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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
it had been..dissolved..eheh..officially i'm no longer an SCC member but..the responsible as a hostel resident is still there..but there's sumting that lingers in my heart..it spells,freedom.haha..wtf am i talking about..anyway..it had been a year..a really long one..jatuh bangun bersama..i found my strenght,weakness and many many experiences along the way..and all that thanks to my dearest SCC members especially alia my rumet,kak nora,kak pija,kak mira and capiq..mekaseh manyak2..sangatt la sayang kamu semua..walaupun capiq kate duck2 saye ni anjing la ayam la..wuuu~sampai ati anda capiq.. kepade semua komiti baru,selamat menjalankan tugas anda..semoga berjaya..and i hope for the best for u.congratulations to all of them!omedeto~ ah..the new upcoming line of SCC..diketuai oleh Encik Odosh.hoho~ dan diikuti ngan 8 orang wanita..walaweh!~huhuhuhu..menarik.ahaks.. but anyway..this is the wrap up of SCC 06/07..it's been a wonderful year..thank you very very very much..and c ya when i c ya.yeah..we'll definitely see each other..mmu is like..dead small.hahah.. btw..i saw psycho again..he was not smiling..he..was rushing..didnt see me i supposed..aku menyorok pun ma..ahaha..i dunno why..segan siot.ahaks..but anyway..i still enjoyed the view.hahah~ait ait ait..~ +_+ till then, one more paper.. and i'll be off for holidays.. doakan yang terbaik utk saye.. adieu~ -saye suke nengok psycho..walaupun tatau name die ape.. :D - posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:09 PM
saye ade seorang kawan..kenal dlm..one or two years ago.. slalu gaduh dengan die..mmg xsebulu langsung.. while chatting,usually die ade pakai 2 nickname.. one nick utk cari gaduh(ngan me),and another nick utk backup die.. bile die kutuk,the other nick(kononnye org lain) akan bantu die kutuk.. keji kan? jadi kami selalu gaduh.. entah sejak bile.. nick backup die..jadi..seorang yg saye sgt suke..suke as in.. baik hati,backup saye lak..xbackup diri sendri..and..macam2 lah.. macam ade split personality.. bile alter ego die baik ngan saye..die jarang masukkan nick tu.. sbb..bile die kutuk..alter ego die akan backup saye..xbackup die! :D dan entah sejak bile.. die jadi macam alter ego die..bit by bit.. die berubah..jadi baik..sampai satu tahap.. saye sangat sayang die..kalau saye tension.. tak payah beritahu sape2.. saye cuma perlu berbual dengan die..merepek sakan dengan dia.. and semua kesedihan akan hilang.. semalam..saye ignore die..dah 2 hari saye slalu ignore die.. bile die nak berbual..saye bual je ngan org lain and buat2 xnampak die.. saye pun xtahu kenape..tp.. semalam..saye betul2 rindu die... sampai..xbuleh tidur..hahaha..keji betul prangai.. pagi2..saye cari die..tp..bukan la terus cari..saye tanye pade kawan seorang ni.. and kawan ni pi bitau die..tanpa pengetahuan saye..haha.. and..die cari saye..sesungguhnya.. saye suke betul..hehehehe... dpt melempiaskan kerinduan terhadap sahabat saye tu.. sebelum die tido..die sms dulu..err lepas solat subuh gitu.. wishing me gudluck..and pesan cam ayah saye pesan utk peperiksaan.. cara berpesan die..sangat lain dari die yang selalu.. sangat.. sangat.. baik..dan buat saye terharu.. mekaseh..mekaseh.. saye sgt sayang kamu.. from enemy,we had become friends.. and from friends,i'll hope we'll never go back to our past and become enemies.. kerna ku sayang kamu.. ahaks!~ baeklah..saye maseh terharu..oh..and ade orang colek pakwe saye..letak pic pakwe saye tu kat background frenster die..sangat kejam.kenape mesti shaoran-kun ku diambil?ait ait.. eh dah 6.30am..mao sambung bace2.. 9.00am ade final algorithm and data struct..semoga Allah memberi rahmat padaku,keluargaku,sahabat2ku,serta seluruh umat islam..Amin.. pada yang turut ade paper hari ni,semoga berjaya! :) till then, saye yang maseh terharu.. adieu~ :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:08 AM
