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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
assalamualaikum... ohaiyo!erm..i just found out that yui had updated her diary..aiyark..lambat baru tau..(+_+) gomenasai yui-sama..i was busy with the forum.hahaha!~anyway..since i dun understand what she was talking about...*still waiting for the translation by Gin at bluewind* i cant really say what's on her mind right now..buttttttt..the cakes look very cute! ![]() kawaii neh?:D wish i have one of those..won't eat them..just erm i dunno..preserve and framed it!since they're from Yui's.kekekeke..anyway...i wanna congratulate soul-kun and me as the empayar of our Yui-lover had just increased by another one fan!hahaha..who is that person?let it be a secret..muahahaha..oh..still can't forget casper..can't believe he said Yui is a jellyfish!and a gay!bakayaro casper-kun!cissss..ooopss..didn't mean it..hehhe..but anyway..make sure u dun meet me in the next two weeks or i'd strangle u to death!hoho~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:31 AM
hari ni angah tibe2 ym..a very rare case..hahaha..rupanya nak bitau die dpt 4.00..walaweh...huhu..congratulations sis!sebab tu la syu sayang die ni..pandai..pandai blaja..pandai amik ati orang..heheh..well done bebeh!keep up ur great work :) syu?erk..tadi test lagi..ntah ntah..no comment..and baru dload pspice..thanks to soul-kun who uploaded the file kat ftp die..hehehe..sayang soul-kun..sayangg sangat sangat sangat..where can i find a better fren than u?heheh:) erm..assignment has to be done by next week..and i have like erm... 1.TWO test coming up 2.ONE big event coming 3.ONE assignment for electronics III 4.NOT SURE HOW MANY assignments for other subject since the lecturer will only be uploading them by next monday,tuesday or wednesday.. gonna be a very busy schedule for me later on..hope i can survive.wish me luck! till then,oyasuminasai.. p/s:soul-kun..all the best for the presentation..i know u can do it..u'r a great man;) posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:02 AM
test lagi?aiyark..erm instrumentation..not so bad i think..kira2 tak kisah sgt..bile masuk teori?hahahahahhahahahaha!!~syu gelak tekanan ni!ngeee...dah la duduk DEPAN SEKALI..depan mr OH TICK HUI.and die dok arm akimbo depan syu nengok syu jawap..i was like..what???(@_@)dun look at my answers now.u can look and stare at it as much as you want after i finished everything and it's time for me to pass it up.i didnt say that to him though..that would be erm rude..hehe..but i gave him the "look".hahaha!~and he backed up..guess he realise i dun like him doing that..and i covered my answer sheet with que paper..hey..dun expect to see my answers before i start answering..ait ait ait...~ after test we went to ez cafe and had dinner..adeh..kueytiaw goreng die cause me stomachache (T_T) ..hish!~next time,no kueytiaw and ez cafe!saw alia and ijud...hehe..comel jek weh study sambil makan..kawaiii!~so balik bilik buat ape yeh?erm..chatted with kak farah..kakfarah didnt feel well..erm..sian die..i hope u'd be patience..in love,ppl hurt the other person unknowingly...slow talk and it'll be fine.i sure hope so..u guys are just so cute together (^_^) and also chatted with soul-kun..he's learning guitar..at first he said he was learning Yui's tabs..i thought he already known..weh hampir jatuh cinta!!hahahaha!!ampoonn.then he said he is just learning..so i was..erm..i just kinda..walaweeehhhh..teruja seh!~and summore he's getting a grip on Tokyo tabs...huuuuu...and he's got the intro for Life already..ganbate kudasai soul-kun!!i'll be right here supporting u..guys just look 10 times more handsome when they know how to play guitar/drum.hahaha!~hey i had a crush on an ex schoolmate before coz he knows how to play drums.stupid isnt it?kehkehkeh..bila syu nak blaja lak?erm..bila syu??bila???heh!