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About Me
# Siti Nursyuhada Ghazali # BEng(Hons)Electronics majoring Telecommunications # Cancerian #cyborg30@gmail.com
begin the post with alhamdulillah..syukur coz still dpt blogging..day by day..i'm getting older..life getting shorter..just hoping when the time comes,nobody will miss me..noone will feel the way i do right now..feeling like a replacement of another person..a replacement for a girlfriend..a goodfriend..or friend..it's like i dun have identity ya know..anyway..when i take a look on the bright side,at least i'll never be alone..take a look again at the dark side..hmm..if the others never been gone..i'd still be lonely..rasa mau nangis laaa..menci tol..this past few days i've been crying alone..when my roommate not in my room..totally alone..thinking abour the past..thinking about those i love but in return,only get hatred..hmmm...
anyway..the other day after electronics test,i saw someone..not one..but two..two people whom i have only been able to befriend for a few weeks..they were definitely there for HR test..hmm..didn't talk to them though..i didn't have the courage to meet up with them..i dunno why myself..i always wanted to see them..to talk to them..i miss one of them..i mean..i think of her as one my goodfriend last time..huhu..but now..i dun even have the guts to just go n say hi to her..not that i'm scared of her or sumting..just that..hmm..i dun wanna know how they'll react when i talk to them..it's too scary ya know to think about it..especially when all i can imagine is them giving me a cold shoulder..malu ah..takmo..haha.. before that sumone asked me..if i am hinata..who would be naruto?it made me think..who do I want to be MY naruto?hinata loves naruto..but i'm in confuse mode..do i really love a person whom i call my bf?i haven't even met him..not even once..complicated huh?imagine being in my shoes..huhu..anyway..the person who asked me attempted to trick me into saying that oyen=naruto..big HA-HA here..oyen is soo not naruto..so offense baby..but i can't make u my naruto if i'm hinata..coz hinata loves naruto..i love oyen..but i love him like i love zaza n ika..it's a besbuddy kinda love..huhu.. so i went home after electronics test..wasn't actually home..i mean..i went to my grandma's house..which is almost like my house..hahaha..pening2..hmm..there i meet my naruto..he's orange..like naruto's shirt..loves to eat..pantang suap mesti mamam..hehe..n he's cute!!i love him soo much..but the only thing is..hmm..he's a cat..huhuh..but nevermind..he's still my naruto =) my bro got into an accident..his leg got stuck kat rantai basikal..it may seem little for sumone big..but he's only 3 years old..the injury was actually quite bad..masa mandikan dia this morning..he was like crying a lil bit bila luka kene air..kesian my baby..n for the first time,when i asked him wether i can get back to MMU or not,he said no..hahaha..he doesn't want his sis to be away from him when he's got injured..wee~~sumone does love me after all..not just a replacement..ehehe..best2.. n it's been confirmed i'm gonna be my uncle wedding's official photographer..yesshhh..hehe..best2..n my mom warned me sumting.."make sure pic pengantin akan lebih banyak dari pic pengapit kay..."i was like stunned..ape kene mengene ngan pengapit lak neyh..rupe2nye,hehehe,the pengapit hensem..hehehe..tanduk syuhada da tumbuh dua atas kepala..muahahahaha..but in the end i know..i won't take his pic more than my uncle..hehe.. i'm gonna make my own compilation of songs for my uncle as his wedding present..me takde duit banyak na beli kristal tu sume kay..n besides..it cost a lot of time to download all the songs he likes n compile it..huhu..haih..lepas ni takde sape akan teman saya dating tgk wayang laie..vacancy utk jadi peneman tgk wayang..sape mau?ahaks.. pheww..panjang la plak..huhu..mau titon..movie da abis..lunch da mamam..nasi lemak membuatku mengantuk..ekekek..slamat tido everyone..burbye~~ p/s:ade orang gi bday party..keseorangan ako disini menantimu..ahaks.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:19 PM
-tiada yang kedua-
haruskah aku menerima, kasihmu yang baru menguntum bunga, jangan hanya indah di mata, jangan disiakan madah cinta, namun bintang bukannya satu, kerlipan hatiku ingin kau buru, ada hanya kau kehampaan, jangan aku yang jadi alasan.. kufikir kau teman biasa.. tidak akan berputik cinta, mungkin jua belum menjelma, aku tak sanggup dikecewa, cintaku satu untuk selamanya, aku pencinta yang setia, mustahil ada yang kedua.. aku tak sanggup dikecewa, cinta ku satu untuk selamanya, aku pencinta yang setia, mustahil ada yang kedua... tiada yang kedua.. hmm..seems like this song is going to be my favourite song for a few days again..just that..it feels like it suits me right now..huhuhu..this is how i feel today..i feel like this song..n i'm quite actually happy..ahaks..=) tomorrow would be my first test..electronics 1..doakan saya yek..chaiyok2 syuhada!!..masih takut sebenarnye..huhu..to abg ordosh,kak sha n alia yang pun ade test esok..ganbate2 neyh!! till then..ja neyh.. p/s:masih menunggu teman tapi mesraku..ekeke posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:24 PM
yeshhh!!suke2..feeling really happy right now..mane tak nye..bile kire2 balik..i've met a few people whom i've been missing for quite sum times..huhu..the other day during the palestinian talk,i've met sunanco totti a.k.a my belove uncle =P,izzu,aisyah,izzah n few others..i think la..haha..before that i've catch a glimpse of sole..he was here for the DT thing..didn't get the chance to talk to him though..n then..guess what..jeng jeng jeng..today i've met badruz nasrin bin basri a.k.a pembuli no1 ku..hahahah..sangat sronok..lepas mamam nasi n share2 yong tau fu with my lab partner anis n fiqah,trus na balik hostel..anis gi stad to make a call to indonesia if i'm not mistaken..fiqah lak balik ixora..so tgh jalan2..nampak bayangan seorang manusia yang seperti ku kenal dihadapan main hall..cewah..cam novel la plak..ahaks..neway..when i saw him,i was like..almost petrified..ahaha..skali tu nampak kak nita lak..bual2 jap..kire2 ade iklan la kat tgh2 sebagai penambah seri..cewahh..haha..so lepas bual2 with kak nita,i went to meet up with him..still ade perasaan membuli tu..huhuhu..tak banyak sangat bual..coz both of us sangat penat..and die pun cam na busy je..huhu..so ngumpat2 jap pasal member2 lain..muehehe..pastu off i go back to my hostel..bye bye bad =( c ya again buddy..huhu..neway..skang ni tgh tunggu another person i really2 miss so much to come here to malacca..natasha n kuyu!!bile la kamu berdua mau dtg ar?missing u both so much kay..mau call pun tada duit laie..hohoho..
neway..klas pagi tadi sangat besh..mukan ape..it was just lab..about dielectric constant..we have to put paper between two parallel plate,then tekan skit,take the capacitance measurement..bla bla bla..what's making it funny was the tekan2..hahah..da la kene constant,kene kuat lak tu..in the end..anis berdiri atas the two plates..but then..hahaha..berat anis tak constant gak!cane tu?adeyh..tak ubah langsung the capacitance when it should be increasing..anis jadi makin ringan..hahah..but at last we got the trick n manage to get it.wee~~=)selepas itu jadilah taktik kami..taktik berdiri atas plates..hahah..the lecturer was almost laughing at us when he saw us doing that..hahaha..org lain tekan dgn tangan,we're the only group yang pijak..hahaha.. so skang ni akan banyak keje..full lab report..aiyark..sudah lame ku tinggalkan lab2 report ni sume..last time it was in sem 3..mr hazimin kene ajar balik cane na wat neyh..huhuhu..but i guess i'll just ask zaza or ika..segan je na jumpe mr hazimin..ehehe..takpe2..we have two weeks to do it..lepas cuti baru hantar..so..hehe...lepas paper mid term next thursday baru buat..muehehehe..alaa..jumaat sudey bley anta..ahah.. aiyark..letih la plak mata ni rasenye..huhu..ja neyh..till next time.. p/s:ade org tu tgh format pc kot..windu anda..cepat2 setel pc..jgn demam2..jaga tmnet nye cd tu..install lek lok..n be with me again =) i'll be right here waiting for u =P posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:17 PM
today was very tiring for me..huhu..8 hours of class...only 1 hour break in between..sangat letih..mau study tapi tak jadi..sebab otak sangat letih..jadi mau berehat skit..lame2 jadi banyak lak..hahahah..
so i watched tokyo drift..waahhh..heronye sangat hensem..sangat teruja melihat mereka drifting dgn semangat..hahaha..cool cars..saw a few cool motorcycles..n a lot of hot babes..muahahaha..sexy bangat seyh..nasib baik ako ni manusia normal..jika tak..hidung pasti berdarah anime style..hahah..neway the story was cool..like it..akan simpan movie utk satu jangka masa yang agak lame..but takleh menandingi final fantasy the advent children..sangat best anime tu..hahah.. ok..wut else..today we had another quiz for computer n program design..this time the tutor checked everyone's quiz in a very fast pace..otherwise i would have to stay at the lab until almost 8pm like last time..huhu.. balik2 saja tgk ade msg from faris...sorry dude..i wasn't in front of my lappy at the time..neway..da lupe da pasal kecik ati ke ape ke kay..hopefully faris slamat pi slamat balik sini yek..=)n neway..saya mau majuk sama org lain kay..nakmo majuk ngan faris..takde faedah..hahahahah then wut else eks..mak belikan nasi asam hari ni..tatau la..cane pun akan suke yang mak masak gak..takpun my mak ngah..org lain masak tak besh..=P then ade rambutan skit..makan sorang2 je rambutan tu..sebab sikit n tgh sangat na makan buah buahan..tapi lepas makan nasi tak elok buah buahan..so perut syuhada jadi berangin lepas tu..sangat tak best..huhu.. then jenguk2 room..sai marah2..marah dgn cara yang sangat comey..hehe..stupid frenly ghost sangat comey gak!!hahaha..bengongss la kamu berdua neyh..kesian kingpin kene layan..hahahaha.. then amik a few files from oyen =) lagu midi format ngan video clip kiss n satu laie vid yang bengongss..hahaha..cepat2 format pc tu yek...then online lepas kol 8 malam sabtu neyh..coz sebelum tu saya ade exam..muehehehe.. o..laie satu..change the theme for my mozilla firefox..blueshift..the color is like babyblue n black..just that..sangat best..fikir2 balik..my browser is dark colour..my wallpaper is dark..my taskbar is dark..n my blog too is dark..huhu.. oh ye..tak bagi laie abg ordosh tips tu..huhu..takpe2..esok saja bagi pada die..hmm..banyak jugak bende mau buat..aiyark..penat lah..mau tido sudey =) nite2 everyone..oyasuminasai.. p/s:still editing this skin..huhu posted by MatSyuMiya at 12:10 AM
suddenly i feel like updating this blog again..dunno why also..hahaha..ok..today my day was like..hmm..fine i guess..huhu...
