so sabtu 8.15am kami sepatutnya bertolak... sabtu 7.45am: syu ngan lina sampai kat plaza siswa utk sarapan yang disediakan..theoritically kami dah lambat 15 minit... 8.00am: mulan sampai... 8.15am: yang lain2 baru le sampai..ngeh...awal tak awal syu ngan lina?walaupun in fact kami lambat..harharharh..~ so around 9am baru la kami bertolak ke p.dickson...and around 10.30 kami sampai ke Marina Resort...mmg penat gile lah jalan tu..so ingatkan sampai ke check in and rest kejap2..but rupanya terus ada ceramah first kami..huhu..so suma mmg muka letih takleh blah lah..ahaks.. ceramah ustaz ahmad tu mmg mantaps..~mmg banyak yang kami belajar dari ceramah tu..like everything happens for a reason..there's no such a thing as coincidence..dan satu statement yang syu tertarik adalah statement kenapa islam adalah agama yang menunjukkan arah yang lurus dan boleh diterima pakai oleh otak yang waras.Ustaz tanya kami sebelum start ceramah lagi.but in the end dia yang jawap sendri..ahaks..jawapan dia adalah Jika mencari kebaikan dalam Islam,nescaya akan dijumpai,namun keburukan takkan sesekali dijumpai dalam Islam.how true it is :) and lepas tu barulah kami dapat lunch + check in + zuhur + rest kejap...bilik hotel adalah superb!~food was great!everything was difinitely nice and great.ngehehe..lepas lunch tu ada sesi bersama Encik Mohd Bahagia as wakil YTM..he looked dangerous..hohoho..but actually he's really a very soft-spoken person..dia sangat2 baik..and we like him so much..lagi2 bila dia kata tengah nak usulkan cadangan untuk naikkan duit untuk scholars..heheh..terima kasih Encik Mohd!!we L.O.V.E you! :) oh ade 4 orang rakan se-apartment tido and tak gi session tu..ehehe.. and lepas tu adalah upacara riadah yang sangat menyeronokkan..weehoo..~mula2 main galah panjang..tapi disebabkan banyak betul pertelagahan manja2 terjadi,kami decide nak main dodge ball..ahaks..da la satu je bola..ganas betul..anyway..bola tu jatuh dalam longkang yang super dalam..and kat tepi2 kolam tu ada teritip yang tajam and licin at the same time..how did we get the ball out of the longkang?i'll reveal it later when i've got the pics.hehehe... oh and we watched lelaki2 sekalian main polo air...bajet seksi kot sume..ahahah..amponn suke suki aku je..ekeke...anyway..abg rambut ensem tu dipuji oleh sumone sbb body die ala2 hot..ahaks..!~ntah ape2 je..ekeke so mmg sesi mengeluarkan bola dari longkang tu mmg amatlah meletihkan..huhu..lepas solat maghrib kami dinner..oh..did i mention we're (syu,zaza,ika and bai,rakan se-apartment) always one of the first to come to any session?bangga2..*hins*hins* :p after dinner it was Hj Zam's session..huhu..muka masing2 mmg layu tak hengat lah..lagi2 lah yang menyelamatkan bola tampar Mr Chua tu kan..ahaha..~so dalam sesi2 ceramah encik Zam tu,sempat la gak ilangkan ngantuk..coz encik Zam mmg klaka bangat...syakirin lah yang paling banyak kene usik..hehe..dia dipanggil sebagai sidek..and bila dia sms encik Zam akan kata die baca maksurat.ahaks..sampaikan piqah jawap phone pun encik Zam kata baca maksurat..mmg menyindir gile lah..ahahah... around 11.15 fara sms-ed me..and i was dead worried about her..and my mum pun ada gak sms..and tak risau sangat lah..lepas abis session encik Zam,around 11.45pm ada la minum2..but since fara ada prob..selera tadek langsung..so i walked really slow while chatting with her on the phone..gosh i miss my darl.. :) and mak demam..aiya..makin le tak senang hati kat sana...isk isk...so lepas isyak kol 12 ke camtu,tros lelap..letak kepala atas bantal,tros gelap..tido..hahaha... esok nya awal2 pagi lagi dah bangun and buat riadah..ada la exercise yang kene goyang2 lutut..mangaih...sume goyang lutut cam goyang dikocok2 ala2 inul..ngahaha..ampoonnn.. basically LDK first and second day more to discussion on how we're gonna survive third sem..ade la a few things that we do..bla bla bla..at 11.30am kami check out...lepas tu singgah Teluk Kemang..yihaa!!