three down,two more to go.woosh!~had a really neck breaking session..had 2 exams in 2 days in a row..dua2 morning session..juling mata tak cukup tido..ahaha~electronics was i dunno..hahaha..stressed doing it..maths however..it was more fun..walaupun susah..yes susah,biasa lah maths..but i was..bahagiaaaa doing it..ahaha.. i came to exam hall at 8.20am..mmg sengaja awalkan diri..dunno why pun..nengok padang early morning..rasa fresh.eheh..sambil2 tu revise la sorang2..pastu shark dtg dok same..nasib baik ade teman..seronok la gak..hehe..pastu za dtg..cam kami2 je satu venue..dlm hati terdetik.."psycho same tak agaknye venue ek?"but deep down..i know he would be in main hall..not cits lab 1..ait ait ait..so lepas tu..pi la cits lab..since dah 8.45am..pastu..nampak "abg ensem"..ngee..watdek je..just smiled..lame tak senyum kat die..yela..name je kawan..ahaha.. next..nampak alex..za je la happy kan..me?ahaks..ntoh..tadek perasaan...pastu..pastu...nampak qist..eheh..pastu..letak barang..pastu.. ngeeeeee nampak psycho tu! ngee..omg omg omg..mmg teruja japs..ahaks..it's been..i dunno..2 or 3 weeks since i last saw him..not say missing him..but i'm happy that i got to see him..one lasta time before the semester ends..uhuk uhuk..so we smiled to each other..cam ntah pape je..ahaha..za knows how happy i was..ahahaha..she was like... "nampak tak?!nampak tak?!" and i was.."nampak nampak nampak!!!"ekekeke..but i just..wat2 dek je la..kaber beb kaber..ahaha... my sit number was 99..ngee..tak lawa number..so i thought,biaq pi lah..bile nak duduk tu..i saw him again..i was like..oh god..please dun let my place be THAT near..uhuhu..guess what,selang semeja je..ngee..but when i turn right,i can see him very2 clearly..my goodness..2.15 very long hours..i get to see him..very close..ngee..it's like..it's like..i dunno..ahahah..cloud 9?uhuh..but i didnt look at him the whole of course..(duh!)..but my concentration sumtimes could be lost.ahaks!so when i finished doing which is like 5 minutes before time's up,i started wasting my time..drawing this and that..(typical me..:D)and i felt as if..ngee..i turn right..and he smiled..OMG...that smileeee..!!!aku boleh pengsan weh..ahaha..so i just smiled back at him and continue wasting my time..ngeee..(cloud 9 cloud 9)ngee.. so after the exam,went out in like..really fast..ahaha..sbb tanak saing ngan die..ait ait..segan meh..:P so dah sampai luar tu,tunggu kat guard post..suddenly i saw him walking towards me..nasib baik qist sampai..psycho pusing balik..sebelum pusing senyum lagi!aahaha..gosh i love that smile..really,he has the most amazing smile i ever seen..uhuhu..what's more?zaza came,and i saw him walking up and down..smiling at me..again and again..heee..he's gorgeous!uhuhu..yes die tu tak hensem pun sebenarnye..tak caye tanye la zaza or qist or whoever..but..like i said..he had a really amazing and sweet smile..like..like...melted candy!weeee~ and zaza lak..duduk dekat ngan alex rupanya..so..two of us..the besties..cuci mata sambil doing maths exam!can u believe that??ahahahah..luck was on our side.*wink*..ekeke..but seriously..i can't forget psycho..that psychotic smile..darn him.ahahah~ till then, still smiling.. still remembering that smile.. adieu~ :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 4:04 PM
