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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
waaaa..sgt letih sebenarnye..baru lepas bace CHOBITS from epi 1 till 76.ohoho..gile nye marathon..OMG it's just soooo sweet..huhu..server stoptazmo is currently shutdown..so i can't dload 77 and 78 while i already dloaded 79 and 80 and 88.hehehe..i'll have to pass now..gotta continue it tomorrow.hehehe... ah yesterday was..heaven..almost heaven i think..hehe..it was the wrap up of all the event organize by SCC..my frens looked marvelous yesterday..and i really like kak icun's dress..menarik.hehe..and soffie look marvelous..u'r gonna get that srikandi ayu again on the 5th of may i bet!hehehe:D i loveeeeeee the token of appreciation..hohoho..oh..not many came actually..but really..we HAD FUN.for sure :) firstly of course it was because there were a lot of foods for us to eat..definitely heaven for our food shredder..teehehehe..and i dunno..maybe it was the sense of..togetherness..huhuh..dun ask..i just knew that i had fun on that day..after the VIPs left..and abg juen + his gang left sbb tanak jawap kuiz tu..lalalala:P we sang like around..i dunno..many many MANY songs!huhu..but the one that really touch my heart is Salam Akhir..it's just..ntah lah..unexplainable..touch me right here in the middle of my heart..pejal pun ade!!!seronok buli pejal..teehehehe..so we went back at like..erm..i dunno..12 maybe..lost in time i was.ahaha..~dalam bas masih lagi having fun..upon arrival at mmu,lepak OR..fuhhhh..!lame betul tak masuk OR rasenye..ehehe..so lepak2 OR than salin baju than gi menum2..sampai laaaa 3am..balik je gi OR agi skali..amik laptop..then tros balik tido..tak on langsung lappy ni..nak on mata pun dah tak larat dah time tu sebenarnye..eheheh.. so kol 8.33am..soul-kun sms-ed me..haihhh..gome-neh..10.34am baru prasan..hahaha..and itupun sbb nak balik rumah..so dalam 10.45 camtu kot went back home..balik je mandi2 tgk movie sket..oh de movie baru Fit bagi my sis and my sis gave to me..Swing Girls..kekeke movie cute gile!lepas nengok movie..gi Mantin anta my sis balik ITP..huhu..siyes letih gelak je dalam kete tu..since we were using my uncle's car..so dalam tu CD yang de Legenda Rock la..Rock Leleh laa..layankan aje..keke..sambil nyanyi sambil gelakkan Syamil yang brangan nak jadi Amer UKAY'S.hahaha..tak boleh blah betul budak tuh..sampai je Mantin lepak umah angah..dalam kol 6 lebey camtu balik la..around 8 baru sampai rumah nenek..so lepas tu balik la ostel..lepas makan la..perghhh..naik motor..rempitos ngan ayah..dengan t-shirt je..(of course la suar de kan.huhuhu) tadek sweater!kesejukan dan kebekuannnnn...uhuhuh..nasib baik ngan ayah..leh la peluk kalo sejuk tu..huhuhuhu... so sampai2 jek..terfikir..banyak betul nak buat..nak bace chobits..nak re-run taiyou no uta..nak abiskan setengah lagi swing girls..nak..nak..nak macam2..huhu..tp once dah terchobits..chobits la sampai 3.40..muahahahah..and btw...the pics for SCC dinner would be uploaded later when i have the time and mood to do so..hehehe... just wanna express sum thought of mine..hmm..if u have to choose..between a sister (or maybe sumone u thought as a sister) and a boyfriend..which would u choose?sumone u consider as a family..or a bestfren and a boyfren..whom would u chooose?i'd seen many chosen their boyfren instead of the other person..and i've been thinking..how lucky am i not to have to choose between those two..would i choose sumone i consider my sis?or would i lump up with the others and choose their boyfren instead?it's a scary thought..i just hope..i wouldnt have to choose..coz i dun wanna lose any of them..tamak sangat perhaps..but that's how i feel..i dun wanna be in a place where i have to choose..hmm.. there's sumting else i wanna talk about here but i just dun quite have the right word to express it..wouldnt want it to be misintrepreted..u know ppl...when they misunderstood things..they'd be upset and start to fuck up ur life..or at least try to do it...heh..and i dun want anyone to fucking bother my life.wooo..banyak f..mamai la ni.hahaha~ till then..ja matta neh!!~ (i love these words.."ja" instead of "oyasumi"..so not chi..huhu) posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:22 AM