~ mmg bes gile main air..tp tak mandi pun..and damn..my skin burned..cis betul..tak mandi pun burn..ngeh..zaza,ika,zami,bai,bok and husband(hahah) main banana boat.hohoho..sangat comel..part diorang jatuh tu la comel..hahaha..kesian zaza rambut jadi keras sebab air laut..ish ish.. lepas main2 air/pasir we dig sum burgers and fried ice-creams..makan dalam bas je..coz nak balik dah..tak sempat nak lepak makan kat tepi pantai..eheh..anyway..mula2 kan syu dok ngan ika..lepas tu zami lak conquer tempat syu..tak aci!ade ke die soh duduk ngan maun??ngaa..kalo maun tu pompuan lain le citer..citt...thanks to nazir,i got to sit with bai. :) sampai je melaka mak soh gi umah encik poad..ngaa..ampoonn..tak larat sungguh..huhu..so balik tido je la ape laie..ekkee...malam tu mak ajak gi umah achok sebab bday die..so nak tanak gi la gak bday chok... tu je la dua hari tu..penat seh..da lah JATUH kat pelantar batu tu..sakit tau..korang jahat gelakkan syu lah zaza..ish ish..sampai skang sakit laie sket blakang ni..ade sape2 nak offer urut?ahaks..lupe nak soh ayah urutkan semalam..aiyark..~ eh da lambat lah..ade study discussion ngan ika,amir,maun and maybe wan..hehe..caye tak caye syu ade study group..ahaks..anyway..till then..~jaa p/s:2 hari dpt tgk abg rambut cun..cam bes!hahahah..*tgk tanpa perasaan pun.. :p *
posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:39 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
i'm currently listening to the khutbah + jason mraz at the same time..hehehe..(pok pale sendri..)..tadi nak usha2 org jumaat..pastu tak jadi..cam tak nak lak.ahaks...
neway...semalam beli beg baru!!heh..akhirnya beli gak..:p tp same ngan abg rambut depan..ngan hizami...wuwuwuwu..tak aci..asal beg korang same ngan syu.. :( aih aih aih...~and i bought a bracelet yang cam kucen...kinda "tarzan" like style...huhu...lately nothing much to update..life kinda..empty kot...heheheh...*ting tonggggg!!~*
anyway..got another song that i falled in love with..maybe it's kinda late..but i just realize the lyrics..hehe..i always fall in love with good lyrics.. :)
It takes a crane to build a crane It takes two floors to make a story It takes an egg to make a hen It takes a hen to make an egg There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word And it takes some words to make an action It takes some work to make it work It takes some good to make it hurt It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn And it takes a day to make you yawn brother And it takes some old to make you young It takes some cold to know the sun It takes the one to have the other
And it takes no time to fall in love But it takes you years to know what love is It takes some fears to make you trust It takes those tears to make it rust It takes the dust to have it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle Ah la la la la la la life is so full of Ah la la la la la la life is so rough Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle Ah la la la la la la life is our love Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound It takes a loss before you found it And it takes a road to go nowhere It takes a toll to make you care It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle Ha la la la la la life is wonderful Ha la la la la la life is meaningful Ha la la la la la life is wonderful Ha la la la la la life it is...so... wonderful It is so meaningful It is so wonderful It is meaningful It is wonderful It is meaningful It goes full circle Wonderful Meaningful Full circle Wonderful
i usually find lyrics at azlyrics.com..AZlyrics..ahaks..the word az just sting in my heart...remembrance hurts!~hehehehe...
posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:51 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
assalamualaikum.. nak beli beg..semalam kuar cari beg..tp tadek yang bes..gi usha kat BUM city..tp..wuwuwu...design tak cun..nape ade pic2 tengkorak??and ade laie satu tu..erm..a bit too girlish..but cute!!haha..terpaksa tahan diri dari beli..haha..nanti lah nak rembat satu beg..kene cari ni..aih aih aih..~ hari ni nak gi CITS nak gi register wireless..tatau lak kene register every sem..ceit..patut la ari tu wat esemen kat exam hall(time sem 1)takleh connect..sbb register time alpha ari tu..ngaaa..takpele..free je pun..just malas nak gi CITS tu je..ari ni..erm..cam tak bes je..ntah le..ades... semalam kepenatan..balik je tros lelap..bangun2 je sai mintak tolong sumting..tolong die jap..pastu tido..and syu tido dalam kelaparan..hahaha..tibe2 malam tu rasa lapa..tp malas nak kuar makan..pagi tadi pun lapa..skang tak lapa dah..takyah la makan..hahaha malas tol... okay lah...nak gi CITS ni..bye!!~ oh..and i suddenly miss not being single.ahaks!!~but single is best..double only make trouble..erh..wuteva.. till then...~jaaa
posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:25 AM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
assalamualaikum... it's been hard for me today... i felt like i'm a non-existing creature between them.. aih aih... maybe i am... oh..algo tutorial..i love that class!..bwahahaha..naa..it actually not really nice..i mean..i was at the most front desk..bapak skema..and i used the pc next to the one connected to the projector..pergh..bayangkan betapa skemanya saya!!and i shared desk with sumone i dun know..and i talked to him as if we've known each for like..erm..10 days at least..hahaha...but anyway..i still dun know his name..n he knows my name..aiyark..tak aci..tutor lak..erm..tak bape nak tangkap die ckp ape..but ok la..at least i understand what he's talking about..and he's cute...muka cam Charlie Chaplin tuuu..comel kan?kan?ekeke...oh..and mama jeles syu dok dekat dengan abg rambut depan...bluweekkkk..next week nak dok kat situ laie..bluweekk!!:p klas machine lah yang byk mencabar kekuatan jiwa neh...kadang2 org yang kite sayang la paling susah nak sayang..haha..balik je klas..jalan sorang2..coz yang lain2 tu dah jauh kedepan..malas nak kejar..sumtimes it feels better to be alone..jalan je lah sorang2...call ibu...pastu ibu anta makan..pastu makan..pastu..erm..ntah la..it's like an endless night..and i hate endless night..wish it's day light already.. esok nak kuar duit..sebab kene bayar duit gelang..ingatkan kene bayar next week..rupanya this week..lari bajet gue..aiyark~but hell..nevermind lah kot... do u realize how i looked at u? do u often seen how my eyes glow when i see u? do u realize how much i love u? do u realize how much u meant to me? do u ever realize that i'm beside u? i guess u dont.... it's like i never existed... p/s:zt..ni bukan memendam perasaan..ni tekanan perasaan..ngeh~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:15 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
assalamualaikum... hari ini..rasa cam lemah sangat semangat..mula2 skali pagi tadi balik kampung umah nenek..tp rasa tak seronok..syu rasa lemah sangat2..tatau nak ckp kat mak camne..buat je la muka happy tu..nanti kesian lak mak kalo tgk muka syu tak semangat..tp mmg syu takde semangat..nak bukak buku buat latihan pun rasa cam..ntah la..segala tenaga dalam diri ni..macam..drained...siang tu..banyak tido je..rasa cam tanak bangun2..tanak bangun sampai bila2..tanak bangun langsung...hati ni..cam sakit je...cam disiyat-siyat..dikoyak-koyak...bile tgk citer Janji Joni yang comel2 pun..still rasa cam..cam nak pengsan.. bile balik hostel...masuk room..tgk nick tu..makin lemah tenaga..ntah la..pastu ramai lak geng yang tadek mood la bad mood la..cam..i dunno..it just makes me feel worse..and what make it worst was the stupido anugerah bintang wutsoeva tu..i dun even know why it exist!i watched it like..half and hour before it end kot..tak sure what time i started to watch it..but enuf for me to know that mawi menang..heh..no surprise~..menyampah tol..and yang lagi menyampah is.. THEY CANCELED BLEACH SHOW WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE AIRED AT 11PM WHILE MAWI WAS ACCEPTING HIS STUPID AWARDS!heh..marah tau..i felt like crying my butt out when i saw the advert that bleach is canceled..damn!just when i need sumting to cheer me up.erghhh!!!!skang ni..syu dah exhausted..tak larat nak cakap ke gelak ke ape ke..i feel like egrhhh!!!!
posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:08 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
assalamualaikum.. it's happening again..and it seems like i can stop it..i wish i could..but i know i wouldn't be able to..oh..Ya Allah..give me strenght to go through this once again..my heart's getting weaker..i dunno what to do..aduh..kenapa begitu mudah air mata ini mengalir??kenapa??aku tak sanggup Ya Allah..aku tak mampu melaluinya sekali lagi..cukup sudah kehilangan sekali..aku tak mahu kehilangan lagi...jika padamu ia pergi..akan ku relakan.namun..aku tak sanggup kehilangan manusia kesayangan ku yang masih menapak dibumi mu ini Ya Allah..kurniakanlah kami hidayah-Mu..
posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:16 PM
assalamualaikum..erm..nak share sumting that i've gotten from sumone this morning..just now..while discussing about music..eh zul..really..can i call u zully?pepelizzzz..:D anyway..this song is by hellogoodbye..a band which sort of focus their music to one instrument yet they have other instruments..for this song,they're focusing on guitar..but they still have drummers (yang handsome bangat!!)..heheh..good melody..good lyrics..make me fall in love again..with noone!erhh..maybe with the drummer...ahakS!~ "Oh, It Is Love"Oh, it is love From the first time I set my eyes up on yours Thinking oh, is it love? Oh dear It's been hardly a moment And you are already missed There is still a bit of your skin That I've yet to have kissed Oh say please do not go But you know, oh, you know that I must Oh say I love you so But you know, oh, you know you can trust We'll be holding hands once again All our broken plans I will mend I will hold you tight so you know It is love from the first Time I pressed my hand into yours Thinking oh is it love? Oh, dear, it's been hardly three days And I'm longing to feel your embrace. There are several days Until I can see your sweet face. Oh say, wouldn't you like to be older and married with me Oh say, wouldn't it be nice to know right now that we'll be Someday holding hands in the end All our broken plans will have been I will kiss you soft so you know It is love from the first Time I pressed my lips against yours Thinking oh is it love? Your heart may long for love that is more near So when I'm gone these words will be here To ease every fear And dry up every tear And make it very clear I kiss you and I know It is love from the first Time I pressed my lips against yours Thinking oh is it love? Oh it is love from the first Time I pressed my lips against yours Thinking oh is it love? I kiss you and I know It is love from the first Time I pressed my lips onto yours Thinking oh is it love? http://rapidshare.com/files/14626419/6_oh__it_is_love.mp3.htmloh..and i've gotten a song from mie..eh..fahmi (kuyu a.k.a tom kuyu :P) he gave me lagu Gadis Melayu sang by not mawi but JERICHO ROSALES YANG HANDSOME TU.hahaha...lemau la dey..dgr sekali je..coz it was sooo err...menyeksakan telingaku ini..uhuk uhuk... ape2 pun syu recommend band Hellogoodbye tu..really nice song..enjoy! :)
posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:49 AM
Friday, February 02, 2007
assalamualaikum... the imposter called me yesterday nite..with another number..aiyark gilos apo..but die tak nyamar la..heheh..he called..n i answered..n i asked...with a very mengantuk voice(i was asleep)..huhu...but that time alia's fren came to our room..and i was quite noisy..so he thought i was lying..wtf?ingat aku kat club ke beb..aler...adeh..ahhh..gth lah with him..heh.. anyway..tadi bercakap sket tentang agama ngan boi..erm..die tanye tahlil tu haram ke tak..we discussed a lil..n i just wanna share sumting that i know.. bacaan yasin tiap2 malam jumaat tu..