just a lil of note before i'm off to exam hall..ahah~ Happy Teacher's Day to all teacher's + academician in the world! especially to my mum,Happy Teacher's Day!sorry i didnt call u but u called me instead..i even forget that it's teacher's day even when u mentioned about reading the perutusan..i feel kinda bad..uhuhu..Maaf mak..along xsengaja..ait ait ait.. to sera:Happy Cool Teacher's Day.ahaha..u'r one of a hell cool teacher ladyy~semoga anak2 murid kau tak buat ape yang dlm lawak2 jenaka kat forum tu buat ogey..ekekek.. to bakal2 cekgu Zully,Sha and Apih:contohilah guru2 hebat cam sera tu..and jadikan anak2 murid korang esok2 manusia yang berjaya dunia akhirat insyaAllah..*special utk zull,muah2 lebius bebeh..muakakaka~* and to the rest of the teachers and lecturers who have thought me ABC,123,physics chemistry,bio,science,maths and everything else,thank you very much for not only teaching me numbers and letters but thought me how to live my life too..Thank You Thank You Thank You!! till then.. adieu~ (follow Yui..teehehe:D) ok this is the part AFTER the exam.ahaha.so how was the exam?erm..let me ask..does MMU ever make any question for engineering students easy?no right.so end of story.let's just hope for the best insyaAllah.. :) the reason why i wanna write this after the exam is just to remember the good ol' days during hi-school.eheh..everyone shoul have their own fav their..during primary school there's this one teacher whom i particularly hate.ahaha..yes i hate her.since she always scolded me and my bff.of course,it was due to the fact that we were two very lazy students when it come to BM homeworks.ahahah..but one day,i was waiting for my dad.after an extra class..it was raining and i was totally alone.who came to the rescue?she did :) well,she did asked me to just let her send me back,but since i refused (dad was on his way) what she did was,she waited for me.she waited in the car and keep on watching.making sure that i'm perfectly safe.once my dad were there,i said thanks to her from afar (alah..tunduk ala2 jepon tu..die paham le ckp mekaseh..ahahah) and went back with my dad..sweet isnt she?did i say i hate her?it was suppose to be i used to hate her.but really she's a nice teacher.a very caring one perhaps. :) during secondary school,who else could have been my fav BM teacher other than my very own coolest mom.ohoho~(oh yesterday she asked me when will i get myself a bf.i just LMAO.ekekek)other than her,my fav english teacher would be the ever so glamorous Miss Shik.she never wears a dress/cloth twice a year.i wonder how her wardrobe would look like..uhuh..she's caring but firm.funny but serious when it comes to teaching students who wont do her homeworks..(i did her homeworks!!insaf weh.ahaha)and then my fav maths teacher would be Mr.Lim..i dunno why i like him..my maths during form 1 was terrible.but when i got him as my teacher for form 2 ngan form 3,i never got anything but A.ahaha..menarik ke tak cekgu tu..it's like he has magic..haha..later when i entered form 4,i hate Additional Maths.i failed through the year..but with marks like 30+..i never went outside that bother of 30 to 40.ahaha..it was so fucked up.so i went to this one lecturer of MMU who teacher tuition..well..he's nice..but he gave too much homework.ahaha..but anyway..my grades improved after going to him and when i entered form 5 the add maths teacher seems nicer..so i repeated a whole story of the maths again..never gotten anything lower than A2..maths teacher have magics!!huhu..and as for physics..sigh..i had a teacher who was suppose to teach geografi but ended up as a physics teacher..ngee..so i had to go for tuition at the end of form 4.form5,they changed the teacher to a superb one.weyh!lepas aku pi tusen baru nak tukaq..saba je la..ait ait ait..other subjects?haha..i already hate the subject..how could i love the teacher?ahahaha.. so this is the end of the Happy Teacher's Day post.ahaks..love ur teacher,love ur lecturers so the education u've gotten from them would be blessed by Allah.. adieu :) posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:54 AM
