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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
lalala~~~~new day new beginning....ahaks..but my past still haunting me..doshite??especially when tomorrow is 1st July..his 19th birthday..i can't forget him..nor can i forgive myself..it was halfway my fault that we lose contact with each other..i should have protected the card he gave before we got separated..i should have!but i didn't..that's why i can't contact him anymore..maybe he has forgotten about me..go on with his life..meet new person..as for me..still stuck in the past..he still the person i love the most..he was my very first bestfren..my very first love..how am i suppose to forget him?i thought that i can..but i definitely can't..he's still in malacca during his holiday..but i myself hardly go back to my grandma's house..well..he live quite near with my grand's village..sigh..feel like crying right now..but i can't..i dun even know why..i'm just hoping that maybe one day..we can meet each other again..i just wanna meet him once more to brush away all those love i have for him so i can love others again..i need to move on..i can't let others as well get trapped in my past n guilt..
talking about guilt...i did 2 of my belove people felt guilty..gomenasai..really..i didn't meant too..i was just..i dunno..i was really sensitive n all..i didn't mean to do so..gomeney~~ aiyark..almost 11..1 more hour for me to settle up my stuffs for ytm..hoho..so much to do..so lil time..n still worrying about the past..past is past..but past made us who we are today..lalala~apo2 jo lah..hoho.. o yeah..going to fraser hill today..back on sunday..lalalala~~jangan ade yang cari sudey..didn't tell anyone though about my plan..other than my parents,besfren n lalala HIM..ekekeke..kalo ade yang cari..nasib kowang lah..ahaks..anyway.. ja neyh..c ya later... p/s:slept for 13 hours..hohohohohoho..bahagianya ako..muahahahaha.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:34 AM
first of all..i finished my cardcaptor sakura!an nyang...sooo shweet...huuu..but the ending is kinda sad though..sakura n shaoran had to depart..shaoran's mom asked him to be back in hong kong..n sakura had to stay in nippon..nevertheless..they both in the end knew how they really feel bout each other..though they never said those 3 words..but yet..it's the feeling that matters right?haih..wish i'm sakura.i want shaoran!hahaha..n anyway..the weird thing about this story is..touya n yukito(snow rabbit) a.k.a yue(moon)..they are both guys..handsome..athletic..smart..tall..know how to cook,sew n all..but the thing is that..they LOVE EACH OTHER.other words..they're gays..ewwww..but they're cute..kawaii ney..can't stop thinking bout them..hehe.. one of my fren said that shaoran never got to know how sakura feel bout him..but the thing is..i think he knew..the moment sakura ask for the hand made teddy bear(which reminds me of my bear2..heheh)..coz the teddy is actually meant for sumone u love..when sakura asked for it..that means she accept shaoran's feeling n feel the same way..n besides..if shaoran had not known how sakura feels bout him..he wouldn't have gone back to hong kong smiling all the way..n yet sad for leaving he's belove sakura..ehehe.. next.. linux kawaii ney...huhu..thinking bout installing the os..so cute..the penguin,cursor..everything..ahaha..the toolbar is kinda big though..ahahah..but anyhow..kawaii..n c language programming is fun..i thought it's gonna be boring black n white like C++ but it has colours n all..i love colours..easier for me to understand n remember..heheeh..colours do help in learning u know..actually..what i'm trying to say is..C++ may be easier to learn..but it's boring..heheh..i prefer C where it's not so boring..n a lil bit challenging..ekeke..oh yeah..thanks za..tadi tak prasan pun the A star thing..hahaha..n u know what za..i dun even know our tutor's name..tu la..lambat lagi..padan muke..lari2 laju2 pun still lambat..haih..sangat letih lor right now..so i guess..early bedtime tonite..MAYBE..hahaha.. oyasuminasai!!~~ p/s:majuk ngan sowang budak tu..hampeh ko..tanak bitau na out..nakmo geng..majuk!!majuk!!majuk!!huh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:20 PM
erm..first thing first..