hari ni..asyik gelak je..tak snonoh tol..huhu..mula2 geleb aaaa..sbb terlewat bangun..7.50 baru bangun!!astaghfirullah..mmg tak sdr langsung henpong tu memekak.. +_+ bangun je laju2 mandi..tak sempat pun sms ibu bitau da bgn..ye ar...sampai 7 misscall dari ibu..kiakiakia~gomeneh oka-san..anakanda tak sengaja..teehehe..lepas mandi2 siap2 tu prasan ayah pun de misscall..gomeneh oto-san.. +_+ da la geleb gi klas..kai baju pun yang ikut ske jek..sarung2 baru pasan baju tak lawa.hahaha..so kai jek sweater kat luar..layanz...malas nak tuka baju..weh sejak bile aku maintain ni..adesss.. so lepas abis jek klas tu balik and siapkan surat menyurat..ahaks..so..da anta surat..alhamdulillah..selesai satu kerja yang penting tu.. :) and tadi jenguk la kak nora opis..bual2 ngan die..memahami hati seorang ibu..hehehe..lepas tu syapiq lak masuk..pujuk kak nora same2 utk bawak anak2 die dtg..mesti mao ade anak2 comel tu skali esok!sgt sronok meh..heheh..pastu kak norakei lak dtg..die bawak lagu..lagu Salam Akhir..nyanyi ramai2..hikhikhik..pastu kak pijah dtg..kak icun dtg..ikut ske jek nyanyi2..hahaha~tp sangat seronok..sbb dpt mesra2 camni..usha2 la borang2 pemohon ostel..lalalala~da dpt sorang comel!muahahahaha!!tunggu je la die masuk..takut muke mule2 skema jek..last2..adesss +_+ pengalaman mengajar aku erti "kepalsuan gambar yang dihantar utk memohon ostel" uuhuhuhuhu... so dalam 12.30pm gitu gi mamam same2..ramai2..makanan ari ni sgt sodap..masak lomak ayam..yummy yummm~tp ntah kenapa..time makan tu..tibe2 teringat kat psycho..haihhh..lepas abis makan..gi geleb buat lab report lak..muahahaahaha..main tibaii jek buat..ntah pape haku jawap..diri sendri pon tatau..kekeke..but cam betul jek...kire ok la tu kot..oh mr darren...u know how much i love u kan..muahaha..~ 3.30 gi klas maths..yes walaupun lab report lom siap...gi jugak...mesti mau gi.huhu...so bile sampai jek...open book,letak notes maths dalam file,buat report balik.ahaha..tatau nape..klas maths mesti rjin gile gi..cam misteri jek..eleh ye la tu misteri..kekee...dalam 3.35 camtu..jeng jeng..psycho masuk klas.muahahaha~yep die kai baju hitam..syu sebelum klas da tuka baju dah..sbb tanak la kai baju ntah pape kan gi klas..so kai baju itam..hehehe..same la plak kaler..cuma psycho itam oren and syu itam ijo..lalala asal de itam sudey.. :P and kebetulan lak die lalu lalang ade la 90 kali depan syu (hiperbolic.teeheheh) so leh la pandang2 die..tibe2~die pandang syu...ark!!ntah nape takleh senyum..so pandang balik graph..pastu terer tak terer die tu..dok lak kat row depan syu..kepala die tu betul2 selari ngan syu..muahahaha..tp tak tgk sgt la..coz ngah bzbzbzbz...tp skali skala usha la gak..hehe:D ala usha je pun..tak luak pe..keke..baru perasan..kaler rambut die lawa..die dye rambut tu for sure..pastu die tak gune sikat utk kebelakangkan rambut die..gune jari jek..sbb tak kemas sgt..hehehe:) and telinga die cam tinga gajah!!kekekeke..wah menarik wo pandangan die dari belakang..so around 4pm camtu siap lah report tu yang ntah papo jo..mula ingat nak lari je..tp pike balik..tak pernah dalam sejarah kot syu buat camtu..so stay jek la..sampai 4.30..4.30 je tros kuar..tinggalkan ekin..gomeneh..tp nak cpt..time jalan kat tangga tu..slow2 la sket..tau2 jek..de rang kat sebelah..and die kate "hi" or was it "ho"?hahah ntah le..yang penting ade la suara.. :P so 4 tingkat jalan sebelah die..sumting that i would call as..kebahagiaan 3 minit.ahahaha..kuar je dari FBL tros laju2 gi jumpe mr darren..tgk2 die tadek +_+ darren-san!ngape nye tak dok bilik??tinggalkan aje lab report tu kat beg die kat luar tu and blah gi klas machine..huhu..taking