~esok nak bangun awal..class at 8...sleep early i guess..bukan de orang nak diajak berbual pun kat room tu...semua orang away..kakfarah is sleeping..soul-kun studying..hmmm..tido lah.. -syu selsema..i hate selsema..(+_+) -i need to learn a few things..they are:- driving guitar drum -i need to study for electronics.i like chapter two and chapter 3 seems nice.i hope i can do it.start going to library perhaps?i sure hope i can be studios enough..and hey..can't study without Yui.kekeke... ah..found out that Yui has an english song..Goodbye to u.soul-kun gave it to me earlier..and he was also the one who found the lyrics for the song..seriously..i can't get YUIglish..huhuhu..but the way she pronounce certain words are very cute.teehehehe...i wonder if she already has a bf..ermmm.... eh..tido2..heeeheh..oyasuminasai!~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:45 PM
yey!happy happy happy 20th birthday my dearest Yui..!!erm..yesterday was heaven..i downloaded a full album of Yui and all her single..teehehehe~i love rolling stones acoustic version..my craziness towards her just can't stop!walaweh..huhu..and i'm forgetting my kiroro..ait ait ait..ape nak jadi..pearl jam?incubus?erm..doesnt sound appealing anymore..gome-neh..~can't stop liking cute Yui.huhuhu..plenty of pics of her in yui-lover..and they re-sing all her songs,recorded it and uploaded it..if i'm not mistaken they're planning on giving it to Yui as a birthday present.wish i could join.HA-HA-HA.. oh..and happy birthday to cik Lyana too!~Yui turning 20 this 26th March..and yana turning 21st on the same date.wala..*jeles*jeles*but nevermind...oh..i read in the forum that Yui's eyesight is getting worse so she needed to wear spectacles..she cant just use contact lenses anymore..wow..those guys in the forum..u guys are not humans..007 pun kalah.hahaha~and i still wonder what brand of sneakers does she use..huhu~oh..they also decided to make a t-shirt..and it cost $3.80...that's around rm13.30..i want it!!!tp termasuk shipping cost from indonesia to malaysia..erm..guess i have to wait first..kewangan tak brape stabil..huhu~ and i heard a good news from sumone on myspace...yey!~i'm glad u made that decision...i love u..love u soo much!no matter what i'll stick with u girl!!.. song of the day: feel my soul and rolling star acoustic version.listen to them and fall in love with Yui.. ah..still wondering what's her real name..they said it's Yoshiko Yui..huhu~..i found this website of japanese name generator which actually doesnt change your name when u re-enter the same input..kekeke..bes seh..anyway..my japanenese name is Ishikawa Kumiko.soul called me kumiko.hahaha~melawak tol..and his name is Fujiwara Kenta..sounds a lil like Fujiwara Takumi or Fujiwara Bunta and the guy start to perasan.hahaha~ampoon soul-kun..oh..arigato soul-kun!aishiteru!u'r the bes human being living in this world..i can't believe he burned taiyou no uta for me..u'r just too kind..huhu~~ oh..yesterday was qistina's bday..happy birthday qist padang pasir!!hahaha~the plan was like this,ika zaza and me would hide in makh's room and surprise her with the cake..guess what?kitorang kene kejar dengan pak guard ep tu..ah memoyos nye pak guard!zaza ika and my face dah kene blacklist..habis la lepas ni takleh masuk dah ep..ait ait ait..~slept with zaza yesterday..remembrance of the good ol days just make my heart felt so warm and fuzzy inside..hehehe..so the cake was icecream cake..a bit too sweet i think..but nice..and it was melting..hahaha~kalau beku and sejuk sure sedap... i ate cheesecake today!finally..kakty jahat kasi syu crave for cheesecake for like erm 1 day.huhuh...arigato oka-san...aishiteru!~dah dpt ni...cam erm..makan2 da tak larat dah..but u know anak2 ghazali and cheese..hahaha~lambat nak muak..aiyark..gomok2..aiseh..~eh eh..dah lah..hehehe...time to sleep..tido awal menjamin kesihatan.esok breakfast cheesecake.yey!!!~ *kiss the cake* hahaha~ i love yui i love cheesecake i love soul-kun (u'r just too kind bebeh~) i love my oka-san i love my oto-san i love my luvly rumet i love my life!~ arigato yui-chan for making my life brighter with ur wonderful and beautiful songs..u'r a baby for sure..my baby.. (^_^) posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:56 PM
