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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
merdeka kita sebenarnye?entahlah..tibe2 je terfikir..huhu..tgk anak2 muda zaman sekarang..prangai tak srupe orang malaysia..terlalu terikutkan budaya barat..alah..bukan aku tak begitu..kadang2 aku pun same je..hehe..cuma..kadang2 kecewa dengan yang terover neyh..melihatkan semalam..tika sambutan meriah kat president square nun..alhamdulillah..ade jugak yang sudi na betul2 meraikan kemerdekaan malaysia..termasuk lah yang dari luar..terharu gak bile balik ke hostel semalam,ade la seorang foreigner neyh,tak pernah berckp ngan die pon...tapi die senyum sambil ucap "happy merdeka" ngan penuh semangat..huhu..ntah la..kadang2 ako rase org luar cam die tu laie paham erti merdeka dari org sini sendri..ala...org2 belah2 jordan ngan palestin nun..hehehe:D tibe2 je ako ckp pasal ni sume apsal ek?adoi...takpolah..hehe:D
neway..semalam takde electric kat tingkat 9,10,11 n 12 FI..miaaaaa...takot gela..da la floor tu dua bilik je yang ade occupant..bilik depan nye resident kuar plak..alia lak da balik..huuuu..turun bawah lepak ngan mak guard sampai laaa abg technician tu dtg..n tunggu ngan ejah gak..sebab ejah nye kipas yang uzur tu meletup baru la takde electric..huhuhu..adoi la ejah..kesian kamu..huhu.. zaza call soh print assignment plak..miahahaha..current takde,mukan kate print,na nampak printer pun tak bleh..gelap gela bilik...da la printer bawah meja..miahahaha..so in the end..dalam kol 9.30 gitu setel la sume2 tu..so lepas mamam,tros gi president square..lepas tu tibalah saat utk kami sume meronggeng..miahahaha..amik pic sane sini..bagai2 pose..cam kanak2 je..coz time tu sume org kat tempat lain..takde sape kat clc so kami berposing sakanlahh..hehehe... skali tu..lepas2 posing sume..pi la beli air..n guess what..i saw KAK NINA with her boyfren of course..hehehe..MALUUUUUU..huhu..tu la..bak kate mak..buat bende bukan2 malam,tgk2 keliling..kan dah malu sendri..huhu.. lepas tu countdown merdeka..tapikan...jam ako cam tak kol 12 tapi diorang nye jam cam awal lak..miahaha..tatau lah..layan jeee~~lepas tu nyanyi lagu Negaraku ngan Permata Dunia sambung ngan Standing In The Eye Of The World(tribute to ella) plak..agak best la.. tapi yang sedeyhnyee...kuar buletin utama lak 31 august tu dicemari ngan sambutan mat rempit..adoi..sedih la tgk org2 muda tu sume..ape la na jadi..moga2 Allah SWT jauhkan lah ako ngan adek2 ngan kengkawan ako dari prangai camtu..nauzubillah..tanak ako camtu..da la bawak motor laju2..pastu tanpa segan silu plok2 depan org ramai..pastu tido atas bendera!!ya rabbi..mane la agaknye perasaan hormat pada negara dalam hati diorang agaknye tu ek?bile ako ckp kat abah,abah kate terpengaruh dunia luar..anak2 muda amerika buat camtu gak dalam dua tiga movie..adoi..nape la orang malaysia mudah dipengaruh?kan ke lebey baik mempengaruh bende baik2 utk dunia luar...ark..tanak ckp banyak ah..jaga diri sendri dulu kate mak..huhu.. tadi sambut bday nenek yang ke 62 ke 63 ntah..nenek tatau bday die bile sebenarnye..tau bulan 8 je..coz ic org dulu2 kan cam tak betul sket..polis dulu2 ske2 je letak tarikh lahir..miahaha..so kami just sambut skali ngan merdeka la..best..mamam kek,tom yam mihun,otak2 kempar,pastu sate..nasib baik abes sume makanan tu..coz ramai gak yang dtg..seronok beronggeng ngan yusaizi,hakim ngan ery..hekhekhek..buat jahat je kami..takpe..jahat kami hiburkan orang..miahaha.. so lepas tu sesi dok lame2 kasi pewot hadamkan makanan sambil gelak..tapi ako kene balik lak..sebab esok ade banyak keje..adoi..sakitnye pale ku inihhh..sebelum balik tu..ade la nenek sorang laie ckp..seronok jadi budak2..sebab bile na balik asrama je orang sume na siyum..ekeke..mmg pon..sume orang pompuan pun siyum ako..miahaha..nasib baik tak jahanam pipi..hehe.. luckily acha tak nanges ari neyh..huhu..selamat..tu pun kene gak upah air susu strawberry sekotak budak tu..huhu..takpelah..asalkan die bahagia.. adoi..nape takleh brenti lak neyh..ok2..da penat..esok ba bgn awal...burbye for now..ja neh... p/s:windu kat zhao tan versi line tenet kuantan..windu sangat2..uwaaaaa posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:03 AM