risk actually..tp nak wat cane kan..at that time..it was do or die now or never.i had to make that decision and i was lucky..thank Allah..huhu~tp mr darren de tegur la.."next time if u can't find me just past it up at the FET office alrite dear?" yes yes mr darren..i got that..arigatou gozaimasu..gosh..die sangat baik dan peramah..sangat menghormati orang sebegitu.. :) balik jek..buat ape eh?rehat kot..sambil2 fikir..camne la nak pujuk azhan malam ni utk invite die.kekekeke..and fikir gak..sape la nak jadi mangsa neman syu neh..segan siot..kiakiakiakia~dulu kelaparan time alpha..kuar gak berdua makan ngan cekgu eddy..tu sume kelaparan nye pasal.hahaha~so malam tadi nye discussion went well..alhamdulillah..moga2 Allah memberikan kelapangan dalam setiap pekerjaan kami.. haaa..lepas tu plak..usha2 frenster..erm..terjumpa Leonie nye profile..dari leonie..gi pade Shi En..andddddd...i saw a pic of them..ramai2..and one of the people in the picture is sumone i've been searching for 1000 years..ok fine..minus 998 years..LIM KIAN SIANG!gosh..i can't believe i found the picture..so i was praying in my heart hard...last2..jumpe profile die!tp kene add baru bleh nengok..aiya..same jenis ngan aku je budak ni..pvt profile.. :P tp at least dah jumpe..hehe..seronoknye..kawan lame tu..musuh ketat kalo tibe bab CHESS but a very good sifu..yes i've never gotten to beat him..tp seronok lawan ngan die..sbb die sgt kejam..he will take every single piece that u have and let u have every single piece that he has except for his KING,and 2 ROOKS or ROOK or QUEEN.but i realize he prefer to keep his king and rook to actually torture me slowwwwwwllyyyy to checkmate +_+ sumguy huh.huhuhu... wah..hari ni bday izzuan razak..i mean..28th April 2007..selamat hari lahir izzuan..selamat panjang umor and murah rezeki..happy sokmo!~ :) mengantuk sudah..oyasuminasai.. ja matta neh!~ p/s:zafirah gudluck for MUET..and soul all the best for machine.chaiyok2 both of u!! :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:17 AM
pasal semalam.ehe baru ri ni tulis..sbb semalam kinda wrecked up sket otak.kahkahkah..so i woke up early..lalala...tp dalam kol 9.50 baru ler gerak gi klas..and i went to clc B1..menggeleb tol..huhu...b4 that zaza de call asking about the venue of the class..and i answered her the right one..kat theater 4 (fav!) FBL..tp boleh tak pastu gi yang old venue tu..siolan toi!huhu..tp bile sampai je..well..takla lambat..tp dok blakang gak..sebab depan gelap..until now i'm stil thinking why the hell does the lecturer shut the light in front...and yoga leh lak dok depan skali..tmpt paling gelap..dem he got cat's eyes..huhuhu.. after class i went back to my room..lepak2 kejap..pastu gi jalan2 JJ ngan fariza,makh,soffie,ekin and qist..seriously..mula2 rase tanak gi..ntah ngape...berat gile hati ini..time nak bayar makanan kat food court tu pun masih rasa berat hati semacam..sampai kepala2 pun berat..and perut rase cam ade rama2 besa gabak dok dalam...and..time bayar tu..nampak psycho-guy with his girl!cis!kenapa ade lak gf..aittt.. +_+ sedeh2..lepas tu terpaksa la makan paksa2..sbb selera ala2 putus sket..miahahaha...biaq pi la... lepas tu soping2 tingkap..hoho..siap usha2 baju utk presentation FYP..miahaha takleh blah betol..da decide nak kai ape sebelum decide nak buat ape..ahaks!pastu makh ngan za ilang la plak..=.=' rupenye diorang gi cari present utk mak pada makh..and they found it..nampak tua..tp..mmg mak pada makh ske design gitu..ekekeke...so kire tepat la pilihan tu...lepas tu tros la gi MC..anta za...time kat klas za ade kate.."syu je kawan yang tak penah anta kite balik tau.." ayat mintak anta la tuh..ekekek..tp lepas da sampai MC tu baruuu laaa pasan..weh kite penah anta awak laaa za dulu..midterm gak...malam2 agi tao..dak neh..die lupe..ngan aku2 skali lupe..huuhuhu~tp had fun...so tak kisah la..sbb mule2 mmg nak anta..bile takut tak muat..sbb beg za KONON besa (hahahah!!) tp bile da confirm muat,mesti la follow..hehe..haa and fie berjaya lompat longkang besa tu sorang2..tadek sape tolong...congrats soffie!tp skali je la die buat..bile nak balik die lalu jalan jauh..kekekekek:P and lepas gi MC..balik bilik..nengok la drama melayu zaman skang..miahahaha..letey ar nak pike pasal bende ni..dah terang lagikan bersuluh..ape gune..ye dop? :) so..the hell to what others think..the hell to what others said..asalkan diri sendri bahagia..tp bahagiakah aku selepas mamat mechi tu ade gf???