i'm almost finishing cardcaptor sakura..weeee!!~~just one more to go..can't take it anymore for today..too tired n worn off..nevrmind..8 am tomorrow i'll watch if i can wake up..ahahah.. next..it's confirm i'm going there..wehoo..can't believe it..happy..but not too happy..self control is really important..otherwise..sumone who's chatting with me right now mesti report about my language to lembaga penapisan.anyhow..the reason why i have this anger is because of sum people who never know how to respect others.when u r in a team,u'r supposed to plan everything that involve everyone TOGETHER.when u neglect a few people,forget about them in during planning,never invite them while planning,then that's too bad.coz in my dictionary,those kind of people,when they do that.that plan,even if it concern me,i WOULD NOT GIVE A DAMN.buzz off to them.really..it's bad to have bad mood before going to sleep..n shit laa..they did this on purpose or wut??just the moment i really need a good nite sleep they have to do this to me n making it hard for me to sleep..really man..that's not cool..that's shitting!amik ko..this is my blog..i dun give a damn if people hate my language wutsoeva..i dun wanna give a damn..huh.. ok..relax..(bak kate sumone =) ) thanks eks budak..really appreciate ur companion..walaupun my ym status currently is totally not in da mood..(hey..i even said buzz off),still layan ako..thanks sangat..isk..terharunye..but then again..eyh..i'm not scary meh when i'm angry?coz i thought i am..adeyh..aura menakutkan doesn't affect u i guess..hohoho.. o yeah..chatted with him just now..around 6pm to 8.30 pm..stop for pray though..but anyway..hehe..sangat happy..terubat skit rindu..kalo tak..cam na pengsan je...ok2..enuf of those jewang karatz thing..haha..haih..baru je ckp skit bout him..already missing him again..ape na jadi neyh..takpelah..remember that peribahasa he gave me earlier..=) sangat suke..hahaha..bengonglah..too tired i guess.. alrite people..oyasuminasai.. ps:oyen..thanks again..sayang gela ah ako kat ko..ko mmg kawan yang paling best abad neyh =) posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:09 AM
hurm..sumone told me..if u'r having a crush sumone..just tell them that u do..but then..is it true really?if u have so much of courage to say it..won't it be like..u know..it's not really a crush..just admiration..this is like base on my experience..i can't just tell sumone i have a crush on that i like him..it takes a great deal of courage to tell..though i did it twice...lol..i still think that..that feeling i had..that made me have those courage to do so was becoz it wasn't a crush..it was just admiration..hurm..wuteva..doesn't really bother me though..coz i have no crushes wutsoeva right now..just my love lor..muaahahaha..
aiyar..missing sumone so much right now..takde kredit dah =(..no ym's from him either..nothing..have u forgotten about me?hopefully not..hurm.. no mood to do anything already..just wanna climb to my bed..close my eyes..n try to get sum sleep..this stupido headache still bothering me..haih..dun wanna be sick for the next few years..i really need all my health n energy for my studies n other stuffs.. sleep..my destination right now.. anyway..i get wut u'r trying to say bout the song..time ngantuk2 ni gak leh paham..ahaks..neway..i just wanna say thanks..=) i dunno if wut i understand right now is wut u meant to say..but no matter what..thanks..a lot..especially for being a really great fren to me..whenever i needed sumone to be close to me..especially at 4 am in the morning..hahahha..u'r always there for me..thanks a lot..n oh yeah..remember ur promised to never leave me kay?kalo tak...u'r gonna get some good bashing from me..hehe..frens are forever alrite =) hurm..sleep..i wanna dream of shaoran =) n sumone who seems to be distancing from me..but always close to my heart..=)come into my dream n make me happy eks..missing u too much already..=( sleep..aiya..how many time already says wanna sleep..hoho..alrite people.. oyasuminasai..itterashai!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:06 AM
heyop..hurm..yesterday i didn't have time to update this blog..busy with tutorial..n now i have only a few minutes..class after this..just a quick recap of my life lately..