langit senja nan indah itu,
menggamit rasa rinduku, oh tuhan.. mengapa harus ini yang terjadi? bila mungkin kan ini berakhir, apakah ini suratan, satu ujian bagiku, agar aku bisa tegar, terhadap kehidupan makin kejam ini.. langit senja nan indah itu, kan hilang ditelan masa, aku tidak mahum kasihmu hilang bersamanya, walau jauh sejuta batu, ku kan tetap menantimu.. biarkan saja keindahan itu pergi, asalkan tulusnya terpahat di hati, biarkan saja keindahan itu berlalu, asalkan kau tetap bersamaku selalu.. p/s:idea asal saya neyh...:) posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:51 PM
saya amat tertarik dengan lagu james blunt ni..it's lyric goes deep into my soul..especially when i watch it's unofficial video featuring britney n justin..huhu Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. So I took what's mine by eternal right. Took your soul out into the night. It may be over but it won't stop there, I am here for you if you'd only care. You touched my heart you touched my soul. You changed my life and all my goals. And love is blind and that I knew when, My heart was blinded by you. I've kissed your lips and held your head. Shared your dreams and shared your bed. I know you well, I know your smell. I've been addicted to you. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. I am a dreamer but when I wake, You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take. And as you move on, remember me, Remember us and all we used to be I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile. I've watched you sleeping for a while. I'd be the father of your child. I'd spend a lifetime with you. I know your fears and you know mine. We've had our doubts but now we're fine, And I love you, I swear that's true. I cannot live without you. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. And I still hold your hand in mine. In mine when I'm asleep. And I will bear my soul in time, When I'm kneeling at your feet. Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me. I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow. I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow. entahlah..maybe it's becoz i've felt the hurt of losing sumone..so the scars just bleed again everytime i listen to this song..zaza might just say,"stop listening to it then..duh!!"but then..i just can't stop myself from listening..huhu.. i'll upload the video later..no time..wanna go home right away..i guess this is goodbye for now..burbye!!~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:00 PM
i read this forwarded message i got from mr syapiq..hmm..well..it's sad isn't it to think that pluto is no longer considered a planet?it's been considered as just another dwarf planet like an asteroid..i've been living my life all this 19 years thinking of moving to another planet..the 9th planet..right now..i can't say anymore i wanna move to another planet but move to another dwarf planet which may seems like moving to planet full of dwarf..hmm..no thank you..but nevermind..the decision is not in my hand..totally in the scientist hand..no matter what,pluto will still remains as a