+_+ name die pun aku tatau..nak brangan la sgt..kekekeke.. :P then cam malas je nak gi klas..yelah..citer tu lom abis nengok..tp bile nampak citer tu cam da nak abis..and ending pun da tau..gi jek la klas..and tak sia2 gi klas..actually ammar wahab tu explain agi terer dari lee kok wah..lalala~so paham la pasal quick sort..and die kate nak kasi tips..ceh..tips lah sangat!buat tutorial je kot..maybe tu tips?who knows..huhuhu~..ah baru tau aircond drop subject tu..erm..pelik lah..huuhu.. so lepas klas balik bilik tak wat keje ape..pening pale..sakit pale...sakit pewot..pewot cucuk2..masuk angin dah..huhuhu..siyes malas gile nak gerak gi mane2...oh..semalam gak dpt balik CD dari apek..arigatou gozaimasu apek!so da dload alik movie tu..but tgk lom laie la..sbb cam dpt tu pun da lewat..and rase letih..so maybe lepas2 ni nengok lah..hehee. around 1am lebey camtu da offline and tido..erm...rumet alik kol 4am..sian die..wat FYP..hari2 balik 3 ke 4 pagi..ngan exam laie..fyp la..drama2 melayu and jepun yang die nak layan la..saba deh rumet..i know who u really are walaupun diorang ckp bukan2..takyah dendam..maafkan saje..bersih hati bersih jiwa bile kemaafan diberi.. =) bak kate kak nina..senyum aja..~ :) idop mesti mao senyum slalu..tak kenal pun senyum gak..sebab senyuman kite maybe akan menyenangkan ati orang lain..and memanis kan muke..tak gune wat muke masam..penat siak muke masam..eheehhe...tp gelak2 pun penat woo...bukan penat jek..ilmu pun ilang +_+ slalu sgt gelak ngan makh za fie ekin qist sume..kene control pasni..kekekek.. haaa...senthilpari (bukan senthilpati rupenye name die +_+" ) kate class go on cam besek...weh mmu kosong cam na mati ni die wat klas..adeh laaaaaa lecturer sowang ni..kaka namau gi klas 1pm..mao gi klas 1.30 ke..5pm ke..depends on da mood..eheheh.. erm...rase bersalah lak tak gi klas..hahah..ok la..till then..ja! (saya mao siap2 ke klas.) posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:29 PM
phewww...lame betul tak update..hehe..miss blogging so much.lalala~but i've been a nomad user for more than a month..and finally..i've gotten my lappy back...alhamdulillah..yey!~but i lost the link to yui's dload port..haha.. menyampah lak keyboard baru ni..cam tak bes...teehehe..da terbese ketuk2 keyboard kat library and lab..haha..tak kisah lah..at least it's new and tak berlobang-lobang..muahahah... erm..things happen..and i'm not in the mood to talk about it coz for me,i'm not that erm..so much in place to talk about it..yeah it's about me but still..i'm not the "leading actor" in this..and hopefully those who know who they are would be strong..sabar jek la...i always said,shit happens in life..but those shit reminds u of who u are and who u ought to be or not to be..let what had been,lie in the past..lalala starting to babble..deemmmm...huhu ah..fahmi-kun...gomenasai neh..wuuu siyes terharu gile bile kawan lama call just nak soh gi mmu awards...but mak tak kasi..teehehe..kalo mak tak kasi tu elok la jangan gi..tadek keberkatan nanti..yela...mak la segala-galanya..kalo die tak kasi tu..elok la jangan..cam mak kate..jangan bercouple2 neh..so..takyah la couple2...wat tambah dosa jek kalo tersilap langkah..eh..see...i'm babbling again..aihhh.. T_T but anyway..i'm going for the dinner!hehehe..can't wait to melawa on that day..mak soh kai baju **** tu..haha no way i'm gonna wear it..cam segan siotttt..huhu esok rabu..and fariza's going back hometown..i