assalamualaikum... ehehe..skang neh gune lappy adik buat sementara waktu..erm..maybe laie seminggu kene pulang balik...lappy syu?ntah.erm....tak brani ckp..cuma mampu berdoa semoga pakweku selamat bersama-sama isinya skali.huhu~ and now i have a new love..teehehe..her name is Yui.she's do damn cute..!i like her voice..i like the way she talk sing laughs strums her guitar..i like all her songs..my fav is rolling stars and feel my soul.hoho~sgt menarik hati..and i listened to her radio..bukan la live..i'm not so sure about it but they call it Yui-radio.and she talks A LOT about her mum..guess she's anak mak..very2 sweettt!!!~(still listening to the radio..ekeke) and anyway thanks to ayie..he's the one who introduce me to yui since he got to know that i like riefu..and i'm glad i got to know Yui.oh..sumone said i'm budak tak matang!!i mean..we budak tak matang since Yui is turning 20 too this year..helloooo~..i'm turning 20 yek?no budak2 anymore..dewasa!got it??hahaha~oh and that sumone said Yui sounded like budak lelaki belum matang when she talks... (T_T) sum people..ait ait..~but anyhow i still love her.. (^_^) ![]() preity preity Yui~ oh..Yui's bday is on the 26th March..i read it at http://www.bluewind.wordpress.com erm..26th march de instrument nye test..wala~tak dpt nak celebrate..aiseh~..i checked out her tour's website..erm..ticket suma soldout...walaaa..not bad for a 19 year old teenager eh?hehe~and she wants to work hard for the next 10 years.gud gud gud!!~she's so talented i love her so much.hehehe~ :D posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:38 PM
blog need to rest.hehehe..laptop wat hal and i'm now using my rumet's pc..tp cam segan.hahaha..~jangan rindu syu..:P and maybe lepas a week or two i'll be back.!~ :) jaaaa neh!~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:14 PM
kenapa kadang kala..hati ini degil.. terlalu degil... akalku mengatakan untuk tidak mengingatinya lagi.. kenapa hanya wajahnya yang terbayang dimata ku? kenapa? itunes juga memboikotku.. memutarkan lagu2 YUI yang slow dan sedih... untuk apa? memujuk aku untuk menangis?tidak sama skali.. menangis bukan aku..!! tapi hati ini bukan sekuatmana..erm... ape nak jadi ni syuhada?? kenapa lah lemah sangat... ini baru sedikit jek dugaan..sudah mengalah? mungkin juga..aku tak sekuat yang ku sangka.. dunia..!!tolong jangan boikot aku lagi!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:33 PM
erm..cam ade sedikit kemalasan nak update..mungkin suatu hari nanti akan update semula.esok mungkin?lusa mungkin?lately mood had been really bad..i've been having this attitude of nak marah2 orang..i saw 2 girls with status ym cam kutuk2 KKB..and i smashed them back with my status..i mean..i'm not one of the committee..they are..but why am i feeling so angry?i'm becoming a freak..demmit!and one guy suddenly ym-ed me asking me to add his new account of ym..a new id..what i said to him was, saya rasa kite neh tak pernah berbual..ni la skali..and kalau saya add awak kat list dengan id baru..awak rasa cam ade beza ke?cam bazir lak.. heh..melampau..i know..it was rude..but i was just having this constant super duper bad mood..gome-neh..gome-neh..kadang2 when anyone buzz pun rasa nak campak je laptop ni kat kepala orang tu..melampau bukan?why am i feeling this way?erm..i think i know but i'm not ready just yet to