planet i really like in my heart..heheh..for more info about pluto,visit wikipedia..eheheh anyway..to days in a row muharam called me..how cool..he always said that he like to call me to listen to my craps..miahahaha..me crap a lot i guess.heheh..actually he just wanna ask me a small favor n yesterday he thought there was no class since nobody was there..haram..duhhh..u came 1 hour early..no human in mmu would come to class 1 hour early..ahahah..so he also told me that he went to the earlier class for engine maths n the had quiz..hehehe..so one of the question the quiz is to named all the lecturers we have..miaaaa..who ek?..hmm.. 1.Mr Chris Oh (the person who give the quiz of course..hehe) 2.Dr. Lim 3.Mdm Shela 4.Dr You Ah Heng 5.Dr Md Fayzur 6.Mr Lim Way Soong 7.Mr K (miaahahaha) 8.aiyark..can't remember anymore..how leh? will i survive?only time will tell..hehehe... so i woke up today very2 late..sumbody told me,tu bukan tido..tu pengsang..ces..jeles la tu...hahahah...it was very magical yesterday when i was going to sleep..i just lay on the bed..n i'm out..hahhaa..tros tutup suis..takde dolak dalih dah..hahahaha..guess i was too tired kot..eheheh.. n anyway..my fren had totally avoid me..takpelah..bak kate sumone..saya ada ramai kawan..ade akak2 scc..abg2 scc..ade junior2..ade luvly rumet...ade zaza n ika n mama n ekin..ade haram..hilang satu takkan hilang semua..kan?kan?my scc family won't leave me kan?hehehe..mau lepak2 ngan kamu sume bile da tak busy lah..hehehe:D kay lah..na gi siap2 kat klas..sambil2 dgr2 khutbah jumaat neyh..hehehe..till then..take care! =) posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:34 PM
begin my day today with laundry!hahaha..buat laundry sesuka hati..huahuahua..actually,penat tau basuh baju..tangan jadi kuat lepas tu..macam kat kampung dulu..timba air dari perigi..ingat lagi masa sekolah menengah dulu..slalu timba air sebab na kuatkan tangan..kerna saya adalah atlit lontar lembing kelas..hehehe:D jadi tangan kena la kuat..coach kata saya ada skill tapi tangan saya lemah.. :( anyway..setelah memenatkan tangan dengan basuhan tak seberapa tu,saya pun merehatkan kepala yang kusut..huhu..10am gi klas ngan penuh tak semangat..kekanda ku akhirnya angkat gak phone..ces..hehe.. so klas dan klas dan klas..huwargh..penat seyh..tapi klas een habis 1 hour early..hehe..n lec tu sangat mengharukan..entahlah..i sensed that everytime any lecturer will end the class of the last class that the lec will teach us,he will sumhow make us all feel like crying..miahaahah..except for dr.lim..hehehe.. then four hours of tutorial..can u imagine that?4 hours of tutorial,3 different subjects..many input in those hours..really2 tiring actually.. lepas2 tu klas je,tros gi mamam...lepas mamam,abg online..so bual2 la ngan kekanda pengarang jantung(konon laaa..hahah) tu..lepas tu tros siap2..then pi jumpa zaza,ika,ekin n mama for our group discussion or more likely group ronggeng..hehehe..wat assig sambil2 pok pek tak berhenti..makan2 gula2..pastu buat lawak...pastu pindah sane sini..hahaha.. so in the end..agak banyak gak la keje yang kami buat..ade la dekat2 3 jam buat keje tu..wah..penat tau.tak rehat langsung seharian ni..so sekarang saya na ucap selamat tinggal..selamat malam..selamat pagi..hehehe... sebelum tu..hmm..takde ape lah..hehe..nite2 world! =) posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:53 AM