dunno..i just feel like..i'm gonna miss that girl this week..kehkeh..and makh's going back to perlis..nurul gi kl kot..ekin and fie je tinggal..let us ganbate2 soffie-chan for the lab report!! +_+ aaaaaaa..bosannye la idop ni kadang2..tak paham banyak bende..blur gile..but wat tatau jek leh ke?ntah ler..biar jek la..maleh nak layan..letey ar kalo kene layan sume bende..isn't it?so laie baik watdek jek... sekian trimas...wassalam~ p/s:mamaaaaa..happy belated (gile belated abis ah) bday!semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki..syu lambat balas sbb lappy ni..bukan sbb tak sayang..teehehe..sayang mama..muahx! posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:36 PM
this MAYBE my last post..taking a break from blogging and chatting and all..finals coming and my temporary laptop is going back to it's rightfull owner..thanks sis for letting me use it for such a long time..erm..anyway..tomorrow's college festive 2007.so to all,do come to visit our booth at the mosque square and dun forget to join our activites! :) i feel..a bit sad..i dunno..it just come out of nowhere...ntah kenapa...macam i'm missing sumting..ntah la...adakah sebab lagu Winding Road ni?ah pedulikan itu semua.heh...but really..earlier i was eating alone..tibe2 rasa nak makan sorang..nak muhasabah diri sambil2 makan tu..tp...last2..berangan je lebey..miahaha..bukan la brangan sebenarnye..just teringat pada mimpi pagi tadi...semalam masuk tido kol 12..after studying..then..i tried to sleep..kol 3am pun masih tgk jam lagi...sambil fikir..bila la nak tidur ni...lately i've been having this difficulty to sleep..kol 3 tu masih berjaga..tp mata tu lelap la..sbb kalo mata bukak..lagi la susah nak tido maaa...so lame2 tu tertido la gak..dalam kol 5 lebey ke 6 camtu terbangun balik..tp yang bestnya..dalam tido tak lame tu..i had a very sweet dream..it reminds me of a dreami had 4 years ago.haha..erm..mimpi seorang manusia bernama nazrin..ahaks..i dun even know who that guy is...he gave me a letter saying he loves me..and what's funny for me is,in the letter,he even include a reply form.wether it's a yes or no.hahahaha...gile formal..ape kejadahlah..but it seems to me at that particular time,that was the most sweet thing ever in my life.hahah..of course i answered yes..and the rest of the story,let me keep it as a secret..hehe.. but it still wonder who's that nazrin.. +_+ ah..ja matta neh..kalau rajin tulis la gi blog..kalau rajin laaaaaaa nak gi lab tu..ahaks..for those having finals the week after next week,do try your best to succeed!especially for these ppl:- soul-kun ayed-kun cekgu sha cekgu zully cekgu apih all the best! :) as for me..doakan je lah utk intro to machine and engine maths test plus my assignments plus our event plus the coming in one month and two weeks finals.hohoho~ till we meet again, love life love yui appreciate life appreciate yui marry life marry yui and i'll kill u. :) ja! posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:20 PM
yup..finally..i finished my download job.downloaded a full version of Can't Buy My Love.who says love can't be bought?yes it does..buy the album and u'll gain love for Yui.muahahaha... not gonna do a review on the album since i already done it in my frenster,but i just wanna express my thoughts on one of the song which i've been listening over and over again..the title is Umbrella.hoho~it sounds really cute though i haven't yet gotten the translated version of the lyrics.fall in love with it since the very beginning of the song..i think it's becoz of the arrangement of the music that made my heart melt..huhu~as always,Yui's heavenly voice captured my heart..one thing bothering me though is i can't seems to find any of the word Umbrella in the song..maybe she said it in japanese and since i'm not yet an otaku of japanese language,i wouldnt know.haha normal la tu.keke... anyway..4th of april was beck's and kaksha's bday..happy birthday ppl!~may Allah bless u always.. :) i have this few things to do before monday:- 1)study engine maths 2)study machine 3)settle up "speaker" 4)ASSIGNMENT PSPICE.ah dameyo!just when life starts to get on the fun side..ait ait... anyway..next week is ayed-kun and soul-kun's study week..the week after that is their finals already..wish u guys all the bes of luck in the exams..study SUNGGUH2..jangan dok memerli syu dengan perkataan tu jek..buat betul2.hehehe... posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:28 PM