start it at 8am..engineering maths class with madam sheela..learned about series n sum other stuffs..hmm..seriously speaking..madam sheela is so like dr lim..she won't stop teaching until the clock strikes 10am..huhuhu..then it was field theory time..tutor sangat hmmm poyos..hohoho..but i loooovvveeee his british accent..hehe.. then at 11am went to shopping with my parents n mak ngah.hmm..mak ngah hampir kene ragut smlm..sangat kesian..jalan tu gelap sangat..sebab tu la..aih..takut la..kesian mak ngah..now sangat fobia with motorcycle...huuu...anyway..didn't shop for me actually..shopped for my uncle's wedding this 6th august 2006..sapo2 mau dtg bitau ek..i'll give u da address..hehe..neway..i have a task during his wedding..at first he asked me to be his pengapit..but no way!!he's too tall to be payung'ed by me kay...actually i wanted to be photographer for his wedding..masa nikah pun saya yang ambil pics n all..i'm gonna take a video during his nikah..na ambil pic org eksyen tu akad nikah..bior kan die..muahahaha..siap da setting tu na pakai ape during nikah tu..i mean me la..not him..saved the dress for sum event..in the end kai during his nikah la sudey..ekeke..sangat happy when i got to know that HE wants me to be his pengapit..sayang sungguh pak cik ku padaku..sayang pak cik jugak!!=) but nanti takde sape akan buli along la bile acik kawen..noone to angkat me then campak atas lantai lagi..mmg acik ku sangat kejam..but i love him like i love my very own bro..he's only 26 or 27 though..muda gela kan?huhu.. ok2..enuf about him..nanti rindu lak..haha..neway..balik2 je ke hostel..tros tido..letih seyh..tak agak2 lah letih..haha..so tido tak ingat ah..hahaha..kol 5 baru bgn..bgn2 je pok pek ngan my bes buddy..hehe..windu kamuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..huhu... then hajat hati na bersihkan sick bay hostel feremfoan..tapi kunci sick bay ilang lak..so tak dpt la..lepak2 ngan kak sha..then pi mamam waffle hot dog ngan sweetcorn ngan kak nina..pastu lepak2 balik ngan my bes buddy..=) malam plak study ngan abg ordosh yang comey..ekekek..abg ordosh..maceh eks ajar saya tutorial 1..=)nanti ajar laie eks...heheh..abg ordosh neyh prangai sangat laa comey..heheh..agak2 la kan..kalo sakit jantung,na makan ape kalo mau naik kapal terbang?hahahaha..maaf abg ordosh..hehe.. then tgk warith,pit,aiman ngan apek main saidina..hehe..me jadi banker..ahaks..da la tak pandai saidina..laie mau join budak2 main...ekekeke..cara mereka main sangat comey..leh lak main hutang2..hahaha..ade ke..bile mau abis daaa kalo utang2..apek juara la..kaya gela..second aiman..tu pun i think becoz of utang si pit..hahahah..then warith..waahh..seorang yang sangat bersopan santun warith neyh..bile mintak "gaji" then dapat die akan ckp "terima kasih kak.."..sangat suke junior2 yang sopan begitu..rase sangat hmm..suke lah..hahahaha... n now..tatau na tido kol bape..na tido kol 1.30..but sumone tu ckp..tido la kol 2am..heheh..takpela..miss u so much buddy..so tido la lewat skit ek..sayang ko la budak..hehe=) till next time..ja nehhh posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:07 AM
ngaaa..have to re-write everything laks..adeyh adeyh..
well..first thing first..from today onwards..i'm gonna me a very lazy person to change the skin of my blog..buzz off to skins..hahaha..amik ko..sangat marah sudey..ok...let me talk about..hmm..the history of mo blog's skins..hehe.. well..first..i used a very simple one..can't really remember.but i remember it was green in colour..drogue eden if i'm not mistaken..wuteva..anyway..nothing wrong with it though..coding was nicely done my the designer..the page was not "semak"..it was green..which i kinda love n hate at the same time...more towards love i think..n there were flowers all over the skin..ok..it wasn't flowers actually..kinda like..hutan ke ape ntah..sumting like that la..i was set to start of my blog with that skin..then guess what?sumone told me not to use it coz her fren had used it once..she was like..dun use it coz *** used it before..but if u really want to then it's fine...bla bla bla..i was like..hmm..fine..nevermind..i'll find another one.. so i used the other i found..quite nice..like it..not in love with it though..so i decided to use it..then another person told me..hey..why not use sumting that has navigator on it..or maybe use sumting that the BG would frenster kinda style..i was like..hmmm..okay..change again..lalalala~~ okay...the next one..hmm..it has navigator..n i was sure noone around my frens had used it before..fine..then ade lak suara2 mengatakan.."woit..how come u'r a vodoo supporter nowaday??"i was..hmm..wtf??me??vodoo??HA-HA-HA..so fine..since i was like trying to satisfy everyone..with people saying the navigator button is too har to fine..bla bla bla..wuteva.. i found another one..similar to the vodoo kinda style..it was red..has flowers..navigator button is obvious..so i falled in love..but guess what..the coding was really stupid..ngaa..gewam le haku..tried editing it after that..but i was in the end in despair..takleh tolong even with the help of sumone who's job is to settle up this kinda thing..huuu..takpolah..tak kesah~~ then i found this one..it was totally love at first sight..huhu..it was orange in colour..a really sweet orange..with a lil bit of flowers..four butterflies..small ones as the navigator..really i love it sooo much..even my bes buddy oyen loves it too..not becoz it was orange though..but becoz it was sweet..n for the first time in syuhada's life..she is loving sumting so sweet..i was ready to change to be a sweeter person kononnye..ahaks..but then..i lost the battle..sum just hate it when i'm loving it..i dunno..maybe it was my fault not to defend my love at my hardest..but i guess i'm weak at things that people hate..i would try to change everything to satisfy others..that my big main problem..hmm..=( i love it but i guess i can't have it..u can't always have things that u love right?hmmm..i guess I can't even when I really LOVE it.. nevermind..it's all over..maybe..huhu..so i found this one skin..it has no vodoo,noone used it before,easy for others to read,n it has navigator button..fine..though i actually dun really like it..but i guess it was fine..then again..luck was not on my side..stupid coding again..hahahaha.. so there i was..hunting for skins..lalalala~then i found this one..it looks very dark..it's maybe suitable with sumone who has mental or emotional problems..i guess..huhu..i decided to use it..it sumhow suit my mood best right now..huhu..hopefully noone has any problem with it right now..ok2..let me check.. 1)navigator button : checked! 2)no vodoo : checked! 3)easy to read :checked! 4)noone around me used it before : checked! guess what..the only person who may have problem with this whole skin would be..i'm not loving it!!my love is totally for hyuuga hinata(the name of the blogskin)..isk..i like it..but i dun love it as much as i loved hyuuga..but now..hyuuga is gone..i can't do anything about it..has to used this one..i like it..i like it..i like it..had to keep that in mind..uwaaaaaa...menci2.. this is my blog..my right to do it the way i want..but i guess..the world is to strong for me to handle alone..huuu..i can't go against the world right??had to follow wuteva the world has for me right??i dun have any freedom anymore right??****!!!ngaaa..sangat benci..hmmm..now guess what..i lost my blog..lost it to sum people who have problem with my freedom to do things the way I want..it's really sumting for me to actually tell people who wants to know how i feel..but in the end..i had to do it to satisfy others..sedeyh tau..sangat sedeyh neyh..i love hyuuga!!!!i missed hyuuga!!!uwaaaaaa posted by MatSyuMiya at 5:36 PM
so many things i feel right now..