hmm..dia kata bye..i guess..bye then..nothing i can say to change your mind already..maybe i'm too cruel..i'm really sorry... takpelah..anyway..hari ni akan sangat2 sangat2 busy..huhuh...takpelah..demi masa depan yang cemerlang gemilang dan terbilang..yeah!!insyaallah..hehehe..moga2 doa saya dimakbulkan tuhan..=) pagi tadi bangun2 saje da kol 6.40..pergh...lewat tu..sebab masa azan subuh tu da sedar..suara bilal sedap..suka dgr..lepas azan..lelap balik..sebab tido lewat..miahahaha..padan muka saya..bangun2 je call ade laaa org tu...skali..adoi la kekanda ku..tak angkat phone..hmm..maybe bangun sendri n tak pasan n hp silent la tuuuu..confirm je..takpelah..sayang nye pasal..takpelah..hahahahaha.. lepas ni ade klas kol 10 sampai 2 then 3 sampai 7..patut ke tak saya ni pengsan???hahaha..neway..tutorial utk comp n prog design shouldn't be a problem sebab lecturer da upload solution dalam mmls..so kami2 yang rajin laie berdedikasi ni just kene print out n bawak n taip2 kat pc lab tu konon2 kami yang buat..miahahaha..cita2 saya hari ni na modify jawapan..kalo die gune if/else statement..saya na gune switch..hehehe..kalo complicated,saya na senangkan..leh ke saya neyh wat?keskeskes.. lepas tu akan berlangsunglah upacara membuat assignment yang berlambak-lambak.lecturer2 saya sangat comel..mereka suka kasi assignment bile2 na dekat2 dateline..cam field theory n ecp tu..takpelah..mengajar kami erti penat lelah..miahahahah.. pagi ni mau buat ape ek?mau basuh baju!yeaaa...basuh baju boleh menenangkan fikiran saya yang kusut dan masai ni..lepas tu na sambung ngan assignment..ades..tak anta laie email kat kekanda ku yang tatau da bangun ke belum tu..huuu adoi..lapa lak..huhuuhu... till we meet again..take care!! =) p/s:i see u'r still online..hmm..jangan hancurkan masa depan ko just for a girl..like i told u..there's sumone out there waiting for u..maybe u just dun realise it..hope u'll be happy..really2 hoping..dun make things worse ok..=) posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:43 AM
assalamualaikum wbt...
hari ni saya happy..tatau nape..saya tau saya da melukakan seseorang..saya tau tu salah..tapi..saya happy..na tau kenapa?sebab saya tanak die terus terluka lepas ni..kalo tak end the whole thing right now,dia akan lagi terluka..so..saya da pun menyelamatkan diri saya dan dia dari dilukai kemudian hari..hehehe..maafkan saya yek..but ya know that no matter what saya masih sayang kamu..=) lagi satu sebab saya buat ape yang saya buat tadi adalah sebab perasaan bersalah pada bf saya..hehehe..perangai dia sekarang membuat saya jadi sangat sayang dia berbanding saat2 kami tak brape stabil dulu..jadi bila saya buat apa yang saya buat dengan kawan tu dulu,saya jadi sangat2 rasa guilty..bila guilty,saya akan moody..dan sangat suka merajuk..huhu..mood akan slalu tak stabil..jadi saya sangat tak suka keadaan begitu..saya tak suka dilanda badai perasaan..huahuahua.. anyway..maybe kamu akan anggap tu hanyalah alasan saja..tapi saya dah pun beritahu kenapa saya na stop buat tu sume..maybe gak saya stop neyh agak terlambat..tu saya ngaku saya salah..saya minta maaf sangat2 pasal tu..if i could turn back time,i wouldhave stop it earlier or never even start it..i'm really2 sorry..i now saying sorry won't do anything now..i just hope that time will heal ur pain..really2 hoping that..n oh yeah..just for ur info..i'm laughing right now chatting with u..i mean..i do type out hahahaha n all..but guess what..that's just lying..hehe..i am crying..in my heart..coz otherwise alia nampak..(hehehe alia..sorry..saya neyh cover macho..mueheheh)..ces..kamu na tau tak..rasa cam break up je ni..hahahah..lawak la kamu neyh..ahaha.. ah sudah..stop thinking about that..hehe..start a new life from now on..hehe..