i was going to write this together with the previous post but decided that..i should respect that special post.ekeke.. hari ni..rasanya..hari paling emo skali..ahaha..bukan ape..mula2 dah ade yang sakitkan ati..so basically tadi kat room la paling sakit ati..boleh plak this one guy gune name owner server and nak tipu aku!!and die lak leh tau aku nye pass..chilakos betul laaa..sc nye backdoor..die nyama jadi Aim..hadey..si op aku mane la camtu kot..tp..proxy ip die same ngan cas..and bile aku /stats o die..ade lak name die kat list admin..oh fuck betul..tapi tak silap..hari tu zully de satu command yang leh wat die jadi admin walau die tadek dlm o-line ke ape ke..mula cam ragu2 sket..pastu dok cari2 sai tadek lak die..pastu last2 cari man..nasib baik man ade..heh..man.ngeh.heh.ngeh.emo emo..erm..lepas tu lepas consult man..ok la kan..pastu die siap ugut nak delete o-line aku..what the fuck??ok aku tatau die sape..kalo die nyamor..fine lah kan..kalo die x nyamor..and die adalah orng yang aku tanak die jadi *ayat belit lak+_+* aku nak kate ni je..belagakkkk!!!!benci benci benci..!!!tp seriously la..i hope it's not him..since..i dunno..ape motif nak wat camtu?and ape motif cakap jerman ngan aku?tol tak..so..bende ni adalah misteri..aku da decide..xkn gune sc casper dah..and sc sai tu..kalo die ok dah cam skang(n kekal tak jem)..maybe akan gune alik la..aiseh..rindu tau tema xmas + raya cina casper tu...huhuhu..but for the mean time,aku gune je sc default..and pass pun dah tuka..complicated lak aku rase pass tu..ntah aku ingat ke tak..wakakakakaka..xpe..just letak sticky note with pass tu kat lappy..ingat le slalu lame2 nanti..ehehe..so maybe akan tuka gak sume pass mane2 website to that pass..sbb die complicated tak cam skang..ramai sangat da tau pass frenster aku la..myspace la..ym la..hahaha aku mmg tak jaga pass kalo kalangan kawan2 cam rumet ke besfren ke..hehehe..coz the trust is there..so pada org yang aku penah kasi password aku tu..pahamilah..aku most of the time xkan tuka pass yang aku da kasi korang tu..korang leh access account aku cam library account ke ape ke..tapi..pahamilah yeh..aku percaya korang sgt dah tu..andai kate korang khianati kepercayaan aku tu..nescaya..laie 10000000 tahun sekalipun..aku takkan maapkan korang atau caye korang dah.. *paste pass baru kat lappy jap.ekeke* so lepas tu..bual2 la kan cam bese..guro2 ngan michi2..pastu tibe de manusia ni gi sentuh pasal AF..tak kisah la..pastu de satu makhluk ni lak...gi tibai heliza..aku bukan minat pun heliza..tp bile die sentuh bab bertudung tu..haaa..ni yang aku bengang..mula2 nak kate die gedik tu..aku marah sket je la..yelaa..pike bagos hape??ko gi la nyanyi ateh tu aku nak tengok boley ke takkk..pastu kutuk ogy..ah kau nye pasal lah..keep on kutuking buat aku rasa nak MUNTAH!serious shit..aku rase nak muntah!sampai ade member sorang kat ym tu pun aku cam layan tak layan je..sorry dude..ngah moody gile time tu..pastu bende tu kire lega da la kan..cam tadek pe dah..ade budak PM aku tanye nape aku marah2...so aku tertibai la die..sorry beb..tak sengaja..sbb ko sekongkol ngan mamat sekor laie tu..aku lupe yang ko ni aku da anggap abg.heh..aku marah betul tadi..serious shit..sorry again beb..bile dah lega2 ni..ade pulakkk makhluk aneh kecik kemetot ni gi kate die gile sex..i was like..wtf??woit gile sex pi pat lain..bengong..pastu mamat yang anti-heliza tu lak kate..heliza gile sex!i was like..astaghfirullah..udah2 la kutuk die..tak payah la kot nak fitnah die sampai gitu skali..cakap pasal agama tak ingat2..tp..ish.ntah le..aku bukan baik sgt pun kan?mule tadek la nak marah sgt..tp bile die kate... ala..bertudung je.tp... or sumting that goes along that line..i was like..WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!!!??? ni namenye memandang hina seorang muslimah!so what kalau die menyanyi dan menari??itu tak bermakna die tak bermaruah!!and at least die menutup aurat die!bukan nye menyanyi melalak