talk about it...i'm just hoping sumhow God will find His way to clear all this and make my days brighter..cuaca sangat mendung sekarang..hujan?maybe not..entah..this is how life feels right now..i wanna cry..i'm being not me..not who i used to be..i'm becoming an angry and depressed person..when i'm in front of the computer of course..once outside in real life..i'm just me..maybe i'm a bit harsh to a person..gosh..i shouldnt be hating that person but deep down..i do...demmit! erm..lucky today i went out with dyan ayed and soul..at least i had a good laugh with them..many2..what did we talked about anyway?i dunno..i only knew i had fun with them..erm..i'm still worried about kak farah..i hope she'd be fine..i hope it's erm nothing..erm..if only KUITTHO is like..erm..like UTeM..at least we can be near...erm... we are rowing the boat of fate.the waves keeps on coming and we cant escape but if we ever get lost in our way,the waves would guide us through our way... -riefu- i must live by these words..all these happens for a reason to show me where my life will lead...i hope everything would be fine..i hope..and i'll keep my hope.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:56 PM
tadi dpt package..from batu pahat..dari cik Siti Farahwahida.foto takleh ditunjuk kerana foto2 yang syu ade adalah utk syu saje menontonnye.muehehe..anyway..mula2 mak call and said i have a package...i was first expecting some DVDs from a fren..but didnt have much expectation either coz my fren didnt say anything about the DVDs he wanted to give me...then my mum said it was from Parit Raja..i was like.erk..parit2 pared2 tu katne ek?haha geografi syu fail meh..and then baru tau Parit Raja tu kat Batu Pahat rupenya..heheh..pastu tros ingat..waaaaaaaaa kak farah kat sane..hehehe..tadek dah rang len masuk otak but kak farah..wawawa adiah bes seh..:D ah pastu tadi beli skali headphone baru sbb angah tu nak headphone lame tu..tau mintak jek..akak die neh der duit ke tak die tadek ler nak tanye..huhu.. pastu tadi aa buat ape ek?haa pagi tadi makan nasi dagang kat kedai kunen2..dap wooo..huhuhu...nasi die kaler2 purple sket..cam bes lah..ingatkan sabtu neh nak gi ngan soul sume tp cam..erm..takut tak bukak lak kedai tu..kang dtg pagi2 last tadek abis la syu kene bambu..ekeke..tp dap la nasi tu..hahaha..~ tadi klas dari 5 sampai 6 jek..bes betul..heaven sungguh hari khamis..imagine lah 9 hours free awal pagi sampai 5 tu..kalo agak2 nak tido 8 jam pun sempat wooo..tp de rang kate tido nanti gomok.. :( takleh tido dah pasni..yeye jek syu neh tanak tido..blehhh!~:P ![]() other than those..erm..rasenye tu jek ari neh..cam tadek pe sgt..cam bese lah..ehehe..hidup ni bukan setiap hari mesti berwarna-warni..kadang2 hitam putih pun dah cukup elok utk memberi kesempatan pada diri utk muhasabah diri sendri..cewah ayat..teehehe... esok klas kol 8..so kene tido awal..erm bukan la skarang..tp jap2 laie lah kol..nak tido kol 11 ke 10 ke..biar awal asal tak bgn lambat.teehehe..till we meet again..ja~ nota lutut: kak farah..thanks again..love u so much!~u'r the best sister i always wish i have..now i have..yeehaa..and anyway..all the best in the erm u know what(yg kene gi muar tu lah..ekeke) and eton tu and ur studies..eh kem salam ek kat abg eton tu..muehehe.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:40 PM
tadi exam.eh test..and i..erm..insyaAllah..ahaks..susah siot..especially when u'r expecting c language for subjective and yang kuar FSA..tau tak??FSA..FINITE STATE AUTOMATON yang syu tak blaja tu??geram betol..me and za was like stun in there..melukih2 ikut ske jek..ades..tadek mood nak hapdate.heh..geram2.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:42 PM