mix up is all i can say.. confuse with everything.. i dunno why u'r doing this to me.. i dunno why i'm doing this to me.. feel so tired of my life.. feel so tired of what's happening lately.. i just feel so tired.. looked into the mirror.. and all i can see.. is a sad person.. sumone who doesn't even know.. what's happening with her life, sumone who doesn't know, what's she's doing with her life.. she has almost everything.. and yet.. she's not having sumthing.. she really wants so much.. i am her.. i was her.. i will always be her.. until the day.. u come n rescue me away.. all i want is u.. all i want.. is to be with u.. to feel loved by u.. to feel secured by u.. may u come to rescue.. coz even if i dun even know u.. i knew.. i love u.. lalalala...sangat seronok dpt tulis sesuatu yang buleh explain what's inside my heart right now..hmm..tatau na tulis ape dah..hehe.. ja neh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:48 PM
hmm..hari ni sangat bengongs..at first i was very lazy to go to class..i didn't go actually..the first class only though..then sumone told me class been canceled because there were no electricity in clc..ceh..nasib tak pi...then at 6pm,i still force my self to go to another class..also in clc..sumone told me not to go as there's a high possibility that the class would be canceled..but i was suddenly so rajin n determined to go to class..n guess what...the class is CANCELED..ceh..buat penat je..hahaha
back to my room,i chatted with encik faris..hahahah..kesian die..na gi dobi skali takleh basuh baju..tu la..lain kali basuh sendrik kay..gune tangan,sabun dgn berus kay..hehehe.. pastu tadi..hampeh tol..sumone with the id bloodshet21..keep on flooding my ym..bengongsesos betul..na je ako maki..hampeh..da la tatau sape..i hate it when a lot of people get to know my id..this is what gonna happened..last time it was sum sex maniac,n now it's the flooder..i had to uninstall my ym as the flood had caused serious damaged to my ym system..hampeh gela ah..then after re-installing,ym tu still bengong..ceh betui..internet la neyh..na wat keje pun susah..huhu.. aiyark..arineyh sangat menyakitkan hatiku..saba je la.huhu.. hope tomorrow will be better..=) till then..ja neyh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:05 PM
happy n contented.that is how i feel today.i dun really know why,but i had found happiness today.when the program we sort of like organise went well,i'm really happy n contented.the great turn out of audiences made me happy as well =)
we started with bacaan doa by nabil hassan..then the montaj made specially by abg amad "putra jalil"..ekekek..sgt terharu with one of the picture..two actually..the first one showed a boy n his dad i think..he was crying n they were hiding behind some boxes i guess..the next pic..hmm..they were both dead..sangat sedih tgk..hmm..tatau la..almost cried..but i was like..i can't cry in front of others..sgt budak kecik kan?hahaha.. then we had this short movie kinda thing..hmmm..the starting pun da sedeyh..i saw ayumi da gedix pusing coz tak sanggup tgk..rai cried..sedeyh sgt..huuu..imagine getting hit by a rock..quite a big one..many2 times..until ur bones dun just crack,but broken..they tried to break the palestinians by breaking their bones..they're not breaking even till their last blood shed from their body n soul.sumting i really respect in them..sumting we might not have..the strenght n will to survive..org malaysia sangat manja kadang2..n i'm for sure talking about myself too..hmm..kene insaf la lepas neyh kay.. =) anyway..i can only hope n pray for their safety n freedom..=) okay2.syuhada dah penat sangat ni..mau rest puas2..=) posted by MatSyuMiya at 5:41 PM
today is sumone's bday..hehe..fahmi..ko da tua!!!!hahaha..sangat seronok..ade org da same2 tua ngan ako..ekekeke..besh2..sangat best..anyway..semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki eks..moga ko same2 ngan ako muda slalu =P..n same2 berjaya dunia akhirat..all the best on ur dj-ing kay..luv ya dude =)
hmm..tomorrow i will have another event.undet stad but co organise by scc..hmmm..cam best je..Palestin:The real Situation.huhu..sangat teruja utk handle..anyway..first time handling food..hopefully everything will be ok..takut neyh..huhu..so..the ones who will be helping me would be yee chian n kelvin..cam best je..ehehe.. nothing much happen today..just that..woke up 2 sumting PM..hahahaha..ramai gak cari..sayang laie korang kat ako yek..eheheh..hmm..tatau na tulis ape dah...tapi na gak tulis..hehe.. aiyark..penat..na titon~~papai sumeee.. p/s:sakit pewottttt..uwaaaa...oyenn..tolongg...huuuu posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:31 AM
i'm feeling day by day..not lonely anymore..with the love i receive from oyen..n zaza n ika..i'm no more lonely..lebey2 ade ahli scc yg amat ambil berat..thanks kak nora =)sayang kamu bangat..ika2..thanks eks..two days in a row bought for me sumting..i dunno why..but i really appreciate what u'r doing..=)walaupun ade org tu kate,u'r doing utk tebus salah bgn lambat..hahahaha..neway..i read sumone's blog..she said i'm siti n getting married to datuk k a.k.a IS..hmm..thinking..bile lak IS ade K dlm name die..huhu..hey..if u said kimi raikonen ke okay la gak..ade K..hehe..but anyway..i was laughing my butt out reading it..thanks za..u made my day =)
anyway..hari ni..hahaha..syuhada mengaku jahat..but sumone said i'm not jahat..ekekeke..another person who makes my day..thanks azim..hehe..n hari ni pertama kali berym bersama lelaki berbeg perempuan..if zaza n ika know bout this..they would laughing too..hahahahah.. nothing much i guess..found this new skin..similar to the current one..but more attractive..with flowers..(??)syuhada liking thing with flowers????hahahahaha..another thing to laugh at..ekeke..but it's nice..so i decided to change my skin again..but the coding bengongssss..so gotta edit it a lil bit more kot..or maybe i'll just stick to this one..uwaaa..sangat sedeyh..huhuhu.. oh yeah..to all engineering students who are going to take engine maths 1..be prepare okay..u must know things that are happening around you..expect the unexpected..huhu..we had quiz today..the first question was,how much money is recruited for 880 projects in rancangan malaysia ke9.ngaaaa..satu keje na hafal..huhu..my answer was 16 million..i heard this guy sitting beside me,calling his dad asking for answer..hahahahahaha..it was so funny i almost burst out laughing..luckily the light was dimmed,so i just smiled broadly n he doesn't notice it..ekekek..second question was where did the lates tsunami hit worst..ngaa..satu hal laie..hahah..i answered jogjakarta coz ika answered that..muahahaha...n third question was really on maths..heheh.. so that's what happened today..quiz that made me laugh..sad no more..syukur sangat tak rase berat hati ni..hehe..moga2 saya akan begini selalu..n btw..oyennnn..i lebiuuuu..ekekekek.. till then...papai~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:24 PM
lately have been very busy or lazy more likely to update this blog..it's just that..nothing really interesting happening to my life..hmm..tatau la..sejak dua tiga hari ni..i'm always feeling sad..that's one of the reason why i'm so bersemangat to go to class..coz in class,i would be either bored n sleepy,or happy n laughing all the way..no feeling sad..no feeling lonely and all..i shouldn't feel this way..i know that for sure..there's no reason for me to feel this way..i have great parents,great besfrens like zaza,ika n oyen who loves me so much dearly,i have a good relationship with my bf..i have great classmates like sofi,mama n ekin..i have great roomate,great scc family,great everything..i have everything essentials to make me happy..but at then end of the day..i have this sorrow in my heart..sumting hidden..sumting noone knows but those who are really2 close to me..sumone who would stay awake until 3 am just to listen to wuteva distafying me n trying the hardest to make me as happy as i should be..but deep down..no matter how happy i may look..there's this sadness i can't control..sadness i can't repel..n i dun even know why..hahaha..
n anyway..have u ever feel u'r missing sumone so much..sumone who used to backstabbed u..hahaha..stupid isn't it to miss that kind of person?u've hurt so much,so many times in a row,break off from that,from everything that involves with that..n now..u'r missing that very person..missing n loving..hahaha..really stupid..n that's how i feel..i feel so stupid..hahahahahahah... n right now..i have this confuse feeling..what am i feeling?is it love?or just frenship kinda love..muahaha..confuse2..i hate it when i' confuse..coz when i'm feeling confuse,i would start getting dizzy..then..i would just collapse n sleep..i had slept for 13 hours in a row once..due to my confusion..muahahahahah... need to start studying already..it's already week 5..ngaaa..a few more weeks before finals..huuu..scary thoughts..huhu.. so many things to do..n i think n feel that i have so lil time to do it..will God give me a chance to do all of it?i hope i'll be given that chance..i'm praying for it.. sadness fly away from me.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:58 PM
yesterday i was really happy to see 2 people in my class..i mean..i dun see just them..argh..ape aku merapu merepek pagi2 neyh..neway..both of them are my ex classmates..waaa..sgt best bila terunion in the class..ekeke..
class pulak sangat merepek petang semalam..i was like running all the way to class coz takut lambat..skali..tau2 je..the lecturer didn't come AT ALL..i was like..was the heck laaaa..i shouldn't have come..or i should have come to another class n go back early..ampes tol laa..huhu.. electronics class lak..adeyh deyh..i was like halfway mabuk..ahaha..only those in my class would understand why this kejadian mabuk happened..huhuhu..but anyway..i do understand what i need to understand..i guess..ekekek.. balik je bilik tgk bilik ku..waaaahhh..alia..sayang kamu bangat..ok2..i promised next time around,i'll be doing it kay..hehe.. then on mirc..wah wah wah..teruja dgn sc NG..it was fun..especially when u'r talking to sumone who's also using mirc instead of java..ehehe..then tgh menggatai with mas n jelly...suddenly jelly off..kesian adek jelly..abg last da ckp..beli jek modem baru nakmo..huhu... then..for the first time..oyen call using his hp...before this it was always gtalk..ekekek..he won't go online that nite..melepak je la ko yek?ehehe...as for me.. i was supposed to go for a meeting..the annual general meeting..but i guess i was lazy..ahaha..tak pi pun..dok bilik study n tido pun laie best..akakaka.. i slept early yesterday..huhu..oyen anta sms pun tak pasan..but i woke up around 1.30..tatau nape,i switch on again my lappy n then run my mirc again..then after melayan sai n piah n tok for 30 minutes i went to sleep again..but i didn't shut my mirc nor my lappy..prangai pelik syuhada malam tadi..ahaha..n o yeah..i met this guy..tok_jampi kot his nick..can't really recall..he was sooo not nice to his girlfriend..i mean..how can u not call ur gf,no sms-es,NOTHING..n expect to be OKAY WITH THAT??that's ridiculous..totally ridiculous!i hate guys with that kind of attitude okay..i know how it feels when ur bf,sumone u love so dearly,just dissappear..i mean..u have no idea if he's living his life,or dead already okay..but at least my bf say's sorry when he calls me after one week tu..tak kesah la sgt..i would understand why..ni si tok ni..adeyh..leh kate da jemu..nengong..once the got married then how?pergi kursus seminggu,takde bagi brite,then balik2 je kate da jemu..trus cerai kawin lain???nengong..sungguh tak menghargai wanita..huh! sai pulak berceramah about why women should go to sleep early..ekeke..sangat bersemangat..he told me n piah,(ehehe)that if women goes to bed too late,we are prone to get breast cancer..ahaha..sound funny isn't it?but it's true..ehehe..benar pun masih si piah tido lambat..ahahaha.. then this morning..suddenly i checked my mirc again..sumbody online rupenye mlm tadi..but his IE,ym,msn sume takleh bukak except mirc..n he left me with offline msg kat mirc..cewah..skang pandai kasi offline msg kat mirc da budak neyh..ekekek..takpe la sayang..ako paham..nanti da leh on kite scandalous balik..m0wakakakakakak..takde keje..ahah.. ok la..it's 7am..na pi basuh baju..na jemur skit..class kol 8..sempat ke?adeyh.. till then,ja neh~~ p/s:sentiasa mendoakan pc org tu cpt elok..ehehe.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:50 AM
yea..malacca tour da abiesh..huhu..really happy coz the event went smoothly as i wanted it to be.the participant had fun! =)when i saw they laugh all the way during the tour n BBQ,i was really2 happy..together with them..huhu..