went to the NasyidFest yesterday..it was erm..fine.when there is no Faizal how can it be damnnn good.isn't it?hehe..sumone said she kept faizal under her bed at ixora (+_+) they started off quite late..i arrived pun quite late.hahaha..thanks rumet for fixing my tudung..arigatou gozaimasu!bila sampai tu jumpa la semua orang yang ayu2 belaka memakai baju kurung dan sebagainya manakala syuhada dengan selamberrrnye pakai seluar..muahaha..heck who cares..sumone told my rumet that we're suppose to wear kurung..we didnt care.heh.. i tried searching for fahmi for a while though..called him and he said he canceled the trip!erm..kinda sad though..missed the goodfren of mine so much meh...takde rezeki la kot...it's ok i guess..but still... (T_T) first performance was Fareast..they were ok...weren't really listening..listened to them..but my mind was sumwhere else..i didnt even remember what or who i was thinking about..hehe.. next were Nowseeheart.mereka sangat kelakar comel.hehe..can't believe they kept on teasing their fellow groupmate with his errr body structure..but they were good..and they sang Damai Yang Hilang!i loveeeee!!!it was an extra song for us..originally it wasnt it the list of song that they were suppose to sing..i love u guys! then there were Firdaus..group yang cam gatai2 sket..ekekek..one of the member(dunno his name) he looked like mong + fishy.hohoho...one of the member said he only want good girls to come up to him and get to know him or sumting..i was like..ceh..moyo nye..the girls were like.."haaaaa????" *dalam hati..yek eleh bajet* and the one who look like fishy pulak counterback "gadis2 yang tak berapa nak baik datang kat saya..saya akan baikkan anda" and the girls said? " u rawks." kehkehkeh... last but not least,it was waheeda's turn..die boleh flirt seh..flirt ngan Dj Erwan lak tu..and kushairi..damn...u'r one lucky dude to be up there..huhu..she was cute..really2 really2 cute..and she's good in singing live..yup.. oh i forgot...there were 2 performances from mmu..Afuan from Malacca campus and Demascus from Cj campus..one guy from demascus...he...was...kawaiiiiii..kekekeke..tp dah lupe dah muka die camna..sora die ingat la..coz die sangat bersuara sedap.hehe...and Nabil sang too..wah nabil kena buat performance during CF ni..takleh jadi niii..ngehehe... i guess that's all about the performances..it was fine.hehehe..*still can't believe faizal was not there.. (+_+) * list of ppl i manage to meet: abg t-rex! raja sole nik isya oh miss those ppl..dpt jumpa kejap pun jadilah..asalkan dpt jumpa hilang la rindu ni..hehe..sole makin comel la.hahah!~semakin kurus unfortunately (+_+) and nik masih digosip dengan raja.kehkehkehkeh...raja?ttp dengan killer smile die..he never change..and i'm glad he hasnt.ahaks..isya?cam biasa je lor..tadek pe yang berubah..hehe...abg t-rex plak..sekejap sangat dia stay lepas konsert..scc gang pun tak nampak time tu...it was kinda too crowded..lepas abg t-rex balik je i saw syafiq..hahaha~ penat gak la semalam..erm..balik je buat keje sket...and sumone keep on saying that Yui is a jellyfish.i just said i wanna be away for a while and later bagi salam and out tros.so what if she's not ur type???i never talked to u about her dude!what is ur problem???can't u let me be happy for a while??dameyo! ok..bad mood building up..gotta stop now.. ja matta neh! posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:36 PM