today i had been acting very cold towards sumone..erm..didnt mean too..gomenasai puad-kun..didnt mean to be so cold towards u..it's just that..erm..when things get tough..syu gets tough on ppl..huhuhuu...bianne..(pronounce as bi-yan-ne) wah hari ni makan banyak..tadi makan beger ngan dyan..astaghfirullahalazim..gomok2!!!ape nak jadi ni syuhada???isk isk...dah la minum air gas..isk isk..tak elok utk kesihatan sungguh..!~ ujung minggu neh maybe leh jumpe soul-kun yang cam dah 8 abad tak jumpe..ngeee..moga2 tadek le aral melintang pukang menghalang re-union kitorang 4 orang..ahaks bunyi reunion takleh go..hehe.. erm..ari neh klas agak packed..with lab on the spot assignment time algo..and i suck at it..huh..tau tak programming tu susah??huwaaaaaaa...eh..esok test..da check number tadi..kat tingkat 4 blok fosee lame..4001..pastu exam number 168..pastu kan..abg censored tu nye number..186..eh eh..cam de connection lah..(mama sila lah jeles..muahahahah)..merepek betul..kalau die bace..habis la die fikir bukan2..ahaks..ampon guro2 di pagi hari..hehe.. then..ade incident dalam lab computer..erm..sangat tertekan about it actually..never expected it to end up that way..love just make ur heart become too vulnerable and fragile..aint it?heheh..maybe i should just forget about it..but what if it happens again?will i able to forgive another time?only God knows..and i hope i will.. klas machine tadi kene dok sowang2 mula2..tekanan gak la bile tempat syu tu de rang slamberk badak jek duduk..tp nak wat cane..i was destined for it..kot..ahaks.. and i realize i've been writing blog dalam keadaan tertekan these few days..and making my blog..arrr kelam?huhu..didnt do it on purpose..huhu.. ah..sumone asked me if i'm normal or abnormal..(again?)this question had been taken quite jokingly this time...i just say i'm not les..i'm just flexible.hahaha...hope it didnt make her to think badly about me..(my english starting to be kelam kabut lak rase..adeh)i just answer according to what she expect..not normal..so i gave her that.hehehe..but...i still am normal..just being less interested with human and more interested with kamben2 sekalian..sampai bila?ntah..hanya Allah yang tahu... erm..farah..i asked u for 2 days..maybe i need more..2 years?20 years maybe?i dunno..special ppl need more time to be forgotten especially when u've put so much hope on them and they shattered it just like that..erm..erm..erm..i need strength..i need another hope..a real one..not false like i had earlier..maybe then i can forget..i'll pretend..that would be easy..but on the way of it..i'll hurt like hell and u'll be annoyed by my rants..hehehehe..arigato farahcun:D ah esok klas kol 8am..ja~neh.. p/s:ari neh = 13 mac, esok = 14 mac posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:22 AM
hari ini sakit lagi..sakit hati..huhu.. I want u to know who i really am, i never thought i'd feel this way towards u, and if u ever need sumone to come along, i will come along and keep u strong.. -rie fu- even if u never need me to be along..i'd keep a distance from u..and an eye..to keep u safe..so if one day u'r alone..u'd know i'm always there... i got a news...about sumone just now..and..it sort of hurt me..deep..bruised..cuts..like a lifeless limb..soulless soul..i was lucky to have farah at that time..psychology did sumting good to u girl!~ :) i'm speechless when u detect the abnormality of myself..even i cant really say that i wasnt who i am at that time..but u made me realize..how deep the cut was..and made me moved on..tq farah..i love u..really i do.. nobody knows who i really am, maybe they just dun give a damn, but if i need sumone to come along, i know you would follow me,and keep me strong.. -rie fu- a besfren i have..cant tell him how much i love him..since i dun want him to misunderstand what i'm trying to say..and i definitely loves him too much i cant lose him..he's such a great fren..without knowing,he already made my day err nite brighter by 1000 