=) anyway..hari ni gak happy sebab ade test comp n program design..mau tau tak..walaupun ade salah2 yang saya da tau about test tu,saya still happy..coz antara test2 yang ade..test tu la ngan test engine math yang senang..coz saya mmg minat..hahahah.yang lain2,mintak maap..saya menci!hahahaha..lepas abis exam,saya mamam die ez's cafe..ngan zaza,ika,mama,ekin,soffi n qis(cam last_kiss..heheh)..mamam nasi goreng usa(same ngan soffi) n menum teh o ais(sama ngan mama,ika n soffi)..kami wat kecoh je kat dalam cafe tu..hahaha..masing2 ngah lapar..so gela..lepas mamam ok sket..walaupun still gela...hahaha..sampaikan mr hazimin pun kitorang tak nampak..sorry sir..tak prasan serius..huhu:D lepas tu kami pun merajinkan diri gi wat hal penting..qis ngan soffi gi silat..meeting je ar..hahaha..mama ekin ika zaza n saya gi wat ASSIGNMENT..huahuahua..rajin seyhhhh..hehehe..lepas tu top up 10rm semata-mata na call abg utk tanye pasal assignment..hehe..amik kesempatan dating kat phone..miahahahah..so agak lame la bual2..ckp je cam bese..(kewl beb..hehe..slalu malu2..ekekeke)sambil2 mamam ais asam..dappp..hehehe...lepas tu..org tu janji na tolong watkan assignment..miahaha..salah satu kebaikkan utk student couple ngan sumone yang blaja programming..miahahahah.. lepas tu balik..ika carik2 kad die..rupanya kat bilik saya..hahaha..tu la ika..suka sangat sepah2 barang2 tu..eh ika..prasan tak..kalo awak ilang hp/kad ixora tu..mesti benda2 tu ade kat saya kan?ces..mcm storage lak syu neyh yek awak wat ika..ces ces dan mengeceskan..miahaha... lepas tu saya balik..dan layan room jap..tambah adek laie sorang..nick name die ariel^greenday..and saya panggey die hijo atau harihijo..hahaha..die ngaku je..heheh..and die panggey saya sis syu..wah wah wah..sangat laaa skema + sweet budak hijo tuh..takpe2..merelakan saja..hehe.. ades..penat dah tulis..lame tak tulis panjang2 gini..dan happy2 lak tu..hahahah..best2..hopefully kegembiraan ni akan berterusan n contageous kat orang lain..na org lain same2 happy ngan saya gak..pada kawan saya yang saya kecewakan tadi..i hope u'll understand me,n be happy with me kay..=) till then..adios!!~~ (smiling) posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:11 AM
rasa sangat2 bersalah to sumone right now..dear,i'm really2 sorry..i didn't meant to do it..sorry oyen shayang.. =(
these few days i've been feeling down n not just that,i also drag along people around me..that's one of the reason why i tried to elakkan sum people..i can't imagine dragging them into my prob..it's just too much.. first victim was my bf..hmm..sorry abg..syg tak sengaja..tatau la nape mood asyik na marah je..maaf sangat2..i know certain things,i treat u worse that u do..i mean...u treated me with ur best..but me..hmm..sorry abg..=( second was my mum..huhu..i know it sounded a bit too harsh..but i dunno..summore it was during mum's bday(yesterday)..when i saw my sis n mum with their present from XXX i got "kecik ati" coz everybody from my family members had celebrated their bday with XXX..as for me..belated bday pun tadek..=( third would be oyen..ntah la..oyen..seriously..i feel really guilty towards u..when i heard u'r doing u'r typing(a lot) without talking to me..i just got..bored..i had noone to talk to at that moment..the songs i'm listening to in winamp just made it worse..they're too happy that i felt irritated..saya tau saya menyusahkan awak oyen..skali laie..maaf banyak2..jahat laaa saya neyh...=( end of list.. syuhada da manyak susahkan org2 sekeliling..membuat saya rasa bersalah yang amat..ntah la..like the quote i'm using in my ym status,"death is not the greatest loss of life but what dies inside you while we live" n yes...i feel like i'm dying inside..can sumone help me?? posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:05 PM