busy busy busy..scc n studies..dun have much time anymore for my sweet darlings..sorry zaza n ika n "awak =)"..really sorry..once my life has turn back to it's normal pace..i'll make up for u guys alrite..(^_^) ytm ytm ytm..aiyark..when are they going to issue my alpha to beta letter?da kering da neyh..huhu..i need to get started with my sesi mengumpul duit if i want that "thing" by the end of this year..huuu..really hoping they will issue it asap.. new song in my D drive..ahaks..thanks eks budak for that song..but i still can't get it when u say u dedicate it specially for me..hahaha..budak blank la ako ni..cam ko tatau je..muahaha..sorry ar anyways..i'll try to understand it later when i have the time kay.. ganbarumo..haih..needed this word for sumtimes..i've been stressing myself for sumone's expectation..sumtimes i think it exceeds my limitation..haih..my body is burning down..na demam dah rasenye..haih..tak best tol..so..everytime i got stressed out over sumting..i should just say..ganbarumo..aite?hurm..wuteva.. o oh..15 minutes to class..chow.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:40 PM
3.26 am..ngaaaaa...i just finished the fourth disk of cardcaptor sakura..17 more to go..huu..banyak tu..nevermind..take time to get into the anime..weee..i love shaoran..someone think it crazy to fall in love with an anime character..but i can't help it..shaoran,touya n yukito are too cute n cool..huhu..if only there are people like them in this world..hurm..dunia akan menjadi lebih indah..hihi..but 17 more..that's a lot..aiyark..gonna be tired laaa watching anime..huhu..i should be sleeping right now though..but..ehhehe..takpela jelly..i'll keep u company for a lil while longer kay..kawan baik kene back each other up..heheh..besides..it's really nice to have sumone to talk to..about my past..my previous crushes..my best fren during primary school whom i'm missing more n more lately..hurm..wonder why..anyway..past is past..past what makes who i am today..but i can never change what i did last time..i will never regret anything that i had done before..like rejecting sumone who liked me dearly..hahahah...it's a way of life..it teach us to be more carefull or our decision the next time we encounter the same situation..huhu..anyway..talking about those good ol days with jelly surely makes me feel all fresh..no more sleepy eyes..i can't even hear my bed calling anymore..hahaha..thanks dude..u saved me..ahaks..i said that coz..i've been sleeping a lot lately..hahaha..nasi lemak's curse..gosh..i wonder why lately..i've been eating a lot of nasi lemak..free ones pulak tu..some sort of like..hurm..nasi lemak curse..hahahah..okeyh2..what did i do today..hurm..first it was the ytm meeting thing..mr rahimi really does gave me some sort of semangat for me to carry on with y studies..not just him..mr zam n dr fazley too..n my mom as well..i met up with her..plus my dad..we went for dinner at kedai arrr..dunnow what's the name..hahaha..but they have niceeee kerang bakar..it's so nice to eat kerang bakar when i'm only with my parents without my other sibling..coz ayah bukakkan kerang..mom to..then put them into my plate..ask me to eat and all..huu..cam anak manja..so syiok..hehe..akak yang tgk pun nyampah kot..but hell..they are my parents..they have every right in this world to treat me like that.eheh..n when i told my dad where we are going to go for binding group..he said ok..i was expecting a NO from him..but he offered to bring some extra stuffs for me later..thanks dad..u r simply superb n da best among da best..luv ya more than anything.. =)as for my mom..she's always on my side..banyak sekali nasihat yang diberi..all r in my mind right now..safely kept for me..n keep rewinding it so i can always remind myself not to make my mom sad about me..i can't live without her..my love for her is above every single person in this world..no one can take my love for her away from me..not even my bestest fren,or even bf..hehe..hurm..remembering my mom..n wut she had gone thru..i really respect her n her courage..I can never be as courages as she is..i may had break down when certain things happened..but she's a tough woman..i luv her for that..thanks mom..u'r certainly my idol =)waiting for tomorrow nite where i can see both my heros again..till then..chow~~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:29 AM
it's 8.41 pm..i'm clueless on what i wanna do right now..*sigh*bosan seyh..tatahan tol..yesterday one of my bestest fren seems to be sulking..he was offline all the time..felt quite sad actually when he did that..seriously..i can't help it to be sad when sumone i love so dearly sulk..i mean..it make me feel so..guilty..i knew i was wrong yesterday..it was me..my bad..tried to say sweet things to that person..but he was offline the whole nite..when i went online this evening..he still appeared offline..so i thought..maybe it was the time for me to say that i'm sorry..n..guess what..he just appear to be offline..ceyt..invi ko rupenye..huhu..n things went fine after that..happy2..weee..n now we're talking..n laughing..n kutuking each other back..lalalala~~it's really nice when ur bes fren is back =) hahaha..