terkinjang2 seksi2!!oh my God..i cannot believe how low he had put wanita bertudung nye taraf..rendah sungguh maruah kami dimata kau yeh!!!astaghfirullah..aku mmg sungguh tak tahan dah pastu..sempat nampak die kate sebelum aku tulis command /quit FUCK OFF! (eheh aku marah mmg blah gitu.ekeke) weh jangan la amik serious ape aku ckp ya Rabbi..bila bercakap pasal maruah seorang wanita,aku kene amik gurau je sepanjang masa??kenapa mesti seorang wanita menjadi bahan permainan lelaki??kenapa???ape tiada nilai ke kami ni dimata lelaki sehingga topik tentang maruah seorang wanita tu boleh diperkotak-katikkan!??sampai begitu sekali kau tak menghormati kami..heh..mungkin juga kau pernah dilukakan oleh kaum kami yang bertudung sehingga kau letakkan kaum kami ini ditempat yang jauh dibawah sekali..heh..sampai hati kau..heh.. aku masih marah..yer..marah yang amat..bile maruah menjadi persoalan..aku mmg marah! kepada manusia itu..aku harap bila kau bace blog aku ni (which i hope u will),ko akan re-think..ape yang kau cakap tadi tu..dah meletakkan wanita terlalu bawah..walau hanya gurauan.no..lebih2 lagi ia bagi ko ADALAH gurauan.sedarlah yeh..idop ni tak lame..sempat ke ko mintak maaf kat heliza sebab kate die gile sex?sempat ke?sempat ke???? muhasabah diri sendri k..aku pun sambil2 ni muhasabah diri gak.sekian trimas. adieu~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:59 AM
firstly.. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world..pergh i think this year is the year where most ppl around me got confuse with the date of mother's day.huhu.. ucapan utk mak..(sebut as mok.ahaks) mak.. along sayang mak.. mak le yang slalu leraikan segala kekusutan ati along.. everytime i see ur face.. all the burden in me.. it just..vanish away.. mak.. along tak penah bitau mak.. kalau along frust ke.. marah sape2 ke.. sume simpan dalam hati.. tp.. macam mane yeh? mak seolah tahu.. pergolakan dalam ati along.. sampai..along suke sape2 pun.. xyah ckp pasal org tu pun.. mak tak along suke sumone..ahaks.. mak ade magic yeh?ahaks... mak.. along banyak wat salah kat mak.. kadang2 tu.. bile teringat ape along slalu wat kat mak.. rasa dosa ma..huhu. tp bile mak bangga ngan orang and bitau.. "along ni la satu2 nye anak mak yang tak melawan" along rasa bahgiaaaa yang teramat.. rasa macam.. cam.."dunia ni..ana yang punyaaaa..muahaha"..hehehe.. dulu ade orang kata..along anak manja.. tatau berdikari..nak dok bawah kepit mak je.. along kecik ati sgt time tu..dan2 je rasa nak gi je mane2 lah.. marikh ke kedah ke kelantan ke johor ke cyber ke jasin ke mane2 lah.. utk tunjukkan yang..along ni bukan org tak reti berdikari! tp mak..lepas tu mak sakit..Ya Rabbi..hanya Allah je tahu.. betapa syukur nye along..yang along ni.."tak reti berdikari" nak dok celah tiak mak je.. sbb at least..along ade sentiasa utk mak.. koman2..tiap2 minggu balik.. cuti sehari pun leh balik..pagi pegi petang balik.. at least tak banyak,sikit pun leh gak along picit2kan.. urut2kan..and at least..along leh nampak mak selalu.. mak.. mekaseh memanyak.. sbb slalu ade utk along..slalu senangkan ati along.. slalu comfort along bile along majuk ngan makngah ke adik2 ke atuk ke ape2 ke.. mekaseh mak.. sbb kuat utk anak2 mak..waktu saat2 genting dulu.. along ingat lagi..betapa kuatnye mak.. kalo mak tak kuat dulu..mungkin..along tadek dlm dunia ni dah 7 tahun lalu.. mak..mekaseh manyak2.. sbb jadi mak along.. sbb jadi kawan along.. sbb jadi akak along.. sbb jadi abg along.. sbb jadi segalanya utk along.. mekaseh mak.. sayang mak memanyak! :) (kalo angah bace ni..sila jangan copy paste kasi mak bace ok..malu along..ahahahahah..ni hanyalah luahan ati..ekekek) posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:48 AM