harapan..suatu pengharapan dan sebuah cita2 yang tak pasti..seringkali aku mengharap pada yang ku tahu tak pasti..acapkali juga aku dikecewakan..namun..hmm..mungkin sudah perangaiku begitu..tetap mengharap..walau sejuta kali ku dikecewa..ku tetap mengharap dia kan datang dengan membawa bahagiaku bersama..setiap hari ku tunggu dia..tunggu dan terus menunggu..semalam saja..berjuta kali aku dikecewa dengan harapan2 ku..melihat kelibat makhluk,terus saja ku katakan itu dia..namun..setelah kelibat itu mendekati ku..ku sedar..bukan itu yang ku tunggu..die belum datang laie.oh..seksa diriku menunggunya..namun apakan daya..dialah yang harus kutunggu..jika tidak...masakan setiap hari ku kan menunggu..harapan menggunung padanya setiap hari..jika dia tidak datang..tiadalah bahagiaku pada hari itu..ya memang..dia memegang segalanya bagiku..hari ini..aku masih menunggunya..mengharap dia kan memberi berita kedatangannya..setelah itu..akan ku tunggu lagi..aduhai..mengapa harus hidup ini perlu penuh dengan penungguan?mahu saja aku menjadi penunggu saja..ya..penunggu yang setia..bukankan itu bisa membuat tempat ku bertapak ini menjadi lebih seronok dan menakutkan?:D tapi aku hanya bisa jadi penunggunya..hingga dia datang lagi...
yosh..itulah cerita pasal aku yang setia menunggu ayahku membawa bekalan makanan...lapooooooo~~~ p/s:utk oyen...aku juga slalu menunggumu..dah..takyah layan da ek?takyah layan kat room tu...kat ym takyah layan...takyah layan langsung tau..bagus kan gitu???saya ni gangguan utk kamu je kan??isk.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:40 PM
anime!!huhuhu..tiba2 saja me gila anime..bukan ape..thanks to jelly who introduce me to malaysia anime portal yang ade manyak sungguh anime..well..exagerating sket..hehe..takdela manyak aner pun..just..hmm..ok la for a malaysian base portal..not just anime..but also sum series like Hard Gay(zaza,it's not hentai ok..hehe =P ),Attention Please..n to my surprise..AF4..ceh..mane2 je ade..jepun2 tibe2 AF..hahah..truly malaysian i guess..muehehe...
anyway..berjaya dload 17 episodes of Ouran Kouko Host Club..syiok!:D to those who wants to dload those file at the portal are adviced to use internet download manager atay yang sewaktu dengannya..hehe..kalo tak akan kantoi ditgh jalan..(been there,done that,trust me..huhu) setelah siap mengdload anime2 tu..mase utk burn lak..(hey,i have limited amount of space in my hd..hehe)sangat malas..nantilah..huhu... sangat bosan lately hidup neyh..after coming back from home,i feel this emptiness..loneliness..huhuhu..but what can i do?i'm just a student..had to go through all this..hmm..(camni pun masih mau study abroad ka?hahaha..homesick hari2 la jawapnye.. =P)..ye..syu anak manjer..tau tu..ramai ckp dah..dulik ape..=P lately i have discovered the answers i needed..i love greenlover..i love more than i love anyone else (exclude family..hehe)..i dun know how will lead my life without him now..i love him for who i am when i am with him..yeah i know the statement is a cliche..but the hell..it suits best..hehehe.. i've been alone..i've been with sumone..alone again then,n now..i have him with me..i'll try to make sure i'll never be alone again..i wanna be with him forever n ever..(jewang seyh..uweekkkkk dlm toilet..huhu) hmm..akan membusykan diri pasni with assignments n study..rase menyesal tak study awal2..huahuahuahua..pada sape2 yang rase tersisih..me minta maaf..sori oyen..saya busy..n i know u'r gonna be busy too..so please jangan majuk kay..=) tatau dah na tulis ape...huahuahua..till then..chow~ p/s:rase mau tulis novel..mau tulis pasal ape ek?ade cadangan? =) -signed off- posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:08 PM
assalamualaikum w.b.t...