(ayed bangkitkan)tak haram.kalau dibaca utk kite..heheh..kalau kate nak pahala tu sedekah kat simati..cam yang slalu dilakukan orang2 err..tatau sape but nenek dulu penah buat masa die tatau..sebenarnye amalan tu takleh..sebab amalan setiap yang mati itu tamat tatkala nyawa arwah dicabut...so kalo nak sedekah amalan kite tu mmg tak sampai le..kecuali..sedekah2 duit tu ke..ar..fardhu kifayah..hehe..tu kot namenye..ades...jem...sebab tu agama time spm dpt b jek..huhu...but anyway..die tak tanye soklan ni dalam spm.heh~lagi satu pasal..erm..time2 raya tu kan slalu ade certain family bawak tikar die ke kubur..bacakan yasin..erh..tu pun takleh..pastu boi kate..bende tu haram...hehe..kate die le..syu tak kate..lalalala~pastu ape laie yek..tu je la yang sempat kami bincangkan..lepas tu sume dah senyap..heh..laju je korang senyap bile tibe bab camni..ahaks...kalo ckp pasal chentaz ke ape ke..laju je..hahaha..amponnnn anyway..malam ni nak tido awal coz esok ade seminar ultimate intelligent dari 8.00am (kot tak sure) sampai 12pm.hah amik kau..huhuhuhu..lepas tu akan err..gi library kot study..buat tutorial yang berlambak-lambak menunggu..huhuhu..nak jadi rajin!!chaiyok2 zaza!! anyway..rantai zaza tu syu dah salah beli..tp die amik gak..aiya..u'r just too sweet zaza..n it look nice on u..pakai ngan baju kurung tau..muahxs!~ erh..ade jumpe shasha tadi..yey!!akhirnya dpt gak melunaskan segala kerinduan kat shasha..hehehe..sha kau jem la..asyik buat aku gelak je..hahah...especially time kat kedai makan tu..hehehe makcik:"anak makan ape tadi?" shasha:"erm..daging tiga ketul..sosej sebatang..telur sebiji.." makcik:"erm..ok" makcik tu muke senyum ketat gile tahan gelak.. hakhakhak..kesian shasha..kuar je kedai makcik tu gelakkan die..Ya rabbi..makcik..makcik..kotoq naaaa fikiran..huhuhu...tp ngan aku2 skali gelakkan kau sha..hahaha..n she was innocent she didn't even realize why she laughed at until i explained it to her..u'r so sweet!!huhuhu..kawan syu baik..but syu..aih aih aih~and then borak2 till 2.20pm...huhu..sekejap je rasenye beberapa jam bersama tu..lepas tu syu gi la klas..2.30pm..kire sgt2 yakin lah ni..tgk jadual 3 ke 4 kali..yep..class at 2.30pm..masuk je tgk klas penuh gile...and then dok la line DEPAN SEKALI sebab line blakang2 da penoh..huhuhu....skali tu cari2 wajah2 zaza,ika,mama,ekin,soffi tadek lak..sms zaza tanye... syu:"za..awak tak gi klas ke?mane korang yek?" zaza:"eh gi..kol 3.30 kn?kite kat umah lagi la..." syu:"aik..kite gi awal la ni eks?aiyark.." then zaza call..ngaaa..nak jawap camne..depan syu ade DR.LIM TUCK MENG dean yang paling strict n garang kat mmu ni..aiya..so lepas tu sms la zaza... syu:"za..i'm in class..can't answer.." zaza:"eh klas kite da start ke??" and i can sense sesi gelabah zaza..hahaha..so i checked the timetable that i printed from the online center bla bla bla...written there class at 15.30..meaning...i was in the wrong class.. so i text zaza.."zaza..i'm the wrong class lah.hahaha..kite salin jadual hari tu wrongly..ngehh..nvm..same je lo.tak kisah lah.hehehe" wahah..tibe2 malu ngan budak sebelah tu..ahaks..but wat2 tatau je la kan..the class is so big that nobody would realize if there's an outsider..dr.lim pun tak pasan..lalalala~:p so after class..at 3.22pm he dismissed the class..on the way out i met zaza..n she made her angry face.. zaza:"syuhada!u made me scared..huhuhu.." i'm really sorry dear..didn't mean too...gomenasai neh?cayunkkk zaza..muahx3..hehehe..oh ye..soffi halau syu time klas kol 4.30-5.30 for machine..die kate syu nye class 5.30-6.30..huhuhu..sampai ati mu soffie..membuatku begini..uhuks!!