ok la..since tak chat with my fren since yesterday..i went to syia's room n joined the movie marathon..hehe..best2..first we(syia,dila,kak sha n me)watched poisedon(dunno if the spelling is correct or not..but hell..who cares~haha),next was runaway vacation..then the omen(a few minutes only though)then we watched mean girls..sum peeps complaint about lindsay's breast n butt being really big..hahaha..seriously..i agree with that..she got big assets..muahaha..alaah..biarlah..as long as it doesn't bother me..the hell with it..haha..neway..about the omen..hehe..we watched it only for a few minutes NOT becoz it was too scary or wuteva..but becoz..well..the thing is..i downloaded this movie from ares...and...when i opened it this evening..it was in SPANISH.how on earth am i going to understand that movie????hahahah..but we had fun..hehe..best2..after this i will be really busy with stuffs..so..i dun think i can have this movie marathon thing that often anymore..so..today maybe last lor..takpelah..once is already enuf..hehe.. satya is back to malacca!wah..sangat seronok..i wish syaz is here too..n ming...n everyone else from my school..miss them all..been trying to contact my primary school fren..found a few..those who are not really close to me though..still trying to find nazir..my long lost bestest ever fren..muahaha..really miss that small guy..i'm still taller than him(sumone told me) =)sumtimes i feel like..once entering this world of mmu..every single fren whom i had known since kindergarten was lost..n i really miss them all..can't wait to them back..especially when i heard that sum had married..ngaaa...tua nya ako..kawan2 dah kawin..ahaks..i dun wanna get marry just yet..so many things i wanna achieve first..lepas2 tu baru fikir..hehe..aiyark..ape kawin2 neyh?tak senonoh..hahaha..hurm.. continue to chat with that fren who sulked yesterday..hehehe..later he'll get angry lak tinggalkan lama sangat..hehe..till then..daaa~~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:43 PM
it's 2 am..hurm..my life should start as the day had start..but i guess..since belum tido..so..kejap lagi today's activity will be over..na tido..heheh..lewat lagi tido..sumone sure marah skang ni if that sumone knows that i'm not sleeping yet..hehe..but he can watch football at 3 am..why can't i study until 2?betul tak?huhu.neway..just wanna apologize to that sumone..hehe..rase bersalah menerpa diri secara tiba2..erk..tahap sastera meningkat..ahahah..hurm..today..what have i gone through..class 3 hours..straight..at the coldest class ever in MMU..ngaaa..luckily..yesterday(22 jun)went home..amik sweater mak..hihi..otherwise..i would have been homosapiens beku..hahah..today's class is very cool..i mean..not the class..but the errr learning..our dean..Dr.Lim(i think..haha)he teach us..my goodness..damn fast..cam fast n furious je..he talk n talk n talk n talk..he seems like he doesn't care if we really understand wuteva he's talking about..luckily mende kecik..so i guess everyone should understand..i GUESS..huhu..neway..the way he talk..hurm..it's like..not giving us any chance to raise up our hand and ask sumting..maybe he's expecting us to see him during consultation hours..sayangnye ako bukanlah budak sebaik tu..huhu..then..Dr Chien..he..aiya..sooo cute la..he seriously reminds me of my good ol teacher..Mr Huan..goofy n funny n seem to be soo..disorganise..n yet..he's good at teaching..at least for me though..coz i can understand what he's talking bout..n have fun..it's a very rare occasion to have fun during computer class..especially during the introduction of computer..oh the history..ada lovelace..wuteva their names..i n had fun learning history..me?ajaib sungguh..hahahah..hurm..the rest of the day went just fine..