times...playing around and all..hehe..dunno what i'd do without him..strictly fren naaaa~(warning ditujukan khas utk farah :p) today had gone..tomorrow would be better i hope..oh..menyayangi sekandang kamben adalah lebih senang dan membahagiakan dari menyayangi seorang manusia..kadang2 manusia akan membuat kita keliru tentang kasih..tentang cinta..tentang sayang..tapi kamben takkan..kalau tak sayang..disepaknya..kalau sayang..didekatinya..itu saja..simple and easy..tp mengapa hati ini masih menyayangi manusia yang mengelirukan bukan kamben??kenapa ya? posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:03 PM
felt bored..i need sumting to read maybe?i watched the OC yang tentu2 bukan jenis citer yang aku tgk..oh..i concentrated!adeh..hari ni mmg bosan sangat2..first in class i felt a lil left out..and after class i felt even more left out..heh..i thought i dun care..but actually i do..i still cant use my printer..(was about to curse..sabo2..huuu)i dunno when i'll get to use it..nanti nanti nanti..when???when???how long do i have to wait?dem betul lah..da la bad mood..pastu bosan..heh..and i chatted with a fren..as always..he signed out all of sudden..tau2 je aku ditinggalkan gitu jek..heh wuteva lah..wireless le tu nye pasal..heh..aaa..i'm having this stupid sarcastic look all over my face..demmit! esok klas..tutorial.i'm not ready..and i'm having lab.when am i gonna replace the stupid lab i missed becoz of the event??sumhow i feel that the sacrifices i made so far for the event was...useless..heh..aaaa..tak skenye aku bile tak mengikhlaskan hati utk keje2 yang da dibuat...but that's how i felt..it is all useless..haaa...benci benci benci..!! posted by MatSyuMiya at 10:43 PM
it's thursday 8th of March..meaning?yesterday was my first test..for engine maths 2..i never hated maths..i never wanted to hate maths..but..yesterday made me think..i hate maths..wuwuwu =( it's really tiring to study statistics and actually get blank on the day..it's also tiring to study ode but u just seems like u cant do it and yet u can when u'r in the exam hall..and yesterday was boring like HELL..heh..! i'm a person with a laziness of reading the buletin board of mmu..so i went to class at 8am yesterday only to meet wan src and abg censored and having them telling me that there's no class until 12pm..and my class is from 8am to 12pm..how stressful is that?zt said i should be happy..but lately i've been having this excited feeling to go to class..especially morning classes..and guess what?i missed one tutorial coz i didnt know bout it..baka baka bakaa!!what is happening to me???why is my life suddenly so disorganised???damn!i need to be back home with my mum..*huh tekanan siak..* i wanna sleep but i got this email saying sleeping a lot can kill u..miaaaa..i dun wanna die just yet..amal lom cukup beb..kalo da yakin tu bleh ler..huhu..ah..i read this guy's blog..and everytime i read it..i feel..down?erm no..sumting else..like i'm being soul-less...like my soul been sucked out of my body..sedih siak blog die...aaaa..i dont think i should put his link here...let me be the only one feeling like this..teehehe..ah..he's a good writer (in my eyes)..seldom people can make me feel like this when i'm reading their blog..but he did it..thumbs up for u!eh...bukan ke aku tak ske sedih2 neh?aiyark... yesterday i was thinking..after test of course.. why is the sky i see is dark? why is the sun i cherish is not bright? why is the moon i love isnt that preety? why is the cloud look so mellow? then i realize..i'm having my shades on.. sai would understand what i'm trying to say..others i dunno..hehehe..ah..miss my bro..bro..!fix up ur pc dude..i miss the quiz so much.. ![]() did i see a glint of hope behind that cloudy eyes?or is it just a mirage in a deserting mind? posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:50 AM