wah..it's been long since i wrote in this blog..uhuhuhu..really i miss this blog..hehe..well..let me recap of what happened for the past one week.. Friday - 4.8.2006 went home at 6.30 pm..arrived at my grandma's house at around 6.50..took my bath and dinner,then go for my uncle's "akad nikah"..me the camerawoman..wee~~but it's no easy job babes..i had to fight my way for the vidz with another THREE PROFESIONAL cameramans..perghhh..fight of a lifetime..for the best pic of my uncle...ekeke..n of course..gladly..i won..i got da bestplace to capture the vidz..jangan jeles ye abg2..muehehehe...but then,guess what...the video tape laks bes..ades...nengongss..tu laaa..eksyen laie..hahahaha...luckily there's an extra tape which i have to overwrite..hahaha...after another around 1 hour or so,battery lak wat hal..time2 tu laaa die na abis..huhu..but anyway..it's good..i guess..hahaha...but it doesn't end there..went back to my grandma's house later that nite..took ika at ixora..battery kereta die abes so she can't go back to BP..(batteries really messing up people's life sumtimes huh?)huhu...went we arrived,it was for supper time..bla bla bla..gosipping around with ika..me glad that she got along with my family well..heheh..magus2..lain kali leh bawak laie..ekekek..so late that nite,me n ika kene cuci pinggan mangkuk..hohoho..sejuk dokkk...but well..we shouldn't bother i guess..huhu...i slept at around 3 am that nite..then my mom woke me up so i would sleep dalam umah..coz before that...saya tido di luar umah..di bawah umah ku yang under construction..huhuh..sangat sejuk dokk...tapi sanggup ku tahan demi insan terchentaz.. Saturday - 5.8.2006 woke up very early..uwaaaaa...mane cukup tidoooooo...tak aciiiiii..uwaaaa...but i guess i had to..huuuu..so my day starts very early...bangun2 je buat keje..penat seyhhh..huhu..so at around 1 pm,kami bertolak ke bukit katil..kampung my aunty..hehehe..sampai saje i had to work again..work as a camerawoman..muehehe..best2..asyik menang je..ekekekek... ape laie ek on saturday...hm..nothing much..huhu..just that nite i had to washed the dishes all by myself..byk lak tu..sejuk lak tu..menggigil gigil lak tu..hahah...luckily i had sumone who help me..abg dip helped me a lot that nite..tolong then made me laugh..after him,came yusaizi or better known as toyol..muahahah..toyol yang sangat tomey..ekeke..actually i really like that guy..i mean..he's nice..like in a sense,like not like "like"..hahaha..apo2 jo laaaa.. Sunday - 6.8.2006 hari yang paling meletihkan..sangat2 letih..people coming from everywhere to celebrate my uncle's wedding..the mayor came too..luckily he knew we were all too busy to entertain any prtocols..mueheheheh..took his pix on the vid cam..my grandpa asked me to..otherwise..hmm..well...i dun even know him..muahahahah...around 3000 people came to celebrate this poyo guy wedding..hahah..busy sampai malam..so at nite..last job of the day was,basuh pinggan..i'm telling ya..for 4 days in a row,basuh pinggan malam2..lepas 11 pm..alone of course..hahahaha..so lepas letih2,balik umah and tidoooo~~ (with ika of course..hehehe) so for the rest of the week..hmm..nothing much..just clean up my grandma's place..settle up everything..then on thursday,date!yoshhh...dating yang menyeronokkan..muahahahah...date with ery n mak ngah...hehehehe...mukan sape pun...so we went out at 12 pm..sampai rumah semula at 6pm..hahahah..can't blame us..the movie took 2 hours already..eeheh..and setelah beberapa tahun,syuhada naik bas semula..bas yang lantainya papan!!CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??BUS WITH WOODEN FLOOR!!!comes bumper,bam!