neway..this is what had happened that day..first..i woke up at 7.30am..mane taknye..i slept at 6.30am..1 hour sleep..tak agak2..na jalan2 jauh2 but slept for 1 hour je..ahaha..ape lagi..on the bus tido la..wakaka..oyen la neyh!huhu first we went to perigi hang tuah..perigi tu ade ikan!huhu..then we went to the rumah melaka..apek siap wat aksi iklan tak dpt balik kampung time raya..wakakak..i was so gayat..so tak naik tangga ke loteng..ish ish syuhada.bile laa na berubah...takut tinggi..huhu..then we went to perigi hang li po..sangt kotor..no wonder they said those who drinks from the well would die..even if nobody had poisened it,n sumone drink it,he would die too!huhu..they pi kampung portugis..sume yg lalu tu kami anggap ala2 spesimen org porto..hoho..then lepak tepi laut japs..lalala~~rai n fay sempat laie buat drama..director die?apek a.k.a sudin tsan (terima kasih kerana add saya =) )hehe..sungguh kreatif + comey la mereka semua..huhuhu..then off we go to tanjung bidara..sangat best..mamam eskrim..dukung mei sim (ringan sangat)huhu,n tgk kak sha layan perasaan sambil wat video klip..ekekekeke..lepas tu balik to mmu..mula2 agak sedikit kecewa la dgn seseorg..tapi bile fikir balik..takpelah..tak elok marah die..he's gonna feel even worse if sumone's angry with him kan..bende na jadi..bukan leh elak...huhu..then balik mmu... around 5.16 we arrived at mmu's roundabout..i went straight back to my room..sangat letih..1 hour of sleep plus naps in the bus surely not enuf for me...huhuhu..sampai je kat bilik,i climb my bed,n sleep like i never sleep..wakakaka..alia woke me up,tapi tak sedar laks..sorry mate..tak sengaja..ehehe..what woke me up was zie calling me through ym..she was using the audible like hell..ahaha..but anyway..thanks dear..otherwise i wouldn't have woken up on time..i was supposed to wake up at 5.45 but i woke up at 7!huhu..so lepas mandi2 laju2..(n kaco oyen jap =D)pi la bawah blakang OR tu..ehehe.. lepas tu start la BBQ..ehehe..sangat seronok + teruja bile kene bakar kentang..partner in crime = nasrul ikhwan..ehehe..nasib baik die ade..kalo tak.jenuh gak na kipas laju2..ahahaha..sume org pun main2 mase tu..then bual2 ngan org sabah tu (teruja teruja)hohohohoho..dgr apek + aiman + pit wat lawak bukan2..so because of that,we had a real fun time..sangat sayang kamu semua kerana wat saya happy..=)tapi a few didn't come..cam kak farhana.tatau nape eks..huhu.. around 12 kot sume setel..huhu..best gela..so balik bilik..n sambung kaco oyen..we needed to talk anyway that nite..sangat penting..so everything is cleared right now..hopefully what happened between them won't happen between me n oyen..can't think of living my life without him..see..syuhada loving her besfren too much again..ish ish.. i'm currently using jelly's script for mirc..hmm..sumone said i'm like a replacement of sumone..it actually made me feel so sad..am i just able to substitute sumone?is that all i can do??maybe,i am noone to anyone..just a substitute..hmm..i dun have much of a feeling to use that script anymore..though i love it so much..the slaps..the flowers..the "hehe","wakaka" n all..i love it all..always had love it even before i got it..but it's just to cruel to me i guess to be JUST a substitute..i know oyen dun think i am just a subs..but the others..i can't help to think that the think of me as subs..haih..sangat tak bersemangat sejak dikatakan subs begitu..sangat2 sedih..thanks oyen for comforting me masa tu.. wah..rupenye sangat lama dah tak membebel kat sini..ahahaha..sangat pemalas hendak menaip sekarang ini..takpela..nanti2 akan rajin semula..ehehe..neway..i got a name for the bear2 faris gave me..YENYEN..hehe..i know,for ika n zaza,it would definitely sounds like our classmate's name..ahaha..but yenyen is not the same yenyen of PE15 alrite..nama tu adelah sempena name oyen..eheheh..n besides..the bear2's color does look a lil bit orengish..ekekkeek..so i think the name does suit..=) so..i think that's what happened this few days..tak ingat dah ape laie jadi..huhu..till next time..adios~~ p/s:tenet sangat bengongss lately..cam na bom CITS je rase..huuu =( posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:07 PM
another year of my life has gone by..huhu..sungguh tak sangka..ku ini sudah tua..hahahaaha...actually i'm quite hating this old feel..ya know..when u'r getting older..sebenarnye bukan umur bertambah..but semakin kurang usia yang dah kite janji dengan Allah..semakin dekat aku ni dengan kematian..dah sediakah aku?tentu2 tak je la jawapan..terlalu banyak dosa aku neyh..hmmm..aiyark..nakmo sedeyh during bday..hohoho...
ok..still remember last time..14th July 2005..the first time i didn't celebrate my bday with my family..sambut belated je la same2..huhu..but i sort of like celebrated it with a new family..with syahmi,amir,badruz,fariza,n afiqah..amir had since then become officially my abg..coz name ayah yang sama..muakakaka..n fariza n afiqah had since become my very best fren..syahmi cam bese..my adik forever n ever..ehehe..n badruz..budak yang sgt suke aku buli..pun forever n ever..ahaha... n now..guess what..i'm all alone in this room..ahahahahaha..yesterday my mak ngah a.k.a lalink called..she used the loud speaker..n i heard yusaizi,hairie,my uncle amrie,n faizal sang for me..the allah selamatkan kamu..as always..the song seems to never going to end..ahahah..allah selamatkan kamu je..ntah bile na sebut allah selamatkan syuhada,i myself dun know..ahahaha..ntah papo jo laaa honey bunny ako kat umah tu sume.. then it was time for oyen!ahhaha..oyen da balik menemaniku yang kesunyian dan kebosanan ini..ahahahaha..talked about a few things with him kol 7 lebey tadi..hahaha..still remember what i said..hopefully it won't change the trust n frenship we have between us..lalalalala~~~ ok2..what had i done through this one whole year..nothing quite actually..ahahaha..ok fine..i become the head of traditional game for college festive..it was fun actually working under fahmi (the head xtvt)..n it was the time when aku panjat main hall nye tempat tu..utk gantung polisterine kat atas tu as penghias stage..SANGAT2 gayat..ahahaha...nasib baik tak sorang2..up there..u feel the tendency to just jump off the place..n die of course..ahahahaha..but college festive had given me so much of fun..=) then i had officially become sumone's gf for the first time..hahaha..cerita yang sangat sengal..so tanak story kat sini..i dunno what's gonna happen now..so..end of story. =D then..wut else..i lost a few frens..not totally lost in a sense they died or sumting..ahaha..just..we're not frens anymore..i miss the one i had consider my besfren since alpha year..hmmm..i do miss u..ur laughter..u "blur2" face n all..i know sumone's is having that joy looking at u..not me..but as long as u'r happy..i know i'll be happy too =)..n also sum whom i lost due to a broken trust..lalala~~not gonna talk bout this one either..ekekekeke..sgt tak seronok..when i'm another 4 eyars older maybe i'll remember n just laugh bout this thing..not now..lalala~~ n i gain more frens than expected..cewah..casper,sai,zie,mantoya n beberapa budak2 sengal..hahahaha..them i knew through immir.net n kgchat..sangat sayang mereka..first time kawan2 aku,aku trase mereka nengong..ahahahaha.. n i gained new family =) my belove scc..sayang scc sangat2..hopefully dah tua ni,i can contribute more laa towards scc..sangat2 berharap...huhuhuhu... i had ran,walk,stand tall,falled n rise again this year..with the help of frens,n family..hopefully it will continue for the rest of my life..=) haaa..na sambung tido..calling2 gtalk with oyen sgt meletihkan..but i still love u so much..ehehehe..haaa budak..copyrighted nengong alrite..this oyen eh..menci tol..every word i said to him,he'll use it in front of others,then it become HIS WORDS pulak..uwaaaa..tak aci tau tak?huh oyen..nasib baik kau antara org kesayangan aku..kalo tak..da kene blasah..ahahahaha..but neway..luv ya alrite =)..satu2 nya manusia yang ade bersama aku mase umur 18 sampai 19...transition period bersama-sama oyen..akakakakakaka..nengong..huhu.. till then..take care n ja neh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:37 AM
sms-ing with oyen right now..ekeke...oyen..bile la kamu na online sayang..haih..wut are u doing so long kat sane?saya rindu kamu okay..yala..maybe i'm the only one missing my besfren kan?u'r not missing me pun agaknye..huhu..okay2..why did i sound so hurt just now?hohoho..xpatut..anyway..i felt guilty towards sumone..it't not entirely my fault..but sumhow..i do feel guilty..especially when he expressed his dissatifaction..sorry oyen..really sorry..it's not my fault that i have meetings when u'r around n not when u'r away..huuuu..never wanted that to happened..but i guess it's destined..hohoho..