earlier today,i had a class with mr Elias Abbas..and he triggered a very inspiring thought in my head..if i were to live in a perfect world,and being perfect,would i really be perfect?if a perfect striker had to score a penalty in a perfect game and he's facing a perfect goalkeeper,where would the ball go?if the whole class are superman,who is superman?if the whole mmu is intelligent,what is intelligent?if everyone's is always healthy,who's a doctor? perfect world is kinda troublesome aint it?i'm glad i'm living in a world full of flaws..where there'll be traffic jams everywhere,where david beckham can't score his free-kick once in a while,where i have stomach ache when i have not eaten my lunch..so i can appreciate more..not taking everything for granted.. today i had learnt from him,not about op-amp only..but how to live happily..dun cry when ur bestfren hurt u,but smile becoz at least there's sumone beside u hurting u rather than being all alone..dun fret when u can't do the tutorial for algorithm,but be thankful that u'r able to learn..dun get all panicky when the FBL building is shaking,but be happy coz all the classes are canceled.muahahaha..~okok out of topic jap..teehehe..but my point remains..if i were to live in a perfect world,i wouldnt be perfect.huhuhu posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:32 PM
as i said i was going to update on PC07..it was kinda too late..but hell...heheh... anyway..the first day didnt go as smoothly as it should be...jumbo snake and ladder was hot on the air though it was raining..but not the automative competition..only few cars came due to the rain..we were a lil frustrated over the matter..but hey..when mother nature talks..who can say no?aite? :) later at night we had a talk..by Dr.....sumting2..forgot..(lately have trouble remembering ppl's name..kso!!) but anyway..it wasnt really appealing..didnt enjoy it much though..it's like having a lecture..a really boring one..teehehe.. the second was easier..coz i have class for like..the whole day?hahaha..except for 9am to 12pm..other than that one..i was away from the president square..erm...the automative was successfull i guess..the were cars..sugei cars..huhu..(john stamos la neh ajak syu ckp jepun..da terpengaruh..lalala..~)and jumbo snake and ladder?hot as always..ahaks..at night we had another talk (again?)..boring?think again..ahaks..i like the speaker..she like the phrase of "think again"..teehehe..she made us confused and yet telling us what we're living for..i was glad i came.. :) the third day was brilliant..!!scooters start to come at like..around 9.30am when the registration counter is only opened at 10am..punctual guys..gud gud gud..teehehe..around 10.30 it was started to get crowded..there were scooters all over the president square..not forgetting the crowd..wawa..~it was hot and noisy..and FUN..!!my work anyway requires me to run all over malacca..hahaa..exaggerating..anyway..i did had to run to ixora to get sumting for the hamper..and run to STAD signature from encik hairul (which i had done for the last consecutive 2 days..ahaks) and run back to president square..haih haih..3 days lari2..kaki sakit2 woooo skang neh..wuwuwu..~oh and there were grafiti art comp too..my fav is soul by bro rudi..wawawa..~dun ask me why.. around 6.30 camtu kot..we wrapped up the event in drizzles..lucky it didnt rain earlier..alhamdulillah..oh..now i know what shuffle means among scooters owner..i was thinking about uno card shuffling..teeehehehe..but actually it was just sum weird dance..beware,u have to do it while wearing sport shoes..heals will make u look very funny and de-gedix!hehehe... pastu kemas2 president square..darn..there were too many putung rokok around..ngeee..penat aku tertonggeng-tonggeng memungut..huhuhu...but it was worth it..the event was a blast.. balik tu keletihan..tido dengan sangat2 awal..teehehehe..oh..i guess that's it now..tibe2 otak kosong..lalala..