~,bergegar..macam na roboh je..huuuu...i sat with ery..both of us ketakutan sebenarnye..hahahahahah... so we watched remp it..of better to be written as rempit..hahah..idea asal:farid kamil yang tomey..hhehe..producer:ahmad idham n farid kamil if i'm not mistaken.. director:ntah..david teoh kot..huhu..well..name pun rempit..citer pasal rempit lorr...huhu..the storyline was good..the acting was cool..n the actors were natural..julia hana looked very natural..hahahaha..n the script especially was quite attractive to be remembered..mmg sgt rempit..hohoho..after that mak ngah,ery n me just jalan2 je..mamam McD..yeshhh..dapat gaks mamam McD..lamo tak mamam..hehehehe... hmm...the cost i had to spent during our ngedate was just 18..tu pun coz me beli jam..jam hyuuga hinata..hehe..the rest like bus expenses,ticket,mamam,naruto comic,scarf sume ditanggung oleh mak ngah..muahaha..anyway.talking about hyuuga..i foun back my hyuuga..muehehe..it has 6 butterflies,n it's orange in colour, n noone,i mean NOONE can argue with that..my watch meh..my pasal la..faris takleh complaint kay..mueheheh.. then i met my childhood bestfren..well..things are no longer the way it was..can't wack him so much as i did during primary school..hoho..but either him had lost contact with aje..aiyark..why la sum guy are just soooo hard to track down ar?so many thing to talk to him n yet,can't find him..even amin who was his bestest fren had lost contact with him...nevermind..coming raya i'll make ery find aje...=D so that all happening for the my one week holiday..hehehe..till then..chow~~ oh yeah i forgot...wish me luck for field theory mid term test..this monday..lom study...huahuahua.. =P posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:21 PM
adeyh..ngantuk lagi ni..yesterday i didn't go to the peace council meeting coz rase cam na demam je..i slept at like around 9.30..serious..takde tenaga langsung nak bergerak..uhuhu..pak cik na kawen,me yang demam laks..huhu..
neway..cume na ckp..two paper is coming..circuit theory tonite n engine maths tomorrow..been busy lately becoz of the mid term test..tak sempat na nengok2 blog neyh..mosan lak ngan idop camni kadang2..huhu..so..the general meeting would be tomorrow..cool..otherwise takleh gi gak..coz i'm going back home at friday 6.30pm..mueheh...malam tu acik nikah..n besides..it's his bday that day..i already gave him his bday present..just cikai2 je..a compilation of his favourite songs lately..dload,burn,made a superb cover(cewahhh),n then,gave it to him..hehe..the cover was nice actually..i like it..i like the pic of naruto more likely..ekeke.. thanks oyen for the pic..it's like u read my mind u know..very sweet of u..=) n then..hmmm..dunno wut else to say..missing noone lately..thank god..i hate to miss people who won't miss me..i always miss my mum though..mau mak suap mamam..lamo dah mak tak suap..huuu.. till then..papai de sailormoon.. p/s:all mmu-ians,dun forget to listen to radio mmu every wednesday at 8-10 pm...especially those who know mr fahmi@kuyu@dj oreo..heheh..dgr2kan lah eks..ramai2 dgr..mau kacau laie elok..biar kan die..ekekek..=P (why do syuhada feel happy everytime plan na buli orang ek?hmm..) posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:53 AM