nite; AGM SCC..hurm..it went smoothly..hehe..tak penah ade AGM as smooth as this one..compare to what i had gone thru during skool years ar..pengawas nye AGM sangat lama..hahaha..neway..shafiq got appointed as the new pres..CONGRATS!!~~syia pun ade post..ahahaha..sgt best.always thought that the post really suit her..hehehe..dila pun dpt..waaahhh..sangat best lah..kak sha kene jaga OR..hahahah..neway..lepas tu balik hostel.then waited for zaza n ika to fetch me..then pi ixora..wahaha..it's so nice when sumone fetch u to go sumwhere..hehehe..like some sort of king's err princess...princess reminds me of pink..*scream!!!*huhu..ngaa..da merepek banyak dah neyh..stop2.. ok2..already have plan for tomorrow..i mean..today..11 am..hehe..c ya eks dila n syia =)..then can resume with my tutorial..aiyark..how come i feel soooo hardworking eks?huhu..tibe2 je..sumber inspirasi = alia..thanks my sweet rumet.everytime i see u filing ur notes..i got this semangat to study n do my tutorial..thanks again..huhu..aiyark..sleepy sgt2 sekarang..chow~~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:58 AM
aku kau dia..
been listening for many times..needed sumtime to really get into this song.. but it's nice really..it has too much meaning for me though..hurm..just feels like sharing this song with u guys =) maafkanlah diriku ini perpisahanku ini semua kutahu sayang kau kepadaku tapi semua tak mungkin oh sayangku peluk aku lupa jua kenangan lalu tiada kupinta oh jadi begini oh kasih pahamilah reff: maafkanlah maafkanlah diriku walau kau masih di hatiku oh tinggalkan tinggalkan diriku sayang maafkanlah diriku kutahu sakitnya hatimu tapi percayalah padaku kau akan menemui teman yang baru yang kan lebih sayangimu repeat reff tiada guna kau merayu lagi kasih karna ku kini telah berdua repeat reff http://rapidshare.de/files/23696635/Ella_-_Ella_Usa_-_05_-_Aku_Kau_Dia.mp3.html p/s:fire alarm sgt bengong..ntah ape2 je..penat lari2 check every room yang ade electrical appliances kecuali bilik students..huh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:47 PM
it's 12 pm...ika na tido...she just finished her exam ay 11 am just now..haha..kesian die..kol 2.30 am baru balik from studying with zami..hehehe...neway..i myself feel like sleeping right now..padahal tido awal tu...1 sumting dah tido..but hey..i woke up early for class..*huarghhhh*tapi kesian ika..zaza tgh buli..tanak kasi die tido..haha..kanak2..me tanak campur...heheh..anyway..bout class today..hurm...engineering maths 1..*yawn*yawn*agak mosan laa..i yawned a few times during class..our lecturer is the Dean himself..Dr Lim Tuck Meng..first thing he said to us was..."This is not secondary school anymore..so don't call me sir..address ur lecturer accordingly.."in my own words.."call me Dr Lim..thank u very much.."huhu..if we're late more than 30 minutes..we have to go for a replacement class..ngaaaa..it's like..late 30 minutes for exam then u have to go for supplementary..huhu..pening tol..thank god e.maths has no lab..kalo tak...pengsan ako...huhu...but anyway..he's good though..i mean..he's the dean..he HAS to be good..i can understand wuteva he was talking about just now..n i hope i can understand wuteva he will teach later..coz e.maths is like calculus..n we have to go through 4 e.maths..mechanical students only have e.maths 1 & 2..bio-instrumentation only have to take e.maths 1,2 n 3..I have to take 4..huhu..doa banyak2..wat latihan banyak2...insyaallah buleh..tol tak?kan?hehe..neway..that's the only class we have today..8 to 10..by right sepatutnye ade 11 am tutorial..tapi first week..no class lor..hehehe..next week on of the class will be canceled..we finished the topic so...no third hour..cool hah?mr alan the best..haha..
posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:11 PM
![]() ![]() early morning...happily waking up..coz i had found the songs that i've lost...muahahaha...can believe it..it was sumhow got teralih to another folder..from jelly's to license backup..ngaaa..pelik gela..but wuteva..i still have those songs..hehe..lepas ni takde dah rasa bersalah to jelly coz tak jaga lagu die elok2..haha..but anyways..what make me a lil bit more happier was the movie semalam..hehe..runaway vacation is very nice n funny..at fist i'm quite irritated by the way jojo treat robin williams..n for me..she's such a b***h..hahaha..then after hurm..their trip tu..she was okay..but all in all..die ni pandai gak berlakon..buleh la tahan..not bad..i like this story coz,not only it's funny..but it's also heart warming..especially good when u just have a 2 hour class in clclr0004..it warms u..ahahah..sape2 na tgk just buzz me..next friday we'll watch it together..btw..open for gurls only..hahaha..ooppss...got to go..8 am class..1 more hour to go..so many to do..so lil time..chow.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:00 AM
2nd day of class..mr alan si soooo cute..hahaha..not cute in a sense of look..he's not really that good looking (but who cares?) but the way he teaches us is very cute n interesting..he's funny when he's actually serious..he doesn't have to make any jokes to make us smile..looking at him can make us smile..wajah yang menyenangkan hati..hahaha..another lecturer we met today was mr lim thong _____(forgot la..adeyh)he reminds me of mr lye chun teck..my favourite lect during alpha year.mr lye had guided me in applied maths that i survive the final exam n got n hurm...quite a good result..cover cgpa ako tuuu..hahaha...so hopefully mr lim affect the same way as mr lye did..(doa2 banyak2..huhu)but one thing about today n everyday's class would the class itself..i mean..clc the ground floor class..it TOO cold..habis selsema ako kene..have to wear sweater everyday..i'm still wondering how come some girls can still wear short skirts to class while some guys are wearing 3 layers of shirt..hurm...polar bear pun akan pakai sweater when entering clcr0004..hahahah..but anyhow..today class sgt seronok compare to yesterday class when all the lecturers talk about is rules + regulations + lecturers + n assesment..bosan seyh..huhuhu..learning is fun =) hurm..today has ended for me..kononnye laa...going to watch runaway vacation right now..1 hari je dah abis dload..ahaks..sape2 na tgk just tell me..i save this movie for a month..lepas tu tak leh dah..kene delete..hehe..alrite gang..that's all for now..chiowz~~
posted by MatSyuMiya at 4:56 PM
weeehooo...i survived my first day of class..hehe..it was kinda boring at first..then when the class was already halfway...it started to be easier n more livelier..huhu..but until now..i dunno when the lab session is going to be..haih..the lecturer didn't tell us exactly when is it gonna be..nvm..ask him later..hurm..that was yesterday..haha..anyway..today is is's bday..wished him last night..can't believe it..sumone else wished him first!but i dun really mind though..it was just jobstreet..ahahahah..now i'm waiting for the clock to turn to 11am..then off i'll go to kedai bonda n beli roti for breakfast n lunch..hurm...today lapar lak..yesterday tak lunch or breakfast pun alrite je..hurm...wuteva..well..still waiting for jelly to come online i can ask him for the songs that i lost..damn..how can they got lost in action?weirdddddd..
posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:40 AM
![]() 2 days with the freshies gave my life a new meaning n new era..ahaks..they were very supportive n frenly..masa first time jumpa..mmg la a bit nervous..after a few minutes..things started to get better..n sume pun jadi lebih rapat..those yg sangat diam pun amat cooperative..demam2 still wants to play tug of war..really cool..haha..but then..terpaksa gak berpisah..i mean.not totally berpisah la..just takde la leh jumpa hari2..coz they have their own classes to attend n so do i..all of us gonna be busy..n we may not see each other that often..accept those staying just beside my room la..hahaha posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:13 AM