o yeah..kira bengong..sgt bengong..melayan kamu satu hari ni membuat saya jadi bengong gaks..ahaha..n i still recall what u said about besfrens..pompuan n lelaki takleh jadi besfren..yeke?i had two male besfrens who sumhow eventually become my bf..the first one didn't work out..coz tak sempat coup da berpisah..wakakakaka..the second one is the one right now..ehehe..but then again kira a.k.a faris sengal..ehehe..i dun think it's impossible at all..oyen n me is totally besfren..nothing more,nothing less..kan oyen kan?kan?i know u would agree with me..kalo tak kene seypark kay..ahahaha..the thing is..u just have to know how to control ur feelings..u can be anyone's besfren,n then coup..even the same sex IF AND ONLY IF u do not control ur feelings..that's how lesbos n gays n bisex(cam kira..akakakaka) happened..see faris?guys n girls can be besfren..just control urself n ur feelings..lalalala..melawan ckp faris best..ahaks..n btw..my cayang tu still alive kay faris..ahaha n anyhow..i can't control my addiction to 'ku juga mencintaimu by saiful MI' n 'berat by KRU'..ahaks..been listening to the song..for ku juga mencintaimu,i listened over n over again for both versions..malay n taiwanese..ahahaha..bengong tol..tak sangka leh addict with those songs..dunno why also..last time i think it was 'black by pearl jam' during sem 1 alpha year..then sem 3 alpha,addicted to dygta songs..ahaks..pengaruh kawan baik terhadap lagu2 yang saya addict sangat kuat eks..luckily those songs are quite good..imagine getting addicted to jamrud's songs like 'telat tiga bulan' n 'kau dan ibumu'..akan sungguh rosak otakku..ahahahaha.. n o yeah..received my surat tawaran for ytm scholarship..ekekeke..received it today n sbmitted it after around 15 minutes..fast ek?thank zaza..if it wasn't for her..i would have taken 1 hour to do so..akakakakaka..but when will i get the money..hmm..i dunno myself...huhu..hoping it will be asap..i need it..a lot of things to be done woo..banyak sgt..belanjawan ku sudah siap..tapi belanja nye takde..ahahahaha.. okeyh lah..enuf for now..i guess it's time to say goodnite..ehehe.. before that..oyennnnnnnnnnnnn...balik cepat!!!!i miss u la dear..=( tiada siapa di kampung melayan saya di ym ini..huhuhu..=P sai bace tak pasal mati aku..ahaks.. alrite then..oyasuminasai... posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:41 PM
Don't tell me what it's all about,
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out, Out of those chains, those chains that bind you, That is why I'm here to remind you, What do you get when you fall in love, You only get lies and pain and sorrow, So for at least until tomorrow, I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again. What do you get when you give your heart, You get it all broken up and battered, That's what you get, a heart that's shattered, I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again. sungguh menusuk jantung lirik ini..hmm..been thinking..maybe the starting was already a mistake..maybe i'm not meant to be ur gurl..just ur besfren like we used to be..maybe i'm not meant to be anyone's gurl..just frens..i hate it when this happen..it hurts so much..my heart feels like it's gonna explode..n i feel like i'm gonna die..i hate this feeling..i hate it..i dun know how long i can bear this..it hurts too much..please give me answers..dun just leave me like this..i'm not sumkind of dolls u can push around anywhere u want..i'm not that..haih..i'm so sick of my life sumtimes..giving up is definitely out of the book..but then again..haih..i dunno..love make us sick..really?does love what's making me sick with everything?between us,is it really love?or was it just a misunderstanding?u r my very first real love..n i was hoping u'r gonna be the last..i still hope it will..if it ends between us..i can't do anything about it anymore..maybe Allah had given us this temporary path so we can be more mature,n ahead of us,there's a brighter light..if it doesn't end here,maybe we can work it out again..be stronger i guess..i'm totally blank right now.it all depends on u..i guess the song suits me..i'll never fall in love again..love really does make me sick n hurt.. tu la syuhada..mak kate kecik2 kalo leh takyah love2 ni sume.love ur mum n dad is already enuf..but u want more..padan muke..amik la ko..ngaaaa..angry with myself..damn! posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:02 PM
padamu yang bernama seri..
dulu,kini dan selamanya, kan ku disisimu, tanpa ada benci, namun jua, tanpa ada kasih. apakah ini? seri ku, tanpa mu disisi, hidupku makin kosong, tiada lagi tawa, tiada jua senyum, apakah ini dikatakan cinta? seri.. maafkan aku, jika selama ini, banyak ku lukai hati sucimu, banyak ku robek perasaan kasihmu, aku dulu tak mengerti makna kasih, aku dulu tak mengerti erti cinta, maafi aku seri.. seri ku sayang, aku tahu pemergiaan mu tak mungkin dapat ku halang, kedegilan mu tak mungkin dapat kubendung, namun ingatlah serim kasih ku padamu jua kini, tak mungkin bertepi! -cewah..tatahan seyh..jewang sungguh ako ketika menulis neyh..hoho- ok2..another one.. aku tak tahu tiada ku tahu, mengapa bisa ku rasa begini, mengapa bisa ku alami semua ini. tiada ku mengerti, apakah makna semua ini, apakadahh semua yang terjadi, sudah ditakdir ilahi, atau kesilapan diri. tidak juga aku, menyesali atau mengesali, semua yang telah terjadi, pada diri ini, kerna dalam hati, ada dikau disisi. -sumber inspirasi:-Dr. Mukherji..hohohoho- posted by MatSyuMiya at 2:28 PM
what should u do when ur fren wants to leave u?hmm..to whom it may concern..if it's possible..dun leave this whole cyber world please?i just can't imagine one day not talking to u.."hahahah"with u..hmm..eks? =) but the again..if u really want too..i can do absolutely nothing..it's totally up to u..i can't force u if u dun want too..it's not fair for u.no matter what,i'm still ur fren,u'r still one of my bestest fren ever n i will always love u kay.. =)
ok2..enuf bout that..actually i still have some feelings right now in my heart..i was really sad when sumone made a decision to leave me..technically..hoho..n when i change my nick to last`sgt`sedih in sai's chatroom,one girl suddenly become so sad..i was still able to laugh but she was like..crying..the reason is because her fren had left her as well...just sum cyber frens..but the love n concern is there..haih..syuhada was thought as i guy again yesterday..girls always think i'm a guy..nape eks?pelik je..huuu..sungguh tidak ayukah aku ini?hoho..but anyhow..i was glad to help her..walaupun not publicly..just p2p..at least i can talk more to her..public kang org ingat ako ni just na tunjuk pandai lak..tui dak?tui kan..anggap je yer..muehehe...n at last she was fine..so glad..=) oh yeah..just recieve an email from tickle..i did sumting weird the other day..using tickle,i had ask bout myself..the question was,am i really smart or really sweet.hoho..n the answer was quite balanced out..hmm..sumone whom i so like fobia thought i'm really sweet..huu..thanks dude =)n ika thought i'm really smart..eh ika..ape da..i'm not sweet meh?*wink*wink*hohoho..ok fine..i know i'm not..ahaha.. alrite..mood getting better..syukur..jap lagi na siap2 for class..hmmm..hopefully what i fear of so much won't come true..kamu..dun leave me if it's possible kay..think about it over again alrite..=)oh yeah..bro redz told me that it's never gonna be possible for u to leave our world..muahahahahaha..sgt kejam la his statement..n he doesn't even know who was i talking about..muahahaha posted by MatSyuMiya at 6:32 AM
hmm..lately syuhada semakin kejam n takde perasaan..why?i dunno..it's just that..i have this feeling that there's no use for me to have any feeling about things around me when no one whom i really love is concern bout how i feel.there'r no use for me actually to feel anything anymore..i can feel the love they have for me sumtimes..but lately..hmm..especially sumone whom i love so damn much..hmm..he's like distancing himself from me..i know that the love is still there..it's just that..we're getting further from one another..hmmm...