~ eh tibe2 de balik idea..pendek2 je dah..semalam makan ngan ayed and dyan..korang kecomeylan..!teehehe..soul tak join..coz he was bz and tired..erm..bile nak jumpe neh?i'm already getting to the pace of bz *again* with hostel week/midterm/assignment coming..erm erm..when soul-kun?when????ahaks frust gile je gaya..wakakakakakaka..~baka me..heheh..tu je lah.. till then..~ja p/s:never get involved in a carnival with sumone u love..u'll start to love them less by the end of it.herm..i wish it never happened..coz it hurts like..like i never get hurt before..huuuu... all pics can be seen in my fotopages.thank you~ http://lastkiss87.fotopages.com posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:17 AM
tadi jenguk blog mama..adeh kene tag..ahaks...basically..erm..6 weird things about me?adeh..me tak weird..ok maybe sumting ppl dun know about me.. 1.syu takleh tido kalo satu hari tak dgr sore ibu...teehehe..call me anak mak..call me anak manje..i dun care..i just can't close my eyes kalo tak dgr sore mak satu hari..walaupun kol 3am skalipon...mesti nak dgr sore die dulu.hehehe... 2.syu sangat tak suke nescafe/kopi kacip fatimah dan yang sewaktu dengannya..boleh minum..tp..akan muntah lepas tu..kecik2 minum..da besa jadi anti gile.ntah ape kehe tatau lak.. 3.syu benci ladder and takut tinggi.heh..!menakutkan..!kalo tergolek kebelakang..abes la pecah berderai otak.eheheeh..seumur hidup rasanya kalo tangga yang lebih 2 meter tu..skali je syu panjat..tu pun TERPAKSA.huhuhu..laiepun bile kat tmpt tinggi ade tendency nak terjun bawah..hahaha.. 4.syu tak ske rokok tp ske perokok...sbb ayah syu merokok kot..huhuhu.. (pe laie ek?cuba mendalami diri.teehehe) 5.syu ske tido..sangat2 suke tido..kalau kat rumah tu..mak kasi la tido lame2..mesti boleh je layan..tadek prob langsung ah..tp tak bes utk otak le.tp bes le tido..adeh adeh contradiction tol..huhu 6.i can easily have a crush on sumone..by one look,dah leh ske..dan akan kekal agak lame..!huhuhu..tp kalau da ade sumone else ske kat orang tu,syu akan jadi tak ske..coz i'm not competitive in a sense of heart and soul..lalala..~ :P heh..selesai dah.. so..nak tag sape ek?adeh.. 1.kak sha 2.kak nina (sebagai paksaan update blog) 3.abg amad ( juga sebagai paksaan update blog :p) 4.fiq (lame sgt tak hapdate..!:p) 5.faris kira 6.kak syaff..!! (syu tau kak syaff rajin wat bende ni...hehe) ok done..!skang ni rules and regulations and next,update on Peers' Carnival 07 yang baru je berlangsung khamis jumaat and sabtu.heh..event yang meletihkan but fun..! Rules & Regulations: Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog! posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:23 AM
hari ni..masih tak dpt nak rest..tak kisah lah.. but the thing is.. skang ni not just physically.. but mentally and emotionally... how would u feel.. if u'r back home.. from a tiring work.. being pushed to do something almost imposible.. and u would definitely have to do it.. by hook or by crook.. and when u'r home.. u still have to do ur work.. and yet.. the one u care and love so much.. sulk coz u'r talking to another person instead of him/her.. for work of course..how would u feel? as for me... i feel like crying.. i need support..not sumone sulking on me.. making me feel guilty..but i'm just tired.. really2 tired... nobody asked me if i have eaten.. nobody asked me if i had enuf sleep.. nobody asked me if my cold had gone.. nobody asked me if i had done all my work.. they just asked me to talk to them when they want too.. regardless of my health or what so ever shit.. i just..feel so tired.. saturday please come faster.. night please end later.. i need my rest.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:36 AM