~ so lepas klas tu balik bilik..lalala same thing all over again..tgk matahari terbenam...nampak cahaya oren kat kaki langit tu..n i came out with this..ahaks.. warna jingga di kaki langit itu.. semakin dekat serasanya dengan diriku.. seolah mencengkam setiap genap hati ini.. membawa semua kegembiraan ku pergi.. meranapkan tiap harapanku.. warna jingga dikaki langit itu.. membawa seribu kenangan.. menggarapkan seribu harapan.. namun warna jingga itu hanya membawa aku terus menenggelamkan aku dalam sudut air mata.. tidak mahu kulihat lagi warna jingga di kaki langit itu kerna ia akan hanya membiarkan aku terus kelubuk sepi terus tenggelam dalam gelap dalam sepi dalam sunyi dalam rindu yang tak kesampaian dalam cinta yang terlarang.. hah amik kau..kan jiwang skali..hahahha...ntah le..but that's how i was feeling..heh..this unbearable thing just ripped the whole soul out of me..devoted_soul..can i have yours?ahaks..ampoonnn.. anyway..that's all for today i guess..ending my day earlier tonite..kinda tired..promised yed to sleep early today..aih aih..u'r like my big bro now eh?but i love u no matter what bro! ;) till we meet again..ja~ nota kaki tangan mata idong molot: pearl jam is way better than incubus..ngeh..pearl jam rawks forever bebeh!!!!yeahhhh~(nota ni utk yang tertentu jek.. :p)
posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:24 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
assalamualaikum.... yesterday at 12.30am sumting...i got a msg from sumone whom i thought was kak kama...the number was sumting like +6014blablabla..i didn't realize there was this 0 before 1...what i saw was +614blablabla..i seriously thought it was kak kama..i was so sleepy at that time..oh..i realize bout it at 2.00am++...coz i was bz with sumting else earlier..hehe..so i asked that person... "ni kak kama yeh?sorry lah lambat balas.." and the person replied.. "a ah syu..mggu ke?" so we exchange sms-es like we chatted...cam normal lah kan..n the person wanted to follow me to bed!i was like..jom2 kak kama..mai2 le..kak kama meh..i've gotten used to manja2 ngan kak kama..so tak kisah la kan nak manja2 konon2 tido same n all..anyway a few hours later the person replied..that person wanted to hug me..i was like..ahakS kak kama..syu dah bangun la..and it was around 9am..kat umah kak kama dah 12pm kot..agak pelik lah...later that stupid idiotic person said nak soh syu baring katanya ade bende nak buat..i was like..wtf???this is sooooo not kak kama..seriously i was really blur at that time that i didn't realize the stupid 0 before 1..(still??!!~sigh....)i was really getting angry with this imposter so i text: "kak kama..adeh..ape kehe jem semacam..merepek lah..kang syu marah kangg" n the person replied to me; "ala syu..boleh la.." then i suddenly thought of checking the number again..THEN i realize there's an 0 before 1..damned...so i knew it was a malaysian's number..not kak kama's..so i was thinking... 1.where does that person got my number? 2.how does that person knows my name is syu? 3.why the fuck does that person wants to pretend as kak kama.. and i finally got the answer..that person is a long distance kinda stupid fren of mine.his name is suhaimi..they call him pokmi..stupid luk!shilalalalalalalongkong tol...hish...so i never reply his sms-es anymore..erghhh...bak kata sai..n i quote..org yang ckp bukan2 kat sms2 ni lebih bahaya dari yang ckp depan2 public(room)..bil air tertunggak banyak..sampai melimpah2.kahkahkah sai..siak luk bro..but i guess ur rite..i mean the bahaya2 part..hehe..aih aih aih..kesian kak kama..ade imposter lak nyamar as kak kama..hish.. kesimpulannya..jangan kawan ngan owang2 tu dah..kawan ngan pompuan jek dah..lelaki lak..kawan ngan sai,noxy,yedyed,soul n few more..tu jek dah..ni pokmi2 si sume da masuk blacklist..huhu... till then..ja neh!~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:42 AM