oh yeah..sumone start his practical today..his gonna be even more hmm busier after this i guess..less time for me..haih..gotta understand the situation..huuu..but i'm lonely without u dear..huhuhu..sebab tu syuhada semakin tak berperasaan..n ade budak siap ckp syuhada semakin kijam (i did follow ur ejaan..ehehe)..mmg kot..adeyh..but oyen said i'm hmm sangat baik..ehehe..thanks oyen..seriously speaking..i'm spending more n more time with oyen nowadays..lame2 jadi adik angkat ako la ko ye oyen cayang.ehehe..sangat suka panggil oyen sayang or cayang..dunno why also.ahahaha.. takpelah..as long as i have sumone whom i can really express my anger,sadness,happiness together no matter at what time of the day,i'm contented with my life =)i mean..not many people can endure syuhada's kacauan..muahaha..sebab tu saya sayang kamu! =) ok2..that's during ym time actually..other than that..mostly i still have my zaza n ika..they're like my sisters already..nanti kalo free kite jalan same2 eks.n skodeng that sabah guy together gether..muehehehe..sungguh jahat..hey..though i dun have much feeling right now bout things around me..i stil skodeng peeps kay..ahahaha..skodeng doesn't need any feeling..n anyway..dun think bad when the word skodeng arouse..just hmm menengok je..when that sabah guy is totally in front of us..kalo tak..no skodeng..ehehe.. ok2..enuf merepek..hmm..gotta prepare for meeting at 9..where in malacca is nice to be at eks..dunno la..too many nice places in malacca..n yet..me so blank..biasek la..budak melaka murtad..jalan pi MP pun leh sesat..m0wakakakaka..but the beaches are damn nice..tanjung bidara is cool..but i prefer pengkalan balak..the chalet's mak cik is a really nice woman..quite miss her actually..i dunno when i'm gonna be able to meet her again..soon enuf i hope!chalet pun mesti da berubah wajah..a few years gone by..so many things has change..as much as the chalet had change..me myself had changed even more..hmm..thinking too much again..sigh.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:25 PM
kerepekan part II...lalalalala~~
1) Your nickname ~banyak je..last,syu..huhu.. 2) Place u've been today ~OR scc mamam rambutan..mueheheh.. 3) Your favourite colour ~blue,black,white,oyen =) 4) Song that u're listening now ~michael learns to rock - someday 5) What are you doing now ~chatting n doing this kerepekan blog thing...haha.. 6) Thing that u like most on monday ~my class is at 5 pm!!!ahahaha... 7) Thing that u hate most on friday ~nothing.. =) 8) Thing that u suppose to do now ~tutorial.hohoho.. 9) What you can see on your left ~the fan 10) Last thing you bought ~my ring.. 11) Last word you said ~lalalala~~ 12) When was the last you went out and had fun with your friends? ~just now.ahaks 13) What did you do? ~makan2 n tgk owang men game ps2.. 14) Are you perfectionist? ~nope.. 15) Your hobby? ~reading,drawing,writing poems.. 16) Thing that you really want to have? ~harry potter series.. 17) Your weakness? ~cepat marah..ahahaha.. 18) Are you vain? ~nope.. 19) What you really can't stand? ~hyprocrites,gays,lesbians.hahaha.. 20) Precious thing u have ~my ring. =) 21) Place that you really want to go ~umah oyen..hahahahah..lol 22) Handsome or humourous? ~humourous 23) Intelligent or smart? ~intelligent 24) Do you prefer manual or auto car? ~auto 25) Thing that guys do that you hate? ~smoke!menci smoke..haha.. 26) Regret on something? ~a lot of things when i think about it over again.. regreting sumting is normal..but u have to move on no matter what.. 27) Have you lost someone? ~yup..my sis..missing her right now.. 28) What you'll be doing next weekend ~scc stuffs..muehehehe.. 29) Postpaid or prepaid? ~prepaid leh bajet woo..hahaha.. 30) Your prepaid balance ~rm 7.90..meh2 tolong top up barang seratus..hohoho.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 11:53 PM
have u ever felt this feeling,where u feel like nobody wants u anymore..the man u love seems to distancing himself from u..ur bro n sis look like they just want u out of the house..ur frens seems so far away from u..it's like walking back n forth n yet..nobody cares about u..noone loves u..noone really wants u un their live anymore..i have no idea why..but lately..i've been feeling this way..having frens like u have none..having siblings like having strangers around u..having bf who just..hahahh..like i have none..no words that shows how much they love me..nothing at all..i'm happy with them though..contented with all i have right now..just that..i can help feeling lonely the whole time..can't help feeling unwanted by anyone..thank God i still have my mum..i wouldn't know what i would do without her..ok fine..i admit..i'm not the greatest child she could have in this world..i'm bad..sangat jahat..hanya Allah SWT je tahu betapa jahatnya syuhada..but sumhow..whenever i feel like noone is loving me,noone cares bout me,the world seems to be sooo against me,i always knew,she's always on my side..always there for me..right now..i know she's needing me..to help her..to discipline my sis..she's not well..what can i do?i can do absolutely nothing at all..she never said that she wants me to be with her always..it's just that..the feeling of her needing me with her is so strong..tiba2 syuhada sangat sensitif..ahaha..sangat tak seronok dihostel whenever i have this feeling..but then again..when i'm at home..tak sabar na balik hostel..because why?my sisters la..treating me like i'm some sort of stranger who is there to steal away mum's love..i admit la..i'm very close to my mum..sangat suke bermanja with mak..but i'm not gonna have my mum alone..aiyark..our mum is not just for me alone..adeyh tol..but what amazes me is..they consider their fren as their siblings..i mean..they's closer to their fren who call my mum 'mak' then me..own flesh n blood..hohoho..sungguh sedih diri ini bila selalu fikir2 kan pasal ni..lalalala~~i dunno if i will survive this whole thing..i dunno how long i can take it anymore..syuhada tak kuat sangat pun..ahahaha..
i still remember oyen telling me..i can't runaway everytime i have this feel i have right now..i have to face it..face it no matter how hard it is for me..i dunno oyen..i dunno if i can face it alone..i'm just hoping sumhow i will..lalalala~~wuteva.. aiyark..penat la..baru balik dari umah..ahaks..na basuh baju..na angkat baju dari jemuran..na jemur baju lain..na..na..na tido..lalalalal~~ o yeah..sangat kecewa la when porto lost to german..uwaaa!!~~menci cristiano!!menci menci menci!!hahahah..i dunno bout tonite..if france win..i would be happy as it's the last game for zidane..but if they lose,i would still be happy coz totti win..ahahaha..sape eks patut disokong..hmm..fikir2..lalala.. till then..ja neyh..~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 3:53 PM
sila jawab dalam BAHASA MELAYU sahaja!
terima kasih! 1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah : seorang yang tak wujud.ahaks 2. Saya sedang mendengar : maksud hidup oleh terganggu.. 3. Mungkin saya patut : bersiap cepat2 kerana tak boleh na balik umah dengan hanya memakai t-shirt dan towel di pinggan..muahahah.. 4. Saya suka : merepek2 di blog ini.. 5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya : tgh tido agaknya.hahaha 6. Saya tak paham : kenapa saya mesti melayan lagu yang sungguh bukan2 ini sambil membuat kerja kerepekan seperti ini.hmmm =? 7. Saya kehilangan : kepercayaan kepada ramai orang dan kesempatan masa utk berbual dgn abg yang na balik belajar semula..uwaa =( 8. Ramai yang berkata : saya jahat sangat..mmg pun..muakakakaka 9. Makna nama saya di muka depan friendster saya bererti : lagu favourite saya satu ketika dahulu..hoho 10. Cinta itu : hampir tiada dalam hidup saya ini.. 11. Disuatu tempat,seseorang sedang : tido di atas katil yang sungguh empuk kononnya..hoho 12. Saya akan cuba : untuk panggil seseorang yang sangat popular utk program saya..wah2..semangatnya.. 13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud : kehidupan abadi selepas meninggalkan dunia fana ini. 14. Saya tidak akan/pernah mahu : ditipu lagi 15. Telefon bimbit saya : sentiasa ada disisi kecuali ketika di kelas.skema kah saya?hahaha 16. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur di waktu pagi, saya akan terfikir untuk mengejutkan seseorang ;) 17. Saya paling meluat bila : bila orang hanya mencari saya apabila dia ingin meminta tolong.sungguh tidak elok perangai seperti itu! =) 18. Pesta/Parti adalah : tempat yang tak pernah saya jejak..hoho 19. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah : homosapiens yang bernama oyen =P 20. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah : bayi.tak tahu apa2..tak ada masalah dan tak ada tanggungjawab.yang paling penting,tak akan tahu walaupun diri ditipu maka tiada luka akan terguris dihati.wah2..skema.. 21. Hari ini : saya akan pulang ke rumah ibu! 22. Malam ini saya akan : menyalin nota yang patut dan cuba fikir lagi idea masterplan. 23.Esok pula saya akan : tido 24. Saya betul2 inginkan : keampunan Allah terhadap dosa2 saya,keluarga dan rakan serta kejayaan serta kebahagiaan kami semua di dunia dan akhirat..Amin.. 25. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini, apakah perkara pertama yang terlintas di fikiran anda ? saya semakin tembam kah?huhu.. 26. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan : apa tu? 27. Makanan Barat atau Jepun : barat.sushi sangat tak sedap..haha 28. Bilik yang terang atau gelap : terang.saya boleh tidur dalam terang tapi tak akan dpt belajar dalam gelap.eheh 29. Makanan segera adalah : makanan paling best dalam hidup ni.tapi tak boleh selalu dimakan kerana akan dimarahi oleh ramai orang..hoho 30. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang : tak balik lagi?takpe lah.. ahaks..habis sudah sesi kerepakan pada episod ini..mueheheheh..takde keje tol ako neyh..neway..poem of the day..before going to back to my mum..huhu..windu my mum so much.. =( u were there for me, u were never there for me, u are here with me, u are not here with me, question running in my mind, will u be where u need to be, just for me? lalalal~~sape2 trase pike2 la eks..jangan buat saya seperti patung yang hanya mampu menunggu dan menunggu..jika tiada ertinya lagi saya dalam hidup awak..lepaskan..erk salah..halau saja saya..mengacau hidup awak je kan?tol tak?tol kan?tak tol pun anggap je betul kay... posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:10 PM
fuuh...sangat lega dapat lepaskan marah...ahahaha..syuhada sangat garang kan?mueheheh..takde la..just that..i hate it when people accuse me doing sumting i dun..i really2 hate it..if really what they said it right,i'll admit..walaupun salah..i will definitely just admit it..tak kesah la..learn from ur mistake..just dun accuse me doing sumting i dun..it sucks.. ok la..na tido jap lah..tido boleh melegakan kemarahan..muahahahaha..-chow- posted by MatSyuMiya at 1:15 PM
ever had a day which makes u feel like giving up ur life?i had..n it's today..today is the day where my limitations of kesabaran hampir2 terlebih..seriously speaking..it's just so hard for me today..
first i was well..i was 3 minutes late for computer n program design class..i saw zaza n ika right down at the lecture hall..but when i was heading for them,sumone else dah ade kat depan rupenye..n it was like packed already..i saw another place,right at the end of the row..very x 1000 far away from them though..i had no choice..i went there n sat..suddenly i heard familiar voices saying,"oit..masuk dalam skit..aku na duduk ni..cepat"..it was them..so sweet la u two..came all the way just to keep me company..haih..sungguh terharu..=) then it all went cam bese je..the soccer guy not really cute la bile tgk 2 kali..ahaks..so we had to cancel our plan to join soccer club..usrah sude..hehehe..n ice breaking for usrah pun i'm not going..upg pun skali..sori kat clubs in mmu..da cair da ako ni bak kate zaza..takyah na break2 laie..ahaks.. time paling best adalah tutorial for computer n program design..wee~~ =)well..today it was all about float n character n few others like string n all..i love programming i guess..agak stress jap la bile tatau na wat for the quiz..but credits to ng tian yih who helped me through the tutorial..thanks man..hmm..bout ur program..who the most handsome man in the world n the answer is u..hmmm..kene fikir smule..ahaks tian yih..hopefully if u'r reading this u won't be angry eks =) then around 7.45 baru habis tutorial..hohoho...45 minutes late tu..sebab na tunggu our tutor check our programme if we want that 2 marks for quiz..mestilah nak..sape tanak..ahaks..so dalam 5 minutes lepas tu sampai bilik.. around 8 kene pi or lak..i thought for what la..rupenye tazkirah..thanks ustaz..banyak pengajaran leh diambil..hopefully cam ustaz ckp..every week leh wat baca yasin cam tadi..moga2 Allah SWT memberkati perjalan SCC sepanjang zaman..Amin.. around 9 sumting lepas solat isya' n hajat,ade meeting lantik new committe pulak..hmm..skali me kene jadi head sd da...ahaks..tatahan tol ako..capiq!!klas tambahan programming kay..ajar kami wat website..html pun jadilah..ahahaha..kak mira jadi bendahari lak..wah wah..sgt ber'otak' duit..magus2..moga2 scc kaya kay..eheks.. then skang ni baru dpt update blog..pada org yg sudi bagi sokongan to me for all my works..thank u so much..i really need ur support n everything i'm doing or will be doing..thanks banyak2 sgt2.. ngaaa..sangat mengantuk..study a lil bit for tomorrow then off i'll go to bed..guess that's it..c ya later..oyasuminasai..n oh yeah..poem of the day..written by me kay..mmg tak best la pun..ahaks... trust broken, friendship demolished, love gone... where do i go, what should i say, do i forgive, can i forget? hatred,rage,grudge, come to me once, away from me forever, so i can learn, and i can love, just once more again. -cewah 12:40- posted by MatSyuMiya at 8:10 PM
well..sumone must be angry when he got to know i'm updating my blog at this time..oyen..saya kene gak update skang..kamu jgn marah ye..while the internet is still ok..syukur sgt ni..internet lately cam ntah papo jo..tak speciol langsung..hohoho..apo2 jolah..haha..
okay2..enuf crapping around...okay..well..the other day was one of the hardest day ever for me..too much things happened that day that i become more adult in just one nite.. to sumone whom it may concern..u should thank kak nita..if it wasn't because of her,i wouldn't have forgiven u..right now i have forgive..but sorry to say..i dun forget.in other cases,i might just forget about it,be ur fren,move on,n be happy..this time around..it may just take a really long time..i'll try to forget bout it kay..just not now..i'm sorry.. to sumone of whom it may concern's fren,i mean close fren who seems to be the only one who cares about that person,i have lost my respect on u.sorry to say that,but that's how i feel.it's gonna take sum time for me to really respect u again.but i need that time..sorry..but i'll try.. to one of my junior..i thought u were different..i thought u'r kind n good n all..but then again.u'r sucks..just like the others who wears bikini at ixora..but then again..after re-thinking..they're so so much better..at least they dun stab me right on the back after i tried becoming close to them kay..they know how to appreciate others n dun talk behind my back n sebarkan wuteva propaganda yang stupid kay.i will forgive u..but only if u come forward n admit that u did what u did coz i know what u did kay..hah amik ko..da cam i know what u did last raya je..ahaks... to others who got involved that nite..i just wanna say..we will be strong kay..no..we are strong..no matter what,we will survive this whole chaos n be even better..hopefully together we will make our family succeed in the eyes of the world..ok2..maybe mmu..world kinda too big huh..hahah..n please..beware of others who just wanna destroy our family..we love us dun we?so be careful kay..it's gonna be tough for sure i know..but we're stronger..kecuali that person is malik noor la..hahahaha... ok..crapping again..lalala~~ahaks.. time to sleep...before that..pengajaran i got from these few days.. 1.never trust sumone u just met.. 2.never help sumone that in order to help him/her u have to hurt urself n those around u. 3.never lose to sumone who just love to make ur life miserable. 4.always know that Allah is always on the right ones' side. 5.turn to Him when u need guidance. hmm..tu je la kot..ade laie sebenarnye pengajaran..but hell..i'll state it later..ahaks.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 4:01 AM
hmm..well..i wrote this during tutorial..i was having headache..then the tutorial was quite free..so i got this idea n wrote it..hmm..pening pale..so it's not really beautiful..but as long as one can understand it..then it's fine..like sakura said..daijoubu neyh =)
i've put so much trust in you, you lied to me, and i tried to forgive you. i've tried helping you, sacrificing myself on the way, i would've gained hatred from others, just because of you. and now, i've lost your trust, i've lost our friendship. but then again, i've gained a family, and another trustworthy friend, someone who will trust me, someone whom i can trust forever. i don't wanna care about you anymore, i don't wanna know your secrets anymore, i don't wanna believe in your words anymore. one thing for sure, do believe in me that, this ain't hatred, just a painful scar that won't heal. huh..papo je ako nulih.. but anyway..though i've lost another person that i trust..i still have people who will never talk bout me behind my back..especially when i'm right in front of them!ya know..people have ym with small font where u can talk about others in front of them without them knowing bout it kay..hahah.. but anyway.. to my family, thanks for always trusting me..never will i betray ur trust as u will never do it to me.sorry for not telling you how i've been hurt the whole time when sum people just betray me n stab me right in front of me.i just can't bear to look at ur face,with the expression of feeling hurt as i did..i can't..i'm sorry..i love u so much mom n dad.. to zaza n ika..thanks gurls for always being my girlfren..think positive peeps..just frens..no les thing between us..i'm sick of getting those "oh my god..cam abnormal je" kinda look from others alrite.. to shasha n syaz..thanks for being my fren though we rarely talk to each other now..jauh dimata dekat dihati eks..luv u both now n always.. to abg n oyen..hehehe..thank you so much for always listening to my stresses..hahaha..i dunno how long u guys can cope with me..but i just wanna say that i really appreciate your companionship..especially oyen coz slalu teman saya when i'm so so sad until 6 sumting a.m..ahaks..bersama kita tak tido =) ahaks.. to kak nina,kak nora,kak pija,kak sha,alia,kak mira, thanks for ur love..lia n kak mira..thanks for chocolate eks..sayang kamu berdua..=)n to the rest,bersabar lah menghadapi nya eks..jangan biar luka yang sedikit membuat hati kita parah..hehehe..papo ajo ako membebel neyh..ahaks.. to sumone, thanks sebab dah mengajar saya bahawa tak ramai orang yang boleh saya percaya dalam dunia ni..banyak kali ditipu dalam satu hari menyebabkan saya menjadi lebeyh dewasa..thanks awak.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 9:56 AM
fraser hill part II
ngaa..ape ke sengal haku neyh leh ter publish blog yang lom abeh update..hahaha... ok2..sambung2...hm..ape laie xtiviti ek..ade aktiviti baling telur..ngaaa..telur group kami dibaling 2 kali..uwaaaaaaa!!!~~tak aci..hahaha...bt anyway..mengikut keretakan yang tak banyak pada telur tu menunjukkan telur tu takde la teruk sangat kecederaan die kalo dibaling sekali..ekekeke..defend diri sendri..ahaks..neway..idea protect telur tu idea abg adam,t-y n adi..mereka sangat kreatif la..in fact..bekas tu..sangat cantik la kalo ditgk balik..cam sarang burung cip cip cip..muaakakakak.. ok then...ade sukaneka..sangat suka yang ni laa..hahaha..first ade main pijak2 belon.sume coup dua org..as for me...3 people..melampau seyh~~na lari bukan main susah when both my leg kene ikat dgn tali with another peeps' legs..huhu..but i dun think we were the first yang kalah..leh tahan gak ako neyh ek?...muakakakakaka..prasan! then ade bola baring..bola jaling bunyi sangat tak best la vida..haha..it's actually bola jaring + bola baling..waaah..feremfoan main dgn sangat ganas!i felt like playing rugby with a bunch of quaterbacks..good ones..huhu..when i got the ball,suddenly around me..pergh..kene pijak habis kaki..n kene serang from segenap arah..hoho..seriously..malik noor pun won't be able to fight the girls..girls rock!~~yeah~~ahaks..but sadly nik saufi kecederaan..huhu..kesian die..n oh yeah..i still remember that he's one of the hostel resident yang paling kelakar when i called him for confirmation about him staying in hostel..haha..i heard that his leg punya ligamen koyak..hmm..takut lah..it's gonna be long for sure before his leg can recover..kesian lah..hmm.. ok2..jangan sensitif sangat syuhada!huhu then we had baling2 belon..hhuhu..that one was fun..mula2 i thought it's gonna a really short game for me..coz cam takut2 je..ahaha..siap training tu with t-y for our turn..ahahaha..sungguh semangat kami ini..muehehehe..n walaupun belon tu pecah when t-y yang baling..me tak basah kuyup!!weeee~~kalo tak..mesti demam..da la sejuk sangat2 time tu..ahaks..but anyway..good job t-y!our training does worth it..ehehe.. then at nite..we had this sort of like discussion..given a situation,we were suppose to think secara kritis..ahaks..it was really fun when it comes to group 4(group abg syed yang rock on~~-sila sebut secara sopan yek-ehehe)coz abg syed was really semangat in defending his group..he was fighting words(not swords)with abg fizan..ahaks..kamu berdua sangat comey ketika tu..hehehe...when yg berhormat becomes yg dipertua n all..haih.u see..that's what happened when debator meet debator..ahaks..but we really had our fun seeing them debating with all the facts..huhu..sangat seronok melihat gaduh2 tu..syuuhada mmg jahat..ahahaha next was the game which i love n hate at the same time..sebab tu id ym ilovewhatihate..ahaks..what i love bout this game is,it reduces our sort of like sifat pemalu between frens..macam2 gaya ade..eh lupe..it's pandora box..sort of like poison box..haaa..sambung balik..haha..my favourite denda was abg ordosh's one..hehhe..kene jerit 3 times "i love scc..yeeehhaaaa"kat tingkat 3 of the hotel..ahaks..abg ordosh!!kamu sangat comey la mase tu..especially the yeehaa part..ahahah..really luv that part..hehe..then..it was my turn plak..aiseh..ade ke kene wat aksi burung sekeliling dewan tu..ngan bunyi skali..siap lepas tu kene lak ejek2 cip cip cip..huuu..tul la tu bunyi burung kenek2..huhu..n anyway..from today onwards..in my world..DUCKS ARE SOOO NOT BIRDS OKAY...hahaha..but it was fun anyway..n o yeah..i heard sumone said i look like baby mase kene denda tu..not so sure who..but then..hehe..cute like baby eks..aiseh..*blushing*blushing*maceh la..susah2 je puji..ekekekek.. then during our special session..hmm..it will remain secret..but the things i learned,the love i gain during that session will never be forgotten n i am so much in pride to say that i love each n everyone who was there for that session..including sumone who can't attend due to her exam..starting to love all of u peeps so much..abg fizan,abg syed,abg t-rex,n abg wak lan..thank u so much for everything..for abg ordosh,abg adam,alia(my luvly rumet..hehe..bz nye awak ngadap pc time saya menaip ni ek..heheh)kak nina,kak nora,kak sha,kak pijah,abg amad,syafiq,acad..i love u guys so much.. then mase kol 3 pagi tu baru dpt tido..but tak tido sangat pun..kaco oyen...ahahah..sms him to mengadu pasal kepenatan yang amat..huhu..anyway oyen..though ur reply is slow due to certain circumstances(cewah..kau la ni ajar ako ayat2 skem..ceyt!hahaha)i really appreciate ur companion..sayang bangat sama kamu oyen..muehehehe.. at 6.20 i woke up..buat sandwich sardine..hohoho..all of us gelak2 je mase wat roti tu..kak nina..sungguh semangat kamu melenyekkan ikan tu ya..hehehe..i sumone terkejut when i used the can opener zaman gajah punya dgn senang..ahaks..leh bukak klas neyh..muakakaka...it was really fun doing that together..lepas ni kite kacau dodol same plaks kalo ade rezeki yek..hehe.. n then hiking time!hahah..to be honest..my condition was not really fit enuf for hiking..my leg was in pain..in serious pain..coz my shoes dah tak bape elok lak plak..so sakit kaki semakin menjadi2..hohoho..but i survive..hahaha..during hiking tu lah banyak ckp betul...mei sim was so comey during that time..huhuhu...sume umah die punya..salah2..sume umah yang cantik2 die punyan sume pun da kene sewa..ceh mei sim..hahaha...n we were supposed to do out cheer during that time..our cheer sangat pelik..ahah..cip cip eagle..hmm..wonder what kind of eagle sounds cip cip cip..waaaa..sangat memerli ako namenye tu!kejamnye kamu sume..hahahaha..but takpelah..comey gak la our cheer..ecece..hehe.. then it was time to go home..after post mortem yang bisa membuatku hampir saja mengalirkan air mata ni..kami pun balik...meninggalkan keadaan hotel yang indah..dan membawa pulang seribu satu kenangan manis yang tak mungkin dapat aku cari dimana sekalipun..n bas yang kene reverse utk dalam a few hundreds meters utk turun pun turut jadi kenangan indah=).. last but not least.. special thanks to: abg t-rex,abg fizan,abg syed,n abg wak lan..thank u so much for everything.the whole camp had teach me to be a better person.to be able to say i am sorry n really mean it when i need to say it.saying thanks when sumone do sumting good to me.n saying i love u when i love n care for sumone..n abg2 sume..i love u guys so much..abg syed n abg t-rex yang akan jarang dpt jumpe..i'm gonna miss u guys..already missing actually..rock on kay..=) all scc..abg adam,syafiq,abg amad,abg ordosh,acad,kak nina,kak pija,kak sha,kak nora,alia..thanks for being my family here in hostel.luv u allz~~bersama kite berjaya in both our academic n scc kay..=) n sha,nik,adi,ty,apeks,fishy,rai,ina n lain2 level leader yang tak disebut name kat sini.thanks yek adik2..for cheering me up slalu..hehehe..thanks sangat2..sayang kamu semua..=) n thanks to kak nita,kak nora n sume2 lah yang terlibat with scc n this binding group.without u guys,me in scc is nothing.thank u so much=) k la..finally finished my entry for fraser hill special edition..ahaks..c ya later.. ja neh~~ posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:44 PM
first day.1 july 2006. bertolak ke fraser hill at 12 am..around that time la..lupe la spesifik..papo jo lah..muehehe..at first everyone was like excited..cewah..bese la...na pi tempat syiok..hehe..but deep down in our mind..run this one thought.."abg fasci muke cam garang je..huuu.."n for me.."wak lan..muke garangnye..takut la plak..."huhu..well..that was just first thought..ala..tak kenal maka tak cinta meh ;)later i realise..how wrong i was =) well..lepas je stop kat seremban (if i'm not mistaken..)n bas jalan smule..most of us had already fallen asleep..alia slept with a very cute face..hehehe..i myself couldn't sleep..i got this..sum sort of like fobia to sleep in a bus..muhaha..n anyway..apek sangat bising la lagipun..he was very cheerful n cheer us all up..rai complaint apek kaco die tido..ahaks..kesian rai's toys..haha..arsyad siap tido2 atas lantai lagi..muahaha..apo2 jo lah acad..hehe..well...the worst part of the journey n yet the most memorable one is time naik fraser hill..dah la jalan kecik..banyak corner cam ala2 initial d n tokyo drift wuteva..huhu..n then..at one point..the bus driver potong lori besar!N HE WAS JUST USING ONE HAND..perghhhhh....kalah ako punye hero initial d..cewah..ngaku tu..ahaks..then at another point pulak..hampir2 terlanggar signboard becoz he was busy with his sms..mak...adeyh deyh..huhu...but syukur alhamdulillah..we got up there kat seri peninjau dgn selamat..syukur sangat2..ako tak grad laie woo..huhu... we arrived there at 6 am..then sume dpt bilik masing..lepas subuh tido..hoho..sangat letih..even those who slept on the bus was tired..pinggang cam na tercabut skru ah..ahaha..n it was not really cold though..i thought..pagi2 subuh camni..tomorrow morning it's gonna be warmer..ceh.penat2 bawak sweater...huhuhu... lepas bangun tido at 7.30...we took our bath with ice cold water..the water heater doesn't help at all..my fingers were all blue the moment the water reach me..hoho..sangat2 sejuk..but it was refreshing though..hilang mengantuk..even though i only slept for around +- 1 hour..tak kesah lah.. 8 am everyone gather at our meeting point..that's the moment i saw how kind the fasci-s are..sangat comey lak tu..hehe..abg t-rex..abg syed..abg fizan..wak lan..u guys rock!!~~n a few people was late during the first meet up..hoho..kene hukum with star jump..sume pun kene buat gak..adeyh adeyh.. lepas sarapan n main2 with kucing yang sangat gemox (hey..he need all those lemax to stand the cold up there kay..)we resumed with our activity..anyway..lepas bangun tido baru sejuk sangat2..it was kinda weird..subuh tak sejuk..after 7..pergh...macam dok dalam peti ais..but abg fizan was really cool lah..tak pakai sweater..just shirt biasa je..huuu..tabik2..ehehe..orang dab biase katekan~~*wink*wink* anyway..banyak la pulak activity that day..mane satu ek na citer..i can't remember the sequence of the activity..huhu..takpe..i'll just tell skit2 for everything..ice breaking takyah citer ah..just kenal2 but in a very fun way..kene buli laa setengah2 owang tu..ekeke ok..the one i remember the most is menara pisa..ahaks..we were supposed to build up a tower..as high as we can..using anything we can find around the hotel..n group syafiq amik sume tong2 sampah..ceytttt..tak sempat na amik..pok kang..hahahhaa..anyway..our idea was putting our baldi + ntah ape jaring ntah on top of the water tank..ya know..the red one..hohoho...so basically..ours should be the highest..tol tak abg t-rex?*wink*wink*ehehe..tapi ade lah kesalahan die n all..tak kukuh the top tu..hoho..n the funniest was abg ahmad's team..buat sampai 2 menara..then kene marah..muwakakakaka..padan muka!ahaks~~~all in all..banyak pengajaran yang all of us dapat kat sini..sangat seronok.. then ape lagi eks..alaaa..cane neyh..lupe la plak..hohoho.. posted by MatSyuMiya at 7:56 PM