hari ni..asyik lapa je..tp tak makan2..haha..makan dinner tadi 7pm..sebelum maghrib tadi..sebelum 2 tak makan..tadi dalam meeting pon makan nips(rindu nips gile2) je..food shredder dpt pandang je laaa..kami2 abiskan sebelum kasi die..dapat la 2 ke 3 kan?ke 1 je?eeekekek..ya ampon food shredder..:D so..that was the end..i mean..almost end.haha..the end would be the AGM..it's been a year..a really long year.. (rumet pasang lagu fauziah latip..kene betul ngan mood.ekekeke)gain lots of love and experience..not forgetting hatred.hahaha..takpelah..i dun care ke ape dah..as long as everyone's happy with their life,that is all that matters :) me myself?i'm happy now.hmm..what had we gone thru this year?camps *gosh..pengkalan balak buat aku jadi hitam legam*, trips *still remember hassan saleh.hehehe*,festivals *those mooncakes were nice* *still can remember the tiredness of handling a "mini" concert*,talks *really was touch by the palestinians..huhu*,foods!!!*dinner at d'village and bayview were both niceeee*,and ade laie lah tak ingat.ahaha..sorry..my memory has limited capacity..i can't remember every single damn (oopss) things in the world maaa...human are human :) but that's like..yerp..the end..but a start..for a new beginning..alhamdulillah i was given the chance of a lifetime to have these experiences..handling ppl..handling my thoughts..handling most importantly,my emotions. :) ah..sumone asked me to mention his name in my blog..his name is hafizul marwan..but i call him zully!~hehehe..yer aku da mention dah name kau ni..nate hare bewok jenuk..sokmo kecek klate tp dop pahe..ntah papo..congek cakdong nye oghe.ekeke..kelam kabut grammar klate aku..tp dulik hape.muahahaha~ till then..gudluck on ur finals!~ ja matta neh:) posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:44 AM
i learned the hurtfull truth yesterday..thanks kamen..u'd just lift a whole BIG bulk of burden out of myself..thank you so much..yes it hurts..it hurts too deeply inside that i almost loft myself to tears..but thank Allah SWT and thanks too much to kamen..it doesnt hurt anymore..sumtimes i still feel the sting right there at the bottom of my heart..but i know i will survive.. just a word for him..it doesnt matter anymore..i'm forgetting u.once and for all.may God bless u in ur life and may u have all the wonderful things now and hereafter.. before i say goodbye..there's a song for u..That's What Frens Are For.. ~...And I Never thought I'd feel this way And as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say That I do believe I love you And if I should ever go away Well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today And than if you can't remember..... Chorus Keep smilin' Keep shinin' Knowin' you can always count on me for sure that's what friends are for In good times And bad times I'll be on your side forever more That's what friends are for Well you came and open me And now there's so much more I see And so by the way I thank you.... Ohhh and then For the times when we're apart Well just close your eyes and know These words are comming from my heart And then if you can't remember....Ohhhhh...~ adieu~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:20 PM
ni sume faris nye pasal..gi hapdate pasal cinta lak..hahaha..~ lepas bace blog die..terpike2 lak..cinta.ape tu?kalo selain frens and family...i already forgot how it was to be in love..like it had lost in time..vanished..into thin air..i thought i had fallen again..but i guess i was wrong..haha..guess i just aint ready for it just yet.. back at home my mum and aunt was talking about this marriage and love too.haih~my aunt is a 30 year old woman..and she hasnt marry..so what?why does the ppl have to all prejudice towards her?yeah without sumone from the opposite sex u can be lonely..but at the end of the day,u'd still have ur family with u.i cant believe sumone actually got shocked hearing about her not yet marrying anyone..heh..so what if she doesnt have any kid yet?she has me,angah,syuba,syamil,acha,achok..we wont leave her.not ever!heh..those fucked up ppl..just wont let her be who she wants to be.i mean..if the one who go after her is a really fucked up guy,would it be really good for her to marry him??it's better to have a miserable married life that u know that u will have even b4 marrying than not being married??what the heck? ah just now sha asked me to visit her at UPSI.haha..LOL girl..bukan namau..just that..i'm not ready to meet up with the other person yet..i dunno how to explain this..but..i kinda got hurt earlier and..the pain just wont dissapear..yea..it will be gone..but it's gonna take time..when the time is true..i'd be there yeah sha.. :) next sem..mmu wont be the same mmu as it now..ppl go..ppl come..but many had already left a really2 BIG foot print in my heart..i'm gonna miss u dyan..really2 gonna miss u..if only they can have FCM here..hahah~ganbate dyan-cha~n!!!and dun turn the world upside down when chelsea is losing ogey? :P love ya muahx2!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:44 AM
hmm..i've just finish off midori no hibi..and i learned sumting from it..about life of course..it's more specifically about love..huhu.. if u love sumone..be brave to tell him/her..or u'd live with regret not doing it..u might be rejected..but at least u'd have the burden out of ur heart..yeah i learnt it..but will i actually apply it?hahah no way..i wouldnt have the courage to do so..and besides..i havent really found sumone like midori found sawamura.hehehe.. will the day ever come?heh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:03 AM
what would u do..when u miss sumone..sumone whom u couldnt tell how much u miss them..would u just go against all odds and tell them u miss them..or keep the feeling crumpled in u?hmm.. dikeheningan malam, termenungku berseorang tak lena mata dipejam terdengar suara terngiang suara merdu yg di sayang bagai kau didepan mata ku capai tapi tak kenal sukarnya memendam rasa ingin ku luahkan kata bila rindu,terkenang mu sayang terasa sayu syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam jauh terbang diriku melayang aku rindu,sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu inginkan jiwamu selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi melepasi segala hati ini jauh angan ku lena,ku rasa kita bersama,kau bawaku ke sana ke alam kisah yg lama,kenangan di dlm jiwa.. bila tersedar semula,disisiku kau tiada sukarnya ku pendam rasa,ingin ku luahkan semua ooooouuu bila rindu,terkenang mu sayang terasa sayu syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam jauh terbang diriku melayang aku rindu,sentuhan mu ku terasa sayu inginkan jiwamu selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi melepasi segala hati ini sesunguhnya kita mestilah wujudkan sefahaman dan hormatmu hormati,ikhlas,kasih, ------------------- makin tak ada,bertemu semula awan yg mencas semesta menyampaikan pesan kesunyian kanda sendiri kesepian yg menyelubungi hari hari ku disajikan doa2 ku kerana rindu yg menanti kau dtg dan pergi seperti mimpi2 ku,fantasiku, bukan dongeng lagi sayup kedengaran disisi cuping,disetiap corong,lorong,yg lohong benar!ku tak bohong,bila hati menyanyi.. bila rindu,terkenang mu sayang terasa sayu syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam ooohhohhoo aku merindu,sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu inginkan jiwa selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi melepasi batas oh bila rindu,terkenang mu sayang.,ku terasa sayu syahdunya jiwaku bila malam,makin kelam jauh terbang diriku melayang aku rindu,sentuhan mu ku rasa sayu (ku rindukan sentuhanmu)inginkan jiwamu selubungi,jiwa ini,bawa ku dlm pelangi melepasi batas diri ini